
My Online Harem

Kai becomes a streamer after his parents' death to support himself and his little sister. Throughout the journey, he will meet many women who take interest in him and he has to decide the choice of his love life and face many obstacles along the way, making his life even harder. Not just that, because of what he has done in the past, the past will keep haunting him, making him chained by it. Can he bear that weight on his shoulder alone? Find out in the novel. *Author's note* Since the Webnovel tag system doesn't have the tags that I want, I will put them here. #conflict #drama #fighting

NoFace05 · Hiện thực
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62 Chs

A Date With Tomoe (Afternoon)

... ...What. The. F*ck!? The biggest shareholder? For real, how rich is he, huh? I don't know how many percents he holds, but it must be quite big to claim such a thing. *Sigh* "You're always surprised me with your wealth. So, you're here to see the event yourself, then?" I ask him. I look at Tomoe for a second and she's also shocked but quickly back to herself. Hmm, she's different.

"You're half-right, man. Yes, I'm here to observe the event to see if any problem needs to be fixed but I'm also here with my wives. They're at the area for women to relax and talk about, you know... everything. I think that place's called Wives' Paradise or something, no men are allowed unless the wives want to be with their men which you can see from the fact that I'm here, talking to you without them at my side." We just awkwardly laugh. It's funny that he called his women, wives, even though they're not married to not give Tomoe a wrong perception of him.

"Ignore my sad story. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself to this lovely lady of yours, buddy. *Bow a little* Hello, ma'am, my name is Jake and I'm your man's best friend since college. We've been friends for almost three years now, you can ask me anything about him when he was in college. *Whispers to her* I also got some embarrassing videos and photos if you want. Anyway, that's it from me." He whispers something to her, thinking that I couldn't hear him. I don't have a problem, though. Show her what you got, Jake.

*Giggling* She giggled when he introduced himself. Well, at least she's having fun. "So, what do you have to do right now, then?" I ask him. "Well, I got nothing to do for now, but I won't become a third-wheeler and disturb your date. Continue whatever you two are doing while I stroll around like a lonely man." Do you have to make it sad? What? You want our sympathy or something? Not a chance, man. "Thank you, let's go, Tomoe. See you again, Jake, unless you're really not stalking me."

Tomoe nods and thanks him too, maybe because I did. Why did I thank him, actually? We walk away from him and go to the next place but because it's afternoon, we scratch the initial plan and go to the food area for lunch instead. When we arrive, there are a lot of options we can choose from fast food, cafe, or regular restaurant. "You can choose." I said to her. She nods and looks around. "Hmm, how about there? It looks nice." She suggests with a beautiful smile. I just agree with her and then we walk toward it.

We find a table for two and then the waiter comes with a menu in her hand. She gives it to us and we look at it to see if there is any food and drink that might catch our interest. The waiter who is standing beside us is suggesting a Couple Set and it's cheaper than two sets combined. I look at her and she nods while smiling, suggesting that we have to try the set. So, I agree with his suggestion and he says the order will arrive soon and then he goes back to the kitchen.

We're waiting and in the meantime, we're chatting a bit about our lives and how things going. She asks me about Erika and if there's any problem with her and I reassure her that she's fine. Then, I ask her about the old man -I didn't call him that in front of her- and she says that he's fine but is bored doing nothing at home and we both laugh.

...I'm wondering whether I should tell her or not regarding Erika and I are planning to go on a vacation tomorrow. I'll tell her eventually but I try to find the best moment to do so and I don't think right now is the best. Maybe later on my next step in the dating plan. While we're chatting, the waiters arrive with a tray and a metal cloche tray to cover the food. The other one is holding a tray with two beverages and it's not covered. They put them on the table and open the cloche, revealing the set of food inside that give off a delicious smell.

The food that we order is spaghetti with Godfather Sunday Sauce, six fried shrimp, a small bowl of salad, three slices of garlic bread, and two glasses of apple juice. I don't know if this set is for couples but it looks delightful, so no hate comment from me. I look at her and wonder if she thinks the same. She looks at the food with a smile on her face, it seems like she's happy with what we got.

"Please, enjoy the food." The waiters say before going back with empty trays. "Okay, how about we dig in and enjoy the food, shall we?" I say to her while holding a fork in my hand, ready to try the spaghetti. She nods and then we start eating. The spaghetti is flavoury with spices and sauce that I never tried before. The fried shrimp is fairly normal, tasty but nothing special. Garlic bread is quite delicious, the butter that was spread evenly on it and the garlic itself is not too strong, suitable for whoever wants to try the garlic bread. The salad is nothing special but Tomoe is the one monopolizing it. Lastly, the apple juice. From what I get, it's juice from squeezed apples and added a little bit of honey to make it not too sour or too sweet. Overall, I like it and it seems like she likes it, too.

After we're done with the food, I pay for it and we go to the next location which is the clothes store because she wants to buy a few clothes. It's on the second floor, so we get to it by escalator. The store is called Pamilla which I don't know what it means but she seems excited, so... why does it matter, anyway. We enter the store and I let her wander around, searching for clothes while I sit on the couch provided by the store, probably for men or boyfriends who are waiting for their girls to finish shopping.

There are other men too sitting with me. When I sit next to a man, he greets me. "Hey, *Shake hands* You're here waiting for your girl too, I assume?" We shake hands for a second and he starts the conversation. "Yeah, we're not official yet and we're currently on a date. Since she wants to buy some clothes, I let her be and sit here till she finishes." I answer.

"Oh, a date, huh? Which girl is yours? There are a lot of beautiful girls and women here." He says while turning his head around, searching for Tomoe. I tell him her appearance and he looks around to see if there's any woman who's fit with the description. He takes too long to find her, so I just point at her which is at the nightgown rack. Huh, what's she doing there? ...Wait, is this... a hint about what might happen tonight? I hope so.

"Ooh, an older lady? And she's gorgeous, too. You hit the jackpot, man!" *Pat my back* He praises me for having a nice lady as my woman. I don't blame him, she's beautiful and I'm really lucky to be her date. I hope that my plan will continue smoothly and make her my woman. While we're talking, a girl walks toward us and stands in front of him while holding a paper bag that I assume has clothes in it. "Hubby, let's go. I've done shopping and I want to eat something, can we?" the girl says while looking at him. It looks like she's his girlfriend or wife.

The man gets up. "Yeah, we can. Hey, man, I have to go. Good luck with your date. I hope a lady like her becomes yours. It would be devastating if she's not." I get up too and we shake hands before he finally leaves the store with his girl holding his hand. He's a nice man. She's lucky to have him. As I'm about to sit again, Tomoe calls me to come with her for a minute and I walk toward her. I ask her why she's calling me. "Hey, which one do you think looks pretty on me? A red one or a black one?" She asks while holding up two sets of nightgowns. I start to feel a bit embarrassed when she does that.

While I'm trying to hide my slightly red face, I pick black as I think it's matched her black hair and also because the nightgown has a different design than the red one, making it a bit unique. I hope I choose the right one because usually, when women ask their men to choose, they already have an answer inside their head, and they're testing their men to see if they know their taste in fashion. Just thinking about it makes my body shiver in fear. Please, be right.

"Hmm, yeah, I think it looks nice on me. Okay, I take this! Let's go pay for it." *Relieved* Thank God, it's right. But, so soon? Did you even try it on to see if it fit? I look at her in confusion that even she notices it. *Smile* "Don't worry, hun. I know it fits me just by looking at it. I know my body." She says while giving me a flirtatious look. Did she just flirt with me? Is there a chance something will happen tonight?!

We go to the counter and pay for it. The clerk folds it and put it inside the paper bag but because we still have a date, Tomoe tells her to ship it to her house today. "But ma'am, you've to pay extra if you want it today." The clerk informs her. Tomoe looks at me and I know just well that her face is telling me to pay for it which I do. The clerk accepts the money and tells us that the item will arrive soon.

Then, we leave the store. She wraps her hand around mine and I can feel her breast's touching me. It's soft. I try to hide my red face and she's giggling seeing my reaction. She likes teasing me.