
My Otherworld Life As A Vampire

A boy who died and got reincarnated as a female vampire, a True Vampire.After gaining his wish of immortality, read how his life as a female progress, meet new characters and fight powerful opponents. My Otherworld life as a Vampire is a novel filled with comedy filled laughter,emotional and feminine love. It's the best story for those who like genderbender and fantasy series

KevinWalters · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
207 Chs

Chapter 185

Roselina started to gather and compress a large amount of energy that started to build up into a large bright crimson star. The ground rumbled, the air around Roselina turned red and the rubbles rose off the ground.

"This attack is the mistress' most powerful attack, Vermilion Nova, everyone take cover!" Kelly shouted as she put up a barrier to protect everyone.

Roselina fired a crimson beam at Efreet and his lion. The attack swallows them and a few buildings. Everything started to shake, collapse and disintegrated into nothing. The attack was so distant there as it reached a distance before spreading out with the force of 3 atomic bombs. The bright light vanished and Kelly and the others opened their eyes.

"No way!"

"That's impossible!"

They were in awe of what they saw. A large trench around 200 metres wide was burned between the building and everything on each side is burning with crimson flames.

"Thank goodness this is a replica city, if this was the real one, Millions of humans would have been killed by that attack,"

Diane said as she was shaking with terror.

The steam cleared away and Efreet was standing there, unscathed by her devastating attack.

"He's unharmed!" Diane shouted.

"Such a devastating attack didn't even scratch him," Lufilia said.

Efreet cricked his neck. "That attack is weak," she said.

Suddenly Roselina's right eye and wing became glowing silver. She stretched them far and wide when suddenly both wings started to absorb all the mana in the air. Her powers have increased to tremendous value until she rivals Efreet power, however, her eyes started bleeding but she showed no emotion. He smiled widely and exerted his true power. His body changed until he became a humanoid lion. The heat he was emanating melted even the ground he was standing on.

"Let's begin!"

He roared very loudly and charged at Roselina who kicked him in the face and stomped on the ground, but that was merely a clone and the real Efreet attacked her from behind.

She used psychokinesis to hold him in place but it was useless as he broke the spell easily. Efreet swung his claw at Roselina who dodged but the mountains in the distance were cut in three. Roselina hovered in the air and freely turned to her. She created a blood bird that flew at him, scooped him up and exploded in the distance.


Wfreet fires a beam from his mouth that zooms towards Roselina. She clad her scythe in energy and slash at it, splitting the attack in two. She pointed her finger at him and suddenly, crimson lightning rained from the sky to strike Efreet multiple times.

Efreet roared at the top of his lungs, the shortwave created by such a powerful roar was strong enough to cancel out Roselina lightning. The two started to battle fiercely with each other, throwing powerful attacks at each other.

"This is what I like, this is fun!" Efreet shouted.

Two hours later the two stand across from each other, the city was turned into a lava pit and the sky is raining blood. They raise their hands at each other but nothing happened.

"It seems they're both drained," Kelly said.

Both Efreet and Roselina was drained of magical energy, They can't fire offensive magic and they can't regenerate if they get hit.

"That's a good thing, the fight is over."

Diane was happy.

"Not necessarily, the real issue begins now."

Kelly was worried as she didn't know if Roselina lost her emotions again.

"We both are drained, so I saw it's a tie, It was an excellent match," Efreet said as he walked up to Roselina.

"I'll tell you all I know," Efreet said.

Roselina turned and walked up to Kelly and everyone else.

"Mistress, us that you?" Kelly asked as she was sweating.

She looked into Roselina emotionless eyes. Since Roselina is now a bit taller than Kelly so she had to look down on Kelly with contempt.

"Have you lost your emotions?" Kelly asked again but there was no response.

"Just as I thought, She lost her emotions again," Kelly clenched her fist suddenly Roselina stomach grumbled.

"Hungry," Roselina said and everyone became surprised.

Roselina held Kelly's shoulders and bit down on her neck and absorbed blood. Kelly closed her left eye and gritted her teeth as she allowed her mistress to take her blood. After taking a far amount of blood Roselina licked her finger and her long red nails.

"Mistress, is that really you?" Kelly asked.

Roselina opened her glowing eyes and looked at her.

"Maybe…" Roselina responded.

"Oh thank goodness."

Kelly was relieved to see Roselina is still the same. She held Kelly's face with her index finger and Roselina looked her in eye.

"Did you think I would lose my emotions again?"Roselina asked.

Lufilia kept staring at Roselina's body as it was sexier than Kelly's. That hourglass figure, that beautiful face, that smooth white skin, that innocent stare and that meaty body.

'If she goes out in the world looking like this, everyone will bow before her,' Lufilia thought to herself.

Debra, Tio and Tia were in awe as they looked at Roselina, who knew that the small flat chested girl would grow into such an amazing figure. The fight for everyone was even more impressive as Roselina's power was beyond what they imagined.

She turned to Efreet. "Efreet, Give me what we agreed on?"

she stood before Efreet who looked at her .

"Hahahahah, didn't I say you gave to win against me and has I do recall, it ended in a draw," Efreet said

Roselina stares at him silently for minutes until Efreet gave up.

"You drive a hard bargain," Efreet muttered, then cut his finger and a small drip of blood came out. "This is what you need." Efreet gave it to her and walked away. "I'll see you soon, Blood Queen."

Efreet was engulfed in flame and he vanished and soon the world returned to normal. It was night time and they were all in the park. Roselina turned the opposite direction, opened a gate back to her home and everyone else followed behind her.


After fighting with Efreet, I open a portal back to our house. I opened the door to my room and sat in my chair.

"My queen."

"My queen."

Kelly kneel before me and everyone else kneeled before me as well. I cross my legs and relax in the chair as I look at my subordinate. That fight against Efreet drained me of everything I had and during that fight I learned something, Efreet lost some levels like I did. I don't know if it's a long term effect of his seal being broken or if he wasn't at his true strength from the beginning.

Due to the draw, we both won the condition of our duel. I obtained blood containing the data to find Silvia but right now I'm nervous to use it. If I find her, what will I say to her ? How will I be able to apologise? Or how will I make up for lost time? I'm sure she hates me by now.

"Kelly, Why do you look so nervous?" I asked.

"Mistress, that form, it's of the primordial Vampire, isn't it ?"

Kelly asked.

"Yes it is," I looked at my right hand.

"Unfortunately, I can't return to my original form until I have enough powe4 to reseal my powers, Could take hours or maybe days," I sighed. "Kelly, could you help massage my shoulder."

"Of course."

Kelly stood behind me and gently massage my shoulder and I hold my stomach

"All that fighting made me very hungry."

I stood up.

"I'm going to take a shower, all of you should go to bed," I said and walked away.

I stand in the shower alone looking in the middle at myself. I then looked down at my jumbo sized boobs and started to grope them.

"These things are heavy and surprisingly soft."

This form must never be revealed to the public, never. It would be a world war between me and all the women/ men on the planet. After taking a shower I put on a t-shirt and some shorts that were big enough to fit this body. I went downstairs and started to raid the fridge and the cupboard.

"All this has given me an insatiable appetite."

I started eating all the food I layed out on the counter

"Princess is everything alright?" Lufilia asked as she walked up to me.

"I'm fine, is something wrong?" I asked concernedly.

"No, everything is fine princess, or should I call you Queen."

Lufilia seemed to be interested in this form. "What are you doing?"

"I'm eating to recover lost energy," I responded. grabbed my boobs. "I want to return to my original form and get rid of all this baggage," I said.

"I don't think nothing is wrong with this form, I like it, I think you should remain the way you are," Lufilia said.

I stood up and looked down on her. "May I remind you this is the form of the primordial Vampire, it's my body and I have the right to choose whichever form I see fit, I don't need your opinion," I stated as I looked at her very sternly.

She took a step back and apologised. "I'm sorry princess."

"Apparently when I'm in this unbridled form I become less agile and that weighs me down," I said to myself as I sat again and started devouring the snacks.

Morning came and the sun shone brightly.

"Mistress, it's time to wake up," Kelly called out.

I opened my eyes to find that I've fallen asleep around a pile of food wrappers.

"It's morning."

I looked at my hands and enveloped myself in a crimson aura. "I've recovered a bit of my powers but it's more than enough to create another seal."

I gathered an aura from my body, compressed it, and gave it a form until I created a new silver cross with a red diamond in it.

"It's done."

I latched the cross onto my choker, suddenly I was engulfed in crimson light and I shrunk back down to my original form. I looked at myself as the clothes were falling off me. I never fought, I would say this but.

"It's good to be back in this body," I said.

Suddenly Kelly hugged me tightly. "It's good to have your back mistress," Kelly said.

"Yeah, but you should stock up on groceries, I ate everything in the house," I said.

"No problem, do you want to go shopping together?"

"Sure I'll go take a shower and change."


"The princess changed again, will I be able to see her back in that form?"Lufilia asked concernedly.

"I prefer her just the way she is."

Kelly turned her to everyone. "You've all witness the battlefield and got wind of mistress power, even though it was half of her true power it's still strong enough to level London, Now you seen her power, I need all of you to help me protect her and prevent her from unleashing her wrath, because once she's finds who's responsible for taking Silvia, You Know what kind of disaster will befall this world," Kelly explained.

Everyone understands what Kelly is afraid of and decides to help Kelly. In the meantime, Roselina was showering. She stood in the shower and took out a sample of blood.

"Silvia, where are you?"

Roselina smeared the blood on her lips and all was revealed to her. She saw everything and when she did she punched a hole into the wall. She opened her eyes that glowed red as she was severely angry.

"It's you, You've shown your face."

Roselina found out the one responsible is Marcelo, but the truth is Marcelo isn't just an ordinary human

"I had a feeling he's still alive, Very well, I'll kill him again and this time, I'll make him suffer...This I swear," Roselina then takes out her phone, sends a picture and dial a number. "Matilda, I don't care what you do or who you kill, prove your usefulness, find this man and bring him to me alive, this is an order."

In that time.

All nuns had a Priority One mission, they were all scurry about.

"This is a degree from God, find this man at any cost and anyone who finds him first will be rewarded," Anita said as she held up the picture.

Matilda was in a secret chamber praying to roselina's cross. "Rest assure God, Those who defy your will, Will get no mercy, I'll personally see to it," he opened eyes and glowed blue as she smiled.