
my new life as an overpowered demon angle hybrid

Demons_Wolf · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

on the run with my two mother's

you can control...all of them. what did you just say star. I said he can control all of them fire,water,earth,air he can even control space. darkness turned to me with fear and sadness in her eyes and said "we have to go...go up stars and pack a bag then come back down in 30 minutes". why is this becase I can control more than one if that the case how come we dont stay here. well hunny the queen would take you away from us and we would never see you again. but were in the woods no know where here. star look at me and says " the queen put us here we were to gard this part of the kingdom she knows where here". I nodded and ran up the stairs In to my room. I started to pack some clothes and I took a small knife with a red stone in that a girl gave to me before she left to go to the Capitol. I walk down the stairs and out the door to see a white jeep. i thought To my self "they have cars on this world".get in the car jeff...there no seat in the back so hold on I guess. star then turned on the car and started to drive down a dark road at the back of the house. mama star since when did you two start working for this queen. well angle like your other mom, are born in the castle made in to soldiers or other stuff to help the queen and her daughters, demons are trying to take over the world. then how are you here then. the queen took a liking to me becase I had no interest In taking over the world. ok then star I'm going to sleep back here then. I took a blanket out of one of the boxes in the back and fell asleep. I was awoke to a big crashing sound I jump up and made my way toward the front seat. I'm sorry sweetie me and star switch driver and she slammed on the brakes. I look to the other seat and no one was there. "where is she" I asked as I took a seat in the passenger seat. oh she crawled her way in the back. what will the queen do to me if she got me. I'm not sure but I believe that she will lock you up never letting you leave. we will be at the town soon so wake up your mother and hide in one of the boxes. I woke her up and we both got in to an empty box. I whispered to her "why do we have to hide in here". I'm a demon and you have demon blood in you. oh yeah I forgot demons were trying to over run the world. I heard a female voice "ok go on thew miss". darkness said we could get out of the box so we did. you need to hide your wings star. "oh yeah" she said as her wings and horns disappeared. if you could make your wings and stuff disappeared why did you hide in the box. she was also an angle so she could see if we where demons when she seen us. do I have wings like yall. I'm not to sure but there is a small chance. ok first order of business finding a place to live. ok star but do you have any ideas where to go. I read in a book that there a place called an inn where you can pay to stay a night. we will stay there for tonight and then find a home to stay in. we walk in to an inn we found and behind the counter I saw tall woman about my age with blond hair and golden eyes with a soft smile on her face. welcome to the angle inn I am Alice how may I help you. yes we would like a room for 3 people for tonight. right away let me show yall to your rooms. when we walk in to the room it had 2 beds a small kitchen and bathroom and a tv right across from the beds. they have tv here too. "what was that sir" Alice said looking at me. oh it nothing miss I was just thinking this inn is very nice. think you very much sir my mother run it I leave yall be call if yall need anthing.i got in the shower. my two mother walk In to the shower with nothing on. I quickly covered my self and look away. come on sweetheart look mommy darkness. fall into your lust jeff and have sex with us let us be more than your mom. I ran out and got dressed and went to bed on the floor in between the two beds. I woke up in star's arm being put in the car. I ask "what happening". the gard is here so we have to go. how did they find us star. they did not the head of them is just staying here so we are going. darkness started the car then we drove. "here you go" star handed me a smart phone. "what this" I ask as I turned it on. it a phone little got mine and darkness number it has a map. it even have some games you can play on it. dont forget the book in there on how to use magic. we pulled up to a big house with the light on. "we are here" darkness said look back at me. where are we at. this is where we will be living at and teaching you magic. how you buy a home so quick. we did not buy it this house belongs to....