
where are the pants

Jack looked stressed when we started to talk about my sis, well honestly I do not think any man would be able to stay with her longer than week, she is never serious beside it is hard to tell what is going in her mind, she is kind creepy .

I wonder sometimes if she had any brain problem.

"Jack let me tell you something as your friend"

"What is it?"

"You have weird taste in woman"

"look who is talking, at least am not like someone who jump out of nowhere and ask a girl for marriage without even thinking of a chance to be rejected by her and even nationally rejected after all the preparation you did."

Crossing my legs I sat feeling kind of humiliated of what he said, well I could not denie it was really embracing moment of my whole life …plus today video incident.

"It is not my fault, if mica is just blind not seeing my perfection, beside I did as she said, I purposed to her like she went and come down from helicopter"

"Did not it come to your mind that she was just saying that to let her go, I bet she did not even mean any word she said"

"you think?"

"no I do not think but am so sure"

His words cut me deep, she was just saying whatever and did not even think about me seriously, but who could blame her being kidnapped and the way I acted toward her and my sudden proposal and the way I bossed her around was a bad tactics to ask a lady out.

I was really naïve to think that she will not even blink an eye to accept me at the end it ended with big No.

Fifteen minutes has passed, jack already left and mica was still in my room.

I was about to open the door by the spare key I had when the door suddenly opened.

She is just breathtaking, how could I take this, this is just unfair, she look so beautiful even in those large sized cloth of mine.

"What are you staring at?"

She said as I stepped out of my thoughts and swiftly turned around as I have never affected by her look, this is just too much for me, she look so cute the shirt that I thought will fit her were so large in her tiny body and the long sleeves were past her hand as they were hung and the shirt was big enough to reach up to her kneel.

Wait what about the pants then?

"Where are the pants?"

I asked without turning my face giving her my back.

"they are too big"

"I will look for other one"

I said and went past her to my room, to my closet, I did not even glace back at her and started searching.

"I want to go home"

She said with low voice, and it made me look at her with cold eyes to indicate that her request has been rejected and went back to search again.

I did not hear word from her, finally I found it, I passed it to her.

"try this"

I said passing it to her, she did not take it from my hand so I put it in the bed and left the room.


Suddenly the door was shut with big bam and was locked again.