
My Normal Life In Teyvat

Uhm... this is synposis, by webnovel's words it is supposed to "attract" readers, but y'know... I am lazy. Oh, and also don't expect much, I am on my hiatus after all (since 2022 summer)

LfiAlfana · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs

Without me...

Once the clock stopped spinning, it unleashed a bright light that flashed upon my eyes, along blinding me, "Wha-"

I opened my eyes and found myself in a familiar city that I saw countless times, "Isn't this, Inazuma's city?" I walked slowly towards center of city while looking around and feeling that something isn't right.

'Something's wrong, all the time lively people, where are they? It feels as if this place is dead.' I walked near up to the adventurers' guild bulletin board and saw a poster, "Vision hunt decree?! What's going on here."

"I should get back, Time and space manipulation: Time travel, 11 backwards." Scenery around me didn't change, nor big clock before me appeared, "Why doesn't anything happens?"

Nothing happened, until a few seconds after a small vintage pocket watch appeared and fell in my hands, "Watch?" Time on it didn't move as normally it should, but arrow moved so that you could fall asleep how slow it was.

I turned it around around and saw a engrave on it, "CD? like game term of cooldown?"

"So I am stuck here for a some while in this timeline." I looked at my childish hands and shook my head, "I can't go to see mom in this state." I started running to where Kamisato estate was, "Ayato will understand me."

I put clock in my pocket and started using shunpo, not long after I appeared before Kamisato estate and guard stopped me, "Stop right there, who are you?"

'A new guard, I see him here first time.' I smiled a bit and looked at the guard, "I'm Fuji, I came hereto see Ayato."

"Fuji? I don't know someone with a name like that. Also don't disturb head of the clan, he's too busy to talk with kids." I sighed and looked at the other guard who was looking back at me, 'This is troublesome...' I sighed

"Can you at least both give message to Ayato that I came here and I'm waiting for him." They both looked at each other and the other guard laughed a bit, I looked at him coldly 'What do you find funny about this, idiot.'

The one I was talking to replied, "Of course we can, but I doubt he would put any attention to you." The other guard went into the Kamisato estate to give message about my arrival

Two minutes later guard came back with Ayato, "Show me where is this pink haired boy himself self proclaiming to be the Fuji." he looked at me and trembled with face that just were screaming that he's shocked

I looked at the Ayato, he was incredibly tall man with blue long hair and delicate face, 'You grew up pretty well, Ayato.', I smiled and waved at him, "Yo, it may a little strange to ask, but would you be free for a small talk?"

Ayato didn't say anything while trembling but nodded and finally said, "Come inside." We both walked inside and sat down near table down on floor, he still looked pale, "Don't be so nervous, I only traveled a bit in time."

He couldn't keep longer and yelled, "I see you that you're here, but I still can't accept it... How are you still alive?" I looked at him while being confused, "How am I still alive? What are you talking about, obviously I am alive."


'I...died?' I looked at him not knowing what to say, "What do you mean beheaded, I died?" We were in silence for some while while Ayato didn't say anything at all, as if his mouth was glued by something

"You... you were beheaded two years ago by... Pierro..." My eyes widened, "By Pierro?" He nodded

"Who's that? Damn, I was killed by some nobody..." I sighed and fell down on floor, Ayato shook his head and replied, "He's not a some nobody, that's one of the most dangerous Fatui members."

"No, member wouldn't be right word to describe him, that's Fatui's Director. I were together with you on my vacation to Snezhnaya, where you met your end..." I laughed and closed my eyes with a smile, "At least I didn't die by a nobody."

"How can you laugh at moment like this... The whole Inazuma turned upside down after you have died." Ayato didn't look joyful as always and looked more serious, "And as well the vision hunt decree... There's no way it could be any worse now."

"I won't ask how you travelled in time, but..." I got up and sighed while I supported my head against table and interrupted him, "What is this so called vision hunt decree? Just taking visions for no reason?" Ayato shook his head

"It's not so easy, the visions are taken by the orders of shogun, but it has been almost half a year while this happened, and I don't think this is just a simple request in the interest of hers'." He looked at me, "I think behind the scenes, all along were... Fatui"

"If that's true, then that's a very useful information." I took out my clock from pocket and Ayato asked, "What's that?"

I hesitated a bit, but also I didn't want to lie so I said to him half truth, "This is a watch I found, it allows me to travel in time. But there's a downside, I can't use it too often."

"That's a useful thing you got there... I still can't believe that you're here, it feels as if a dream..." I smiled a bit, "I'm still alive and kickin'." The clock in my hand rang and I smiled a bit, "Looks like I can use it again, I have to go."

"Goodbye, Ayato..." I got up, "Time and space manipulation: Time travel...' I sighed and continued, "11 years backwards.' I smiled Ayato and waved, "Bye bye~"

Everything turned black and white as if time stopped and familiar golden clock appeared, "I don't want to stay here anymore, it makes me feel uneasy..."

(A/N: Return by death works in following way - When mc dies, he returns to past but alternative universe, while other universe where he died, continues to exist without him.) (Next chapter tomorrow, bye bye (get mogged))