
unexpected neighbors

Once the door completely opened, mica saw the most person she

does not want to see again in her life, Lukas a person in which mica has crush

on him since high school days, she saw him and stopped talking for moment Lukas

talked to her so casually and asked her what does she went from him and kept

looking at her with angry face and said that she is distributing him. mica could not talk at all she just kept

staring at him he was wearing white t-shirt and he was long with curvy black hair style and you can see the tattoos in his left hand and with pierced ear. Mica could never forget Lukas

and what he did to her and then she went back to her apartment and closed the

door while Lukas said what a weirdo and shut the door and did not recognize her

at all.

Mica was in her room alone thinking why would this jerk

appear again after all this years. He did not even remember her even though they

studied in the same high school and he was sitting in front of her.

Lukas was good looking person and loved by everyone around

him but his real character no one know about except mica, during high school

days of mica she was not socialized as the girls around her she was always sitting

alone by herself while reading comic books and eating her lunch alone that was her

daily routine until the day Lukas sneaked in to her daily routine life.

He asked her to allow him to sit with her and told her that

he too like reading comics as time passed they become close but one day he

asked her out since he was so interested in her. mica thought about that and

she asked him to give her some times , she was happy that someone she like

asked her out but that day after school when she was going to tell him she is

going to accept his request , that day she

saw him going out hand in hand with other girl.

she did not want to believe that Lukas was dating that girl

so she followed him ,the girls that was with him has noticed that mica was

following them and she did not like mica at all since rumors about him and her

were all over the school, so she asked him why he is around mica and if he like her while hugging him and he answered

while laughing "someone like her is out

my league why would I like someone like her she is just bookworm I just want to

have a little fun ,I prefer someone like you" he said while kissing that girl

that was with him.

when mica heard this

words her heart were completely turned to pieces and every piece has turned to

dust ,once she heard everything she slapped Lukas in his face and with strong

face expression she told him "such person like you does not deserve my love"

and turned her back on him while taking steps forward with all confidence but in reality she was

crying while taking those confident steps, even she tried to stop she could not stop

herself from crying ,that day mica

promised herself that she will not fall

in love or even try to do that .

Mica was sitting while recalling what happened to her and

without noticing she found herself crying and laughed at herself why would she

cry over something in the past.

Then the door bell was ringing ,mica thought he might be

Lukas so she did not open it ,but the bell kept ringing when she opened the door a delivery man gave her a gift of flower that was send to her and

mica kept asking who is the sender but the delivery man told her that it was

from her neighbor house who was left side to her house, she knocked the

door and that they must be something

wrong while thinking because her

neighbor where fighting a lot with her mom and they did not got along with her

yet to send a flower to her it was so weird.

The door opened and the CEO come out of the house while

wearing apron mica kept looking at him with surprising expression in her face

and asking why he is here and the CEO with happy face he answered that he

changed house to be near his girlfriend and asked her to enter and tried to

drag her to enter the house.

Mica "hey, why are you here?"

CEO "I just want to be close to you so I bought this

apartment to be near you"

Mica "what about the people who were here"

CEO "I bought this house from them twice its price so they

must be fine, although I want that house who is in the right side of your house

but they told me that it was rented yesterday and the person refused to move

out no matter how much jack offer money to them, now come in and tell me how is

my taste in house decor"

Mica (what the hell with this day first I find out the person

who I had crush from high school days appears to be my neighbor and he did not

remember me at all, and here I found out that this bossy stalker CEO who is crazy over me even become my neighbor to make my life even harder ,I am

surrounded from the left and the right side ,why is this happening to me ,dear

GOD what did I do o punish me like this)

CEO "what are you thinking about, when am talking to you just

focus on me, you hear me I hope you are not thinking about other man"

Mica "I am not"

CEO "ok then let's get in"

Mica "I am not going in with you"

CEO " I do not think you understand now I am your boyfriend

so I have the right to do what I want without

crossing the line that was your condition

so shut up and let me do my work in making you fall in love with me"

Mica "put me down you shameless pervert or I will call the


CEO "go ahead if you can, are you going to say that your

boyfriend is trying to make you fall in love with him"

Mica "you are really shameless"

CEO "thanks I will take it as compliment"

The poor delivery man was standing there while the CEO and

mica were flirting with each other and they forget to sign the paper for him

and closed the door.