
My Other Brother

READ ME---Synopsis Coming Soon...

SonyaLaJuan · Thành thị
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10 Chs

Free Fall

My husband often said pain is only weakness leaving the body, and expected me to live by it. He'd even told the shit to Broderick after he gave my then year and a half old son the worst spanking of his life a year prior. I had assumed the position, Rod was too drunk to tie my hands or find his dick so he passed out and had already released some aggression with his slurred words once we got inside of the bedroom---while looking for the strap. I knew my husband was guilty, but I had made vows and my children would be without a father; so would Carli. I watched him sleep, ever now and again he would smile, I knew he was dreaming about being the Sky God and thought he could leap tall buildings in a single bound, but he could. If he could have lived in the trees he would have. His daddy fucked him up, but he was fucked up too after Devin fell from the tree house, head first; he was 3, Rod was 7. We were going to name one of the twins Devin but the news almost busted blood vessels in his daddy's brain. I searched all over the house for the journal and it was nowhere to be found, Jachin had taken it home I thought and I needed it back so I could pick up in it where I left off because that girl was talking to me. July 8th "She was mad! He had lied about who I was with a straight face! I was just someone he knew and he knows my mother. He will not have anything to do with his child, I won't let him, Olivia and Cameron will have to be her parents for now and I want him dead! All I have to do is mention it. His wife is crazy and she wanted him to make me walk. I miss my brother so much and can't wait to make it back to Dayton, I hope Daddy isn't mad about my leave. When we drove away after she bought the lie he took me to his mother's house until he could come back and she followed until he dropped me off, I was so pissed! I sat in the 90 degree weather until he came back and he wouldn't even touch me! I knew he had screwed her, he smelled like her and now I can't stop smelling her, she smells amazing, he will never leave her alone and neither would I." I remembered that day like it was yesterday, it was my 22nd birthday I tore some shit up! Rod and Mr. West had me put in the asylum for 48 hours and I had threatened to behead the bitch that was in his car! July 9th "She's out of town now. He came to the hotel and told me he was leaving but wanted sex so I gave in. Now he wants to be in Carli's life and he's leaving this time, I can feel it, when his father came home he was happy to see me and welcomed me to the family, his parents loves my daughter more than he does! That will change now, it has to! Daddy will disown me if I can't make it right. He talks about killing her from the trees, I don't want her to die but he needs to keep his promises to me and his daughter, I thought we were not the beautiful family he desires." Rod stirred in is sleep. I sat against the headboard afraid to download the messenger on the new phone because of the messages Edith would send me, but I needed to know Edith's every move and didn't want Edith to come back because I knew Rod would have a hangover and it wouldn't turn out good. I finally climbed from the bed, unable to sleep and tiptoed to the bathroom to check the messages, anyway. I needed to know where Jachin's head was at! He was the pillar, I was figuring it all out but what was her role? My husband had done what he did best, got what he wanted; her pussy but that didn't mean he was leaving just because of it, he wasn't supposed to! When I got out of the asylum, he was gone, I saw him again 10 months later. Jachin was so calm, so seductive his hands roamed my mind when he was away and he believed he had used me to get to his target. In actuality I knew he had because Rod was coming and Jachin waited. Almost in full detail my husband had explained how he had killed his sister and his expression never changed, tough or not I knew he was hurt and still wanted me to give him permission to kill Rod. I LOVED MY HUSBAND! Did he want to drive me crazy like Destiny was in the end? Rod snored and I knew it would take him a while to sleep off the liquor, he stirred in his sleep without the cover, naked ass cheeks exposed when Broderick came in the room pointing at his daddy's nuts. I put on the robe, took him out of the room and told him they were balls and his were bigger, and big balls was easy for him to say. I took him to his room and returned to the bathroom to download the messenger to see his thread in the ignored messages. "I'm waiting on u, I know he's sleep." "Do u love me for real or are u just saying things u don't mean again." "Please be my peace, just let me in." "I'm sorry I left u and I know he thinks he needs a sacrifice." "My sister wouldn't have wanted to hurt u at all, let me respect her wishes." "Are u up?" "I miss u, the door is unlocked. Do u want all of me, or just parts?" "I need u Japonica, are u there?" I continued to ignore him but saw he was still active on the profile, I logged off and got in the shower looking for the vibrator, it was gone! I got out quicker than intended and knew Jachin took that one too, he owed me! I needed them, he would never understand. I logged back in and now the bastard had logged off but sent another message before he did. "What if u are pregnant? I'm on my way." "Don't come back, u started shit and left me to deal with it, thank God he was too drunk!" He had sent the message 10 minutes prior and I became alarmed when he didn't respond! I got dressed and decided to leave while Rod was still sleep but would buy him a gift, I didn't want Jachin to come back! I knew he was serious about killing Rod and I loved him, unconditionally; it was nothing new because I always had! He was my provider when it was all said and done, he handled all the business even when he was away so he loved me and wouldn't leave me for his damn sister! My husband would twitch while he slept ever so often and when he did I knew he was falling in his dream, I would hope he didn't hit the ground because I didn't know if what people said was true, also he would talk in his sleep. Jachin was losing his mind, or had lost it! If I was pregnant it wasn't his! I got dressed and went directly out in the 20 degree weather headed toward Moss Drive, I didn't see his car so I rang the doorbell and knocked. I opened the messenger to see if he was at my home but he had messaged me 5 minutes prior, "The door is unlocked, I'm in my bed." When I went inside I opened two bedroom doors before I had found his room, I knew the first one in the hallway wasn't his, his sister's belongings were in there. He now sat on the bed shirtless in gray sweat shorts, he wasn't ON HIS DAMN WAY! "Come here, I missed u. Are u ok?" "I'M FINE! What are we going to do Jachin?" "Do u want me yet, u can't love me without wanting me, kiss me." "This is over, I can't let u kill him!" "WHY NOT!!? U are married to a DEMON! Don't u get it yet, my father is ANGRY! I can change that but the chemistry between us has to be right, because right now he don't have a daughter and neither does my mother! U read the journal, read it some more!" READ IT SOME MORE? OH SHIT! Rod would know I already knew if he found it! I turned to leave out, Jachin grabbed me by the arm, "Just let me in, he won't allow u to live and know about her, u don't even understand do u! I don't say things I don't mean." At 5 a.m. I had just left my home and heard the distant thunder while I drove from my house to his. "Please lay with me so I can sleep, I don't want to think about business." "Please don't kill my husband." "I won't then I'll let u do it, I'll allow u to have some say so. I can't get rid of your scent, lay with me. U need a drink?" I needed a drink, bad! "Lay down, please and I'll take care of u." He had twisted my his hand in the tail of my sweater but let go after realizing it, "Will u read the emails to me?" I needed an excuse to give in. "Not now, take your clothes off. I want u meet my niece, she looks like Ava a lot but u look like Destiny. Do u love me because u said u did. Show me." I did but didn't say anything, he just stood up loosened the string in the waist of the shorts and let them fall to the floor before sitting back down, I saw the rough edge leave him for a moment but knew he was a calculating killer, I couldn't be with him. "Just let me heal u inside, I don't care about the outside. Do u trust me now?" Did I? "Where'd u go to school?" I asked while he pulled down the pants I wore with no buttons, he laughed and I loved when he did. He kissed my thighs underneath my panty line and squeezed my hips, I was throbbing for him to stop! He rubbed my crotch before getting up, "U like brandy, right?" He started back kissing my thighs but squeezed my ass too hard, I tensed before he turned me around. Then his mood changed and I saw anger; he left out the bedroom and I noticed the whole room was black but there was a beautiful depiction of a temple in a frame. Something else caught my eye though, a sketch of me— in pencil the date read 4/19/2017 and he had even sketched my belly. I was sitting on the park bench waiting to meet the older woman about babysitting Ava and Broderick but she didn't show up and deleted her profile. I had only posted, "I would pay a fortune to be able to have a Nanny!" I was depressed and the Parvan Province incident was being investigated, Rod couldn't come home. I needed Destiny to tell me more about it because she was the only friend I had now. Jachin came back in with two shot glasses, sat them down and motioned for me to lift my arms to remove the sweater like he was dressing a child. I looked toward the sketch, "Oh, I told u about that, I get everything I want." "How did u learn to draw so well?" "Prison." "What? You've been to prison?" "Yes but I don't have a record. My father's friends raised me for a while from the prison yard while he was away, they were responsible for me. I went inside on the weekends they would pay the guard to let me in so I could take packages to their people. From age 7 to 16 I went to the prison and never went to school. I learned everything from them and didn't attend school, my fathers orders. A man named Quinn taught me how to draw." "Wow." "Are u cold?" He rubbed the chill bumps on my shoulder but I wasn't cold. "Yea, I need body heat." "Lay on your stomach." "Oh never mind I'll be okay." I had looked at the large bruises on my ass in the mirror before getting in the shower. The day after they always turned purple and the pain was so terrible I couldn't keep count this time. Rod's hands were big and he was strong. My count was at 76 I believe when I lost it. "Let me heal u, just lay down." He threw back the brandy, I sipped mine and sat the glass down. I laid on my stomach, he removed my panties and kissed every bruise on my ass and thighs while laying beside me caressing my soul, he was hard against my leg but didn't seem aroused. His kisses went to my shoulders while he rubbed his nose up my spine, I gripped the covers like he was inside of me and he just kept kissing, my jawline, my arms and my neck. After he moved my hair and whispered in my ear I obeyed, climbed on top of him while he rubbed my ass, the pleasure mixed with the pain sent me somewhere, his smell was so satisfying and I was throbbing. Each time he found pain with his hands I would grind against his hard dick he stopped massaging my ass and rubbed his hand between my legs, I couldn't even believe I was aroused I didn't even come to fuck him and had left my husband at home! I sat up to climb down, he started moving under me telling me to relax but I couldn't. He had a pulse that sent shocks through my body, I couldn't help but grind against him and I didn't know if the wetness was his or mine; he rubbed Rods handprints with his fingers and asked for a kiss, I gave him one and sucked on his tongue. He was trying to unfasten the bra I had on with one hand now guiding my grind, I had skipped the hunching phase as a child and he was making me enjoy it because I was trying to move my panties to the side and I remembered before the incident with Rod I was still horny for Jachin, he had only woke it up. I was about to cum with or without him inside of me so I tried to get up. "U can't leave me, relax." His lips were against my throat while he guided me in his lap he made me want to scream and I kept reaching for him with my fingers while he teased me, I was getting upset and wanted him! Bad! He put my nipples in his mouth while I was pulling on the elastic in his underwear, I had already fucked up, so why not? And the games he played when it came to sex was cruel. I leaned over and got the glass from the nightstand emptied it and sat it down, he was making every emotion I felt when I came inside cum, and I felt played. "U need to let me in and don't say things u don't mean." I was trying to let him in! I laid back down after he placed his hand in the middle of my back but I couldn't be still, I just kept grinding and grinding on him while he squeezed my ass and the pain was gone, I only felt the movement of his hands guiding me against his dick; I was right there and he knew it. I wanted to slide down and put him in my mouth to taste his pulse. He wouldn't let me move my panties to the side and I was becoming frustrated trying to penetrate myself knowing I needed to home, my children were there. He squeezed my hips and tried to stop my movement, I reached for him again, I knew he wanted to cum, his dick was standing up in his underwear, I had crawled to his stomach trying to put him inside reaching behind me but he wanted me to fucking relax and pulled me back down by my hips. I laid on his chest breathing hard, he held his breath to catch up with mine before he breathed again, he started grinding under me rubbing my pussy from behind through the wet panties. I laid still while he moved against my clit telling me the reason he hadn't killed Rod yet because my emotions weren't ready but it was taking too long, "U gotta let me in, it won't go away he killed my sister. When I kill him I want u to want him dead so it won't hurt u." Wasn't he afraid I would go to the police? I tightened my thighs, he was a perfect fit and we had already had sex, what was the problem!? Was it because Rod had fucked me too! The thought made me angry and it hurt at the same time because I thought my husband was the reason Jachin wouldn't fuck me and I needed him to repair what Rod had damaged, my soul. "Give me what I need Japonica." I'm trying! He moved my thong, put his finger in from under me, he went in and out holding my head against his chest. Through the sheer curtain I could see the pond frozen solid. He put in the second finger and I came on his hand while he fingered me, then he stopped. I could make myself cum but I needed the orgasm that he was manipulating, I pulled down the underwear, his dick popped out and he didn't stop me but wouldn't allow me to put him in, I needed to just go home to my husband and the brandy had me so out of character because I was about to rape Jachin. I rubbed his dick against me and when he didn't stop me I put him in, "I don't have on protection so u have to stop." I heard him but kept pushing him deeper inside of me bouncing in his lap; my phone rang back to back. I was high again, and had relapsed like Mama. "Ask your mother about Quinn." I felt free, he put his arm behind his head while holding my panties and watched me ride reminding me he didn't have protection, but he did. He was turning me into a freak and the need for satisfaction wouldn't go away when it was over. I kept going until he felt me have the orgasm I was looking for, but then pulled out, I was still gripping his dick laying on top of him. He pulled up his underwear, his creamy dick still rock hard, he covered my back and continued massaging my hips until I was asleep on top of him. I woke up and didn't know how long I had been asleep, his movement had stopped and he was sleep too. The sleet was tapping against the window and bouncing on the froze pond. I closed my eyes, my chaotic mind was telling me his chemistry experiment was going to get me killed. When I woke up again he was penetrating me guiding me on his dick with his hands on my ass, I just laid there for the next hour waiting to feel him release, it was 3 p.m. When I made it home Rod sat on the sofa with the bottle. I walked in with the wrapped box, "Hey, I had to get out early to find u something before it got too crowded." "U couldn't have woke me up?" I saw Broderick beside him, he tried to get off of the sofa, Rod wouldn't allow him to and wouldn't let him cry; his chest heaved with hurt and anger for his Daddy and he knew not to cry. I saw his thighs, they were whelped and red!I prayed he loved RJ enough to never punish him the way he did my oldest son. His ass looked like mine did, I immediately tried picked him up but couldn't because of my arms, "DON'T HIT MY SON!" "EXCUSE ME? THAT WAS VERY BRAVE OF U NOW APOLOGIZE!" I walked off looking for my other children while he hit the bottle, they were quiet and in line. "AVA! WHATS WRONG WITH MY BABY!" "HE WOULDN'T STAND ON ONE FOOT LIKE DADDY SAID." He had told me how Roger made him stand on one leg for hours why would he do that! I wanted to kill SERGEANT WEST ABOUT MY SON! He didn't do anything wrong! My baby screamed in the water, I took off my clothes and got inside with him, "MAMA BUURN, BURN MAMA OHHH STOP! DADDY! NOOO IT BURN!" I knew the water wasn't hot. I didn't know what to do, he had taken off his pull-up and spanked my baby almost raw! I knew why he didn't like his father! "DON'T TOUCH HIM AGAIN! I MEAN IT!" It was all my fault, I had left home and I knew he had done it because I had been gone all day but his drunk ass didn't know when I left! He didn't want him to sleep in the bed with me when he was gone and hardly dealt with him if he wasn't whipping his ass! I was trying so hard but that one hurt because my baby was innocent! "I'll Teach him about telling me "FU-FU-FUCK U"! Your brother can't use that language around them in here! I took your notebook from him, he was about to rip it to shreds!"