
you really changed

The CEO received call from the detective who work with the police, to tell him information about the killer, and he knew that the young woman was killed by a knife after several hit and the killer threw her body to the river, and that the person who killed her was wearing black hat with skeleton picture on it after watching the cameras that were in the festival day.

The detective send the video to the CEO but the killer face was not revealed since he was wearing mask in his face but that were a tattoo of dragon in his right hand and they were able to only to see his hand when he was hitting the victim by knife several times, the CEO remembered that he saw a person wearing that kind of hat while he was with mica ,so he get suspicious that the killer might went to kill mica but after she changed her clothes with the other girl the killer thought she was her and killed her.

His suspicious was in its place, just when he was thinking like that, a sound come out of the hotel while shouting, it was mica who were shouting.

the CEO hurried up to the room see what happen ,mica was sitting on the ground while her hand was covered in red color, the CEO looked at her hand so he thought she hurt her hand but her hand were ok, mica told him that the water turned to blood while she washing her hand.

The CEO went to check the washing room and when he opened it red water come out of the washing place, he knew it was not blood so he tasted the water and it was normal water but it was red colored.

Mica who was in fear of what is happening asked the CEO to leave right away and that she did not want to stay a minute there. The CEO did not refuse and then packed right way and went back to the city.

Mica went to sleep after they get back to her parents house and the CEO tried to explain what happened to her family, her father got angry at him.

Mica (dad) "I knew nothing good will come from rich people this all your fault, something like that never happened to my daughter ,after you come you turned her life up and down by forcing her to stay with you"

CEO "how did..."

Mica (dad) "I know about the contract and everything I went to stop this mess too, but mica for the first time in her life lied to me for someone like you, she rejected every man who purposed at her saying they are all liars but to allow you to be near her means she likes you, but allowing her to stay with you means she will get killed so from now on keep your distance from my daughter"

CEO "wait, I know you do not like me but I will solve this problem and I will put mica safety first but I will never give up on mica or allow other man snatch her away from me ,as her father I can understand you fear of losing your daughter and hating me but if you will put a wall against me and mica I will not hesitate to take mica away from you even if that means kidnapping her or treating you ,mica place is with me, now excuse me I have work to do"

Mica (mom) "that boy is just like you"

Mica (dad) "and that what scares me"

Mica (mom) "l feel he is the right person for mica"

Mica (dad) "I do not want our daughter too pass through what we had passed"

The vacation that was supposed to be peacefully turned to bloody vacation with dark memories for mica, days have passed without hearing a word from the CEO who went to England without telling mica, and left the work to jack and putted a guard around mica who kept following her from home to work all the time.

Mica that was waiting a call for him never received a call from him or heard a thing from his assistance jack when she asked him about the CEO.

One day she was sitting in the roof of the building while thinking, just then Lukas showed as he was always doing in the roof after the going of the CEO to England trying to talk to her, but mica was just avoiding him.

Lukas "can you tell me why are you avoiding to talk to me mica"

Mica "you are just imaging it, I am not avoiding you, we see each other every day how come I am avoiding you"

Lukas "you always avoid talking to me when I want to start conversation with you"

Mica "it just am busy nowadays"

Lukas "yes, you are really busy thinking about Alex right"

Mica "that none of your concerns do not cross the line"

Lukas "you really changed, I did not even recognized you at first"

Mica "what are you talking about?"

Lukas "I am talking about you avoiding me because I was the person you loved first and trying to hide your felling from me, you must really got hurt when I did not recognize you at first, but who would thought that little high school girl who was totally obsessed about manga, comic and was crazy about me will grow to be a beautiful young woman and will leave next to me to be my neighbor.

Ok now smart readers, who do you remember have dragon tattoo like the one who tried to kill mica and do you think really he might be the killer?

Be like detective Conan and try to solve it and I will provide you with evidence every chapter so be smart and try to catch the culprit.

Comment your thoughts.

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