
My Original World Is Not Normal As I Expected (Honkai Impact 3rd)

Former hero Shin Takeru manages to return back to his home world after 300 years. There he finds out that his world was not as normal as he expected. While trying to getting used to his new reality is when his new adventure begins. Will he survive? Only time will tell. All Honkai Impact characters belong to Mihoyo and its related subsidiaries. My OCs come from my ass though. *I was bored and this idea kept on being stuck in my brain so I've decided to write the story to get it out of my system. Feel free to diss for my bad grammar since I have not written any kind of stories for years and English ain't my first language.

Ackber_san · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
19 Chs

Chapter 8: Idyllic days, and…

Early April 2014, St. Freya Academy:

A month has passed since the fake Honkai beast's attack on Soukai City, and our lives are back to its peaceful lifestyle, sort of. I mean apart from having an occasional stalker in the form of our lovely class president, nothing much happened to me. She did sometimes tried to pry my brains from afar but since the strength used was not as strong as before I just kept on being oblivious and doing my janitorial duties.

In regards on my project's status, I did at least finished on making the mana purifying device's prototype but the performance was not as I intended. It did manage to purify a little bit of the ambient mana around but the process was slow, plus it tends to overheat and explode if I use it for too long. However that was still a progress, I just need to make a better one later on based on the data I've obtained from the prototype earlier. I guess if there is no more trouble coming to me again I might be able to finish making a good enough product by the end of the year.

However that was merely a wishful thinking for me since I've got a hunch that someone is trying to lure me out open. Dunno what that person's main reason to do it though. What, so Fu Hua's occasional stalking ain't a good enough of a red flag to you Takeru? I know my man, what I've meant was she's just a pawn for a bigger mastermind. And the talk I had with Theresa and Himeko a month ago gave me a further reason to my current thoughts.

Flashback to a month ago, during dinner just after the Soukai City's disturbance:

"…You mean all of that was just a training exercise?"

I asked Theresa-chan who had joined us for dinner in the trio's dorm room. We are currently chatting with each other while enjoying some after-meal tea, thus I tried to ask her some questions regarding on what had happened earlier in the city.

"…Yes, that was what I'd told by Otto Apocalypse, the Schicksal's Overseer and my grandfather. He didn't tell me about it earlier since he wants to test our Far East Branch's Valkyries reaction time and the city shelter's efficiency during an actual Honkai outbreak. So I'm sorry if I had troubled all of you." Theresa explained the reason while showing an apologetic face towards us. Wheew~ so the Schicksal's top dog is her grandfather? Theresa-chan got some huge connections.

"No no it's okay Principal Theresa, we didn't get hurt at all so it's fine. Plus it did teach us on how to be more alert for when the real attack happens." Mei assured her.

"Yeah, it's all good since there were no citizens actually getting hurt. So stop apologizing to us Aunt Theresa!" Kiana tried to cheer Theresa up.

"The Bronya affirms that this was a good learning experience for us. However we did not gained much in terms of combat experience since most of the fake beasts were destroyed by a third party." Bronya mentioned her thoughts on the event, however she didn't forget to mention about Vee's action…Crap, I've got a bad feeling about this.

"Oh yeah, the Overseer did tell us that the mysterious person was not included in his plans…say Takeru, did you know who's the culprit is~?" Himeko who was keeping on drinking her beer silently suddenly asked me that question.

"…Why do you always ask me every time something weird happens? You think I'm a weird magnet or some shit?" I tried to deflect her query.

"Hmmm~ I dunno, you tell me~…if I'm being honest, I felt like you're still hiding something from us. Call it my gut feeling." She replied while smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

"Oi, I dunno anyone that flashy. Plus if you still haven't noticed, I was with the girls at the shelter during that time so I can't see who's the culprit you know? I ain't got a binocular or having some sort of handy distant view skills after all." I gave her my reasons.

"Hmmm~ Is that so? Then I might be mistaken. Sorry Takeru, have some beer as my apology." Himeko stopped probing me for more info and then shoved a can of beer towards me.

"…Right, as long as you know I'm not involved in any way whatsoever in that scenario I'm fine. Thanks for the beer though." Thanks for your bribe Himeko.

"He's right Himeko, he did have an alibi after all. And since he didn't show any suspicious movements during our observation we can already cross him out from being a potential spy."

Theresa supported me. Gee~ Thanks for the vote of confidence Theresa-chan, I'll pamper you a lot later. That's if she allowed me first, since she got angry during that one time when I tried to pamper her like a children. I mean I know she's 40+ years old already but if you consider my real age she can even be my great granddaughter. Plus I kinda miss the time when I can pamper my sweet daughter, nowadays she kinda avoids me each time I tried to hug her. Is my Elaina in her rebellious phase? Daddy Takeru felt sad orz.

"Haaiii~" Himeko agreed lazily.

"…Say Theresa-chan, got one question for you. Do you know any Valkyrie here that specializes in mind attacks?" I tried to ask her on whether she's aware of Fu Hua's ability or not.

"…As far as I've remembered, there's nobody here who can do that. I don't know if there is a new one having that kind of ability in HQ though, it's been a while since I'd last checked…Why do you suddenly ask this Takeru? And hey! Stop calling people older than you with –chan suffix!" She answered me before getting angry and showing me her cute pouting face.

"…Right, sorry 'bout that Theresa-chan, I'd forgot your real age since you're kinda not looked like what a grown up person would be…Nah, I was just curious since Valkyries got cool abilities right? So I was just wondering if there is someone here who can do it." I told her my reasoning.

"Is that so? Then its fine…Hey! You called me Theresa-chan again! You wanna taste the power of my Judah?!" Theresa tried to threaten me for my slip by grabbing her cross-form necklace, which begins to shine brightly.

"This humble servant apologizes for his mistake, Theresa-sama! Please spare me your mercy~!" I apologies to her by performing a dogeza immediately.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA~! He's correct Theresa-chan, so why are you getting angry for~" Himeko laughed at our antics.

"Himeko! Stop laughing!" Apparently Theresa didn't find it to be funny for her.

So after that shenanigan ends, we went back to common talks before going back to our respective rooms.

Flashback ends.

So there's that, I've got the info for the real reason behind the city's attack and the confirmation of Fu Hua's ability being unknown by both Theresa and Himeko. I could be wrong but I think that Fu Hua's real superior is this Otto guy. His actions seems way too sus for me to discard my thoughts.

Like I've said before, Theresa and Himeko would not endanger the citizens just so that they can fish for more info from me, they ain't that kind of person. Plus there is the whole situation of Vee being attacked out of nowhere by Fu Hua right after she's done eliminating the city's threat.

So how did you know that they ain't like that Takeru? I would know since I'd experienced some difficulties during my time of rebuilding the destroyed Brittania Empire after the demon war ended. You think I had a smooth sailing throughout all those 100 years? Things were tough you know, as the people's unity for destroying the demon threat fades since they've been dealt with already, some people will start to scheme for their own profits.

Fucking nobles, their greed had no limits. Things got way out of hand that the Empire was thrust into a few years of civil war, thus resulting a high number of innocent's casualty before it finally ends. I had to be the one who's spearheading the main force quelling the noble's rebellion, so I've seen some shit and it ain't pretty.

…Right, got out of topic right there, sorry. The point is now I know that there is someone after me and it ain't Theresa-chan and Himeko. We've already have some sort of trust between us so I can rest assured that they won't probe for more info from me. But since Fu Hua still haven't stopped stalking me during this past month, my suspicion of the 3rd party investigating for me becomes more and more correct.

Well whatever, I'll just keep on being low profile and finish my goal of perfecting my device. My investigation on the Honkai beasts are already done, I had enough of them from reading the books in the Academy's library after all. So why are you still staying here if there's a threat for your confidential info? Just bail out from here and find some other place which is more secure to continue on your projects. Ain't that a smarter choice Takeru?

…Yep you would be correct, I can do just that. I mean I can just turn invisible and then fly away to a new place, that's super easy. So why didn't you do it Takeru?...Well to be honest, I kinda got attached to the girls here. If I can I wanna stick with them as long as I could, watching them grow to be a good Valkyrie as they intended. Call it as a sentimental view of an old man, I've got a soft spot for them. Plus I've got a gut feeling that they'll be thrust into some kind of trouble in the future, and I wanna be there to protect them when that happens. Yep that sounds stupid of me but hey what can you do about emotions am I right?


My thoughts are interrupted as I evade Kiana's kick aiming towards my face. Right, today after weeks of pestering I finally concede on Kiana-chan's request for a spar. Plus there's the situation of them being busy with studies while I'm busy with my work. So today is finally the day we had free time and can spare some for a sparring session.

After evading Kiana's kick, I caught her stretched right leg with my hand and then swiped my right foot towards her left leg for a takedown. And thus she falls on the ground.


Finishing the takedown, I locked all her limbs in a fast maneuver to prevent her doing a counterattack before making my hand into a stabbing motion, stopping just before I pierced her eyes and ask,

"Do you give up?"

"…I give up!" Kiana agreed reluctantly after she fails to escape from my lock by squirming around for a few seconds.

I then release her from my lock before stretching my hand towards her so that she can grab it for standing up, which she proceeds to grab before trying to shoot me using the gun on her other hand.

"I've got you!" Kiana shouted as she was confident on her victory.

"No you don't."

I however didn't fall for her trick, as I still holding her hand, I evaded her attack and then pull her towards the ground again before begin another locking maneuver.

"Guhah!" Kiana produced that sound as she was falling on the ground again.

"So, you've got enough already? Or you wanna have for another go? I'm fine with both." I asked her again to see her reaction.

"Okay okay, I give up for real!...Hey, can you let me go now?" Huh, so she's satisfied already? Okay then. I released her from my lock before grabbing her hand in order to pull her up from the ground.

"Mou~ you're too hard on me…can't you be a little lenient towards girls? And you've even touched all over my body, Takeru no ecchi~!" Kiana grumbles as she dusts her dirty clothes to clean up the dirt sticking on it due to her falling on the ground.

"Hey now, you're the one who told me to be serious first. And I ain't a person who discriminates on genders while I'm fighting. I'll kick all my enemy's ass whether it's a women or a men." Letting your guard down just because she's a girl, that's just a recipe for a disaster ya know? Master Lyle would kill me again in the afterlife if he knows I'm dead because of that kind of novice's mistakes.

"Kiana-chan, are you alright?! Do you hurt anywhere on your body?!" Mei asked Kiana while checking her body thoroughly like a worried mother.

"M-Mei senpai! I'm fine, so please stop touching my body like that while we are out in an open area. W-we can continue in our room later on if you want." Kiana blushes as she receives Mei's aftercare. Her way of misunderstanding which is geared more on her yuri tendencies is just like her.

"Mou~ and here I was being serious. Stop panicking and let me check you for real okay?" Mei deflects Kiana's yuri signal and went back on checking her body for any kind of injuries. Oof~ Tough luck Kiana-chan, looks like you need to work hard to pass through Mei-chan's dense barrier.

"Mei nee-sama can just ignore subject Idiotka. She'll be fine since an idiot can't be hurt after all." You really like to push Kiana's buttons ain't you Bronya-chan? Do you have some sort of grudge on her or something? Or is she being jealous on Kiana getting all of the attention from Mei? Probably? I dunno my man.

"Oi the hell you're saying you midget?! You wanna have a spar with me next huhh, Bronya-chan?!" Oooh~ you see what you did Bronya-chan? She look hella pissed. I wonder if this will be a beginning for a new catfight? Not gonna lie I'm kinda excited for the outcome. Last time it did ended prematurely.

"The Bronya accepts subject Idiotka's challenge. En garde."

Bronya agreed to her proposal as a shadowy robot-like being appeared from behind her…Wait a minute, do you have a fucking Stand, Bronya-chan?! How on earth I missed this before?...Right, now that I've remembered, she didn't fight at all during the city's fiasco last month. She was just helping with escort's mission after all, silly me.

"Mou~ will you two stop fighting already? You guys are friends, you should be nice to each other…That's it, Takeru-san, do you have any comments on Kiana-chan's fighting skill?" Mei tried to placate them both before changing the subject towards me.

"…Oh yeah! Got any advice on where can I improve on, Takeru?" Apparently Mei's diversion was successful as Kiana focus back towards our spar done earlier.

"Hmmm~ If I'm being honest with you I think you have a good battle senses. It's just that you need to practice more on anti-personnel battle skills."

I told her on my opinion. Since she had experiences on fighting against Honkai beasts her fighting skills is good enough for her age, plus she's a fighting genius. It's just that she lacked fighting experience with real people who can use tricks or feints on her. Honkai beast's attacks are kinda monotone after all. Although some people that were infected by Honkai energy and became a zombie do retain their fighting skills, it was more degraded compared to when they're alive. What do they say, more strength but less flair? Yeah, kinda like that.

"Is that so? So you mean I need to polish more on my martial arts skill?" Kiana asked more for my confirmation.

"Yep, that was I said. Don't get me wrong, I can see that your 'Kaslana gun-kata' technique is a good technique that were developed for generations but you still can't bring it to the full potential as you're right now." Gun-kata technique is cool but if you missed your timing the opponent can read ahead on where you're aiming at, thus making the surprise factor invalid. That is if you can avoid point black shot like me of course. Plus I can just conjure a barrier spell if I can't evade after all.

"So how about you teach me your martial arts then? Since it was useful when defeating me, right?!" She tried to ask me to be her martial arts teacher.

"I mean I can but I feel like it would be detrimental to your growth instead. You still haven't mastered your own family's martial art after all. Trying to learn multiple martial arts technique at the same time would only make you 'a jack of all trades, but master of none' ya know?" I tried to dissuade her from going into that path.

"So what should I do to improve myself, Takeru?" She asked me while making an anxious face.

"…I think the best path for you right now is to fight against different kinds of opponents to polish your gun-kata's skills. If you do that, you can adapt your gun-kata technique in all kinds of situation, I think. You can spar against Mei-chan or Bronya-chan since each of them has a different fighting style. Heck, you can even spar with Fu Hua too if you want, I think she'll be okay with it." I tried to suggest her some ideas that she can use to improve herself.

"Is that so? Thanks for your advice Takeru! I'll try to spar with Mei-senpai and Bronya-chan later on. I won't spar with class prez though, I kinda didn't like her." She agreed with my suggestion, but not wholly though. I wonder what you did for her to not liking you, Fu Hua? Did you stalk on her too?

"I'll help you whenever I can Kiana-chan. But can you please stop hating on Fu Hua-san? She was just advising you to finish all your homework." Said Mei. So that's the reason huh? She was just doing her job as a class prez you know, Kiana-chan? Finish your own homework once in a while will ya?

"The Bronya didn't mind on subject Kiana's request. However Mei nee-sama is correct, you should not hate on class prez just because you didn't do your homework." Bronya supported Mei's advice.

"Mou~ now you two are just bullying me. Takeru, help me out will you?" Kiana pouted while asking me for some support.

"Now now Kiana-chan, I think that they're-" That was all I can say before I'm interrupted by a ringing sound coming from Mei's phone.


"Oh I'm sorry guys but I need to take this…Yes, this is Mei. What's the matter Himeko-sensei?...WHAT?! I-IS THAT TRUE?!...Yes, I'll tell them about it, I'm hanging up now." While answering the call received from Himeko, Mei's face went into several different phase, from a surprised to a worry ones before she ends the call.

"Mei-senpai, what's happening right now?! Is everything okay?!" Kiana asked her worriedly.

"I-it's Principal Theresa…Himeko-sensei had just told me that she's currently in coma." Mei told us the bad news.

""WHAT?!"" Kiana and I shouted in disbelieve.

"…Eh?" Bronya however only managed to make that sound.

"…Come on girls, we need to go to the infirmary now!" I woke up from my stupor before urging them to go check on Theresa's current situation.


"Geez~ Theresa-chan, what on earth did you do for ending up into that kind of situation?"

I asked myself as we are running towards where she's currently admitted at. Hope nothing's bad gonna happen to her. But if she does then I might need to do anything I can to help her from her current predicament, possibly throwing out all my secrets in the worst case scenario. Jeez~ and here I am trying to keep a low profile. Is fate's currently messing around with me? Probably, maybe. Only god knows.

Ackber-san's here.

So this chapter is full of mine's bullshit so that I can move on towards the Gratitude Arc. I'll post the Gratitude Arc next and I'm going to separate it into a few chapters since it went way too long (about 6.6k words). So please enjoy it dear readers~

Ackber-san's out.

Ackber_sancreators' thoughts