
First story

Hello my name is skye when i was 11 i had a dream i slept at 1 am because i had insomnia so its very hard to sleep when i entered that dream i saw a girl i asked her if she was okay and she looked at me with a smile then she stops a hand grabbed my neck i woke up i felt his hands still around my neck my eyes felt dizzy i went down the ladder and went to the living room i see my mom watching a movie and my dad working they were both wearing headphones my mom took of her headphones i told her i had a night mare then she told me not to worry i saw a shadow in their room i screamed shouted "THERES A SHADOW THE MAN WHO CHOKED ME" they ignored me like i wasn't there i squeezed my mom and when the shadow is growing i bit my finger too realized it was just a dream then i woke up i looked at my hand i had a bite mark on my finger...