
My Ninja Way: The Will of Fire

DaoistAukXH5 · Tranh châm biếm
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My Ninja Way Is The Will Of Fire

'It has been 5 years since I crossed over to this world... Me, the freak, the genius..... I have been called by all kinds of names back on my original world.... Why!... Because humans have always been afraid of what they can control or understand, and the people that are different...

I was the most intelligent human being back on that alternative version of the Earth.... I was also a huge fan of the manga Naruto and its entire franchise... For an unknown reason that defies the scientific knowledge of my world, I ended up here in the supposed "Fictional" world of Naruto..

In those 5 years that I spent here, I managed to become a member of the Greatest Shinobi Hidden Village, Konoha.... At first, I was considered a stranger by all the inhabitants of the village, except for the Lord Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He was the only one that saw something more than an eyesore or spy that should just die... I built up my fundamental foundation as an apprentice ninja within two years, and graduated from the academy... I became genin in the weakest team of that time, but still I was happy... After all I made the one that believed in me proud, but I didn't stop after such a small feat..

The next year after helping and growing together with my teammates, we all became chuunin and I were assigned as the captain of small team of genin...Finally After two more years of loyalty towards the village and Lord Sarutobi, I was promoted to the rank of Jonin and became a regular member of the Special Assassination and Tactical Squad..

This squad mainly known as the Anbu.. Even though, I'm still 15 years old and that I don't possess a large chakra reserve like Uzumaki Naruto, and Lord Sarutobi. My strongest points are my chakra control and intelligence that far surpasses my peers...

Thanks to them, I managed to climb the echellons and entered the most secretive organisation of Konohagakure... Just for today, I'm sorry but it's not you that will bring my village on its knees... OROCHIMARU!!!!!' A young masked man with long black hairs jumped out the roof and landed in front of Lord Sarutobi.

He stared straight at Orochimaru with collected and calm eyes.

"Oi! Orochimaru-san.... Just give up on destroying the village and recall your ninjas and summons."

He then turned his head to look at the third Hokage.

"Lord Sarutobi... You can rest now."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You're so funny... You, mere rat that sneak into my barrier with anyone noticing... Do you think that you have the power to ask anything from me, because you are from the Anbu... Just die already."

The First and Second Hokage that were reanimated through the Impure World reanimation jutsu by Orochimaru, dashed at the Anbu with his back still facing them.

"Orochimaru-san!!! I was not asking, it's an order... GENJUTSU: BRINGER OF DARKNESS!!!!"

Suddenly as the Anbu perform a tiger hand seal, when two former Hokage were only a few centimeters away from him. The surrounding turned pitch black for all the 5 individuals inside the barrier.

This hallucinatory darkness caused the movement of the two reanimated Hokage to pause for a few fractions of seconds. Even though the pause was only momentary in a battle between ninjas, it was more than enough to decide the outcome of the battle.

The Anbu rapidly touched his wrists with his hands and two tags appeared in his hands. He then proceeded to apply them on his opponents and both of them remained immobile like two broken toys. As soon as he took out the two living deads, the Anbu clapped his hands together energeticly before the effects of his Genjutsu dissipated.

[Boom... Boom... Boom.... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom... Boom..]

Dozens of explosions could be heard from the roof where they we fighting. The barrier was filled with smoke and then it dissipated, this was because the four subordinates of Orochimaru that caught in the explosions. After all they were the ones maintaining the barrier that was called the Four Violet Flames Formation.

As the smoke completely dispersed, a large severely burn snake could be seen inside the second floor of the build as part of the roof had collapsed. The Anbu, two reanimated Hokage and Lord Sarutobi were completely fine. The Anbu moved to the border of the roof that has not collapsed and stared at the snake that was surrounded by debris.

"How long do you plan on hiding, Orochimaru! "

Suddenly the skin on top of the snake's head cracked open and Orochimaru that was coverd in body fluids got out.

"Your barrier has been dispelled.... Also though, you are not a sensory-type ninja, you should at least be able to tell that your former teammate has arrived... So to resume your situation, you are clearly in an inferiority position...

You don't have a barrier anymore, I have sealed both your two reanimated toys and on top of that Jiraiya is fight not too far from us... But If you do as I have ordered you before you can at least escape with your life... So do you choose to fight or retreat Orochimaru... Known that if you are ready to die, I will gladly dance with you..."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! To think that my plan will be foil by a mere masked rat... But what proof do I have that you will let me go."

"My Ninja Way.... Because My Ninja Way is the will of fire... The desire to protect every single life of Konoha, even if I have to make a deal with the Devil itself... Now, stop playing around, take your subordinates and get the hell out of Konoha, Stupid Snake."

Orochimaru jumped on the roof besides the Anbu and stared at Lord Hokage who was surrounded by three cloaked Anbu.

"Don't do any stupid... Because you should know more than anyone that there is no such things as a perfect jutsu... Every jutsu in existence has a weakness, it's the same for yours... So, give up on the former Hokage and your stupid plan to destroy Konoha... One more thing, if you are contemplating the idea of killing me... You should know that I'm a clone and you are sure to regret it."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You have found yourself a decent subordinate, Sarutobi-Sensei."

Orochimaru rapidly summoned four snakes that rapidly engulfed the four sound ninjas before disappearing.

"You can consider yourselves lucky today, but there will be no next time.... When I came back I will thoroughly destroy this forsaken village."

Orochimaru then disappeared in a smake cloud like his summmons all over the village.

"Fwuuh! Now, we only need to take care of the sand's ninjas... Guys, I'm leaving Lord Hokage in your care."

The Anbu said before disappearing in a small smoke cloud.