
My Online Harem

Kai becomes a streamer after his parents' death to support himself and his little sister. Throughout the journey, he will meet many women who take interest in him and he has to decide the choice of his love life and face many obstacles along the way, making his life even harder. Not just that, because of what he has done in the past, the past will keep haunting him, making him chained by it. Can he bear that weight on his shoulder alone? Find out in the novel. *Author's note* Since the Webnovel tag system doesn't have the tags that I want, I will put them here. #conflict #drama #fighting

NoFace05 · Hiện thực
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
62 Chs

End of The Date

The waiter arrived with our food and presented it on the table. It looks delicious and keeps tempting us to dig in. So, without further ado, we eat it in silence, enjoy every flavor the food offers, and let it trigger every taste reception on our tongue. It's delightful and I don't regret choosing the restaurant as our final date's destination unless she makes an arbitrary decision. We'll see.

Also, the wine is also pretty good. Since the one I take is not too expensive, its taste is decent compared to what I've been tried years ago. It's good but not on the same level as it. Wine is not enough to make me drunk, in fact, I feel nothing. Tomoe on the other hand... She looks a bit tipsy. I can see her face gets red and she also acts a bit weird than usual. I never thought that she was lightweight when it comes to alcohol since you know, women with decades of experience usually can handle alcohol but it looks like she's exceptional.

It's time to go home, so I call the waiter for the bill and pay for the food. Then, I tell her that we're about to go home and hold her hand to walk with her. When I was holding hers, she says, "Home~? Are we married? ...Then, a wife has to do her job." As she says that, she kisses my left cheek and passes out. I manage to prevent her from falling. *Sigh* She's so lightweight when it comes to alcohol.

We leave the restaurant and I call Uber to pick us up since her house is quite far from here. The car arrives and I bring her in at the back passenger seats. Her eyes open a little and in half-asleep, she asks, "Uhm, where are we going?" She seats next to me and her head is on my right shoulder. "We're going back to your home. You can continue sleeping before that, okay?" I pat her head. It looks like our roles are switched. I'm the one who pampers her instead.

"Whaa~? Noooo~, I want to go with you! Your house is my house, remember?" No, I don't. She's still drunk. The driver is just laughing seeing our interaction. He's having fun. Because of her request, he asks if I want to change direction. Since I have no choice, I just agree with her and tell him my house's location. "Thank you~ Zzzzz" She goes to sleep again after thanking me. Is she really just awake to tell me that?

We arrived at my house without anything happening along the way. The driver drops us off in front of my house's gate and drive away. Tomoe is still sleeping, so I carry her on my back into the house. I take out a key and unlock the front door. The house is dark with no light since it's 12 am and Erika is already going to bed. Tomorrow is the day we go on a vacation but it'll be in the afternoon, after lunch.

I close the door behind me and go to the guest room while carrying her. The guest room is on the first floor near the kitchen. Before that, I turn on the light as I can't see anything in the dark. I open the door, turn on the light, and put her on the bed gently. I sit on the bed too next to her. While she was sleeping, I lost in my thought about the things her ex-husband said.

From what he said, they love each other but because of her during s*x in almost every night, he felt terrified of her. But, I noticed from his story that she only become 'a succubus' during that time, and other than that, she was her usual self. A lovely and caring lady. He also said that he loved her but it was hard to love someone who can kill you. So, when he first time cheated on her, he felt guilty because he betrayed her love.

But each time, his love for her slowly faded away, and eventually, it disappeared, and the day it happens was the day they divorced. So, my question is does she still loves him? While I have the question in my mind, I feel a hug from behind and it feels warm.

"Sweetie~ Whatchu' thinking~? There is a gorgeous lady laying down next to you yet you did nothing. How cruel~!" She sounds less drunk but nevertheless, she's making an invitation statement. "Have you sobered up?" I ask. "Hmpf! You avoid my question but yeah, I almost sobered up. I just need a glass of water."

"Oh, do you want me to bring you a glass of water?" I ask as I get up. Just as I'm about to walk out of the room, she stops me by holding my hand. "...Don't. Stay with me." As she says that, she gets up from the bed and hugs me from behind. "...I want to be with you tonight before you go on a vacation with Erika, ...can I?" She pleads to me as she tightens her hug. Her voice sounds soft and pleading. Sounds like she's serious.

I turn around and hug her back. "Are you sure about this, Tomoe?" She leans her head on my chest and nods. "I am. I want it... I want you." She lifts up her head and looks at me straight at my eyes. She closes her eyes and leans her face closer to mine. She waits for me to initiate the first move.

As a gentleman, I move closer and our lips finally meet. I can feel her soft lips against mine and she deepens the kiss by wrapping her hands around my neck and even using her tongue. We both feel the heat and I proceed to bring her on my bed while we're still kissing. I lay her down but she won't stop kissing me like she is afraid I'll leave her.

Eventually, I break the kiss and we both look at each other with lust and desire in our eyes. We keep panting and try to catch our breath. We don't talk at all as our eyes say it all. I begin to kiss her neck and I can hear a soft moan coming from her. She enjoys this.

I move from her neck to her upper chest as I strip her clothes off. As I do that, she's also unbuttoning my shirt. After I have taken her dress off, I admire her body before kissing every inch of her body until I eventually reach her lower part, her most sensitive spot. From that point, we indulge each other and you know what happens after that. Use your own imagination. 

*Tomorrow morning*

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside. I rub my eyes and turn my head to the side. What I see is the most beautiful woman in my life and I just have the best night with her. I can't control myself from smiling ear to ear as I'm looking at her. We both are covered with a blanket as we both are naked.

I lean closer to her and kiss her cheek. As I do that, she wakes up and is looking at me. "Good morning, sweetie~" She says with a smile. "Good morning, Did you have a good sleep?" I ask. She lifts her head up and gives me a quick kiss before answering. "I did~ Last night was the best night ever. I hope we can do it again~ You know~ Our 'hot session'~?" She's giggling as she says that. I don't answer her instead I get up from the bed and walk to my closet.

"Oh, you ignore me~? Just wait, I will make sure our 'session' will be sooner than you thought." She's giggling again. I know she'll say that. Anyway, I grab a few clothes for me to wear and I ask her if she wants to wear her dress back or one of my clothes and she chooses the latter. I hand her my big shirt and shorts for her to wear. I know it sounds ridiculous but she doesn't complain, so, there you have it.

Since her chest is huge, my shirt can't fully cover her whole upper body but I don't care, it's a treat to me. After we've done with the clothes, we get out of my room and walk to the kitchen for breakfast. As we're about to walk downstairs, she gives me a quick peck on the cheeks and giggles. We walk downstairs, heading towards the kitchen. As we're about to arrive, we see Erika sitting by the dinner table while holding a cup of tea.

"Good morning, Erika" We both greet her. "...Morning." She greets us back while looking at us like we did something we shouldn't. She also doesn't sound like usual. I think I know why. "Tomoe, can you make breakfast while I talk to her?" I ask her. "Okay~" She accepts with a bright smile and goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

I sit next to Erika and ask while almost whispering, "...Did you hear us last night?" She looks at me and nods. I knew it. I apologized to her and promised to treat her for something when we go on a vacation. She accepts it, eventually.