
It hurt this feeling

Lukas dragged mica to the roof by force, once they were there mica slapped him in face hardly.

Mica "do not you ever touch me gain"

Lukas "so it is ok if it is that fake boyfriend"

Mica "what do you want from me, why are interfering in my life"

Lukas "I already told you the reason I love you mica, I might have hurt you in the past but I will make you happy I promise"

Mica "shut up, I do not need your love I already have someone who loves me and I love him too so stay away from me"

Lukas "did not you ask that person you love so much , why did he go to England, let me tell you your dear fake boyfriend got engaged to other girl"

Mica "stop do not lie he will never do such thing to me he love me so much"

Lukas "if you do not believe me here some pictures of the engagement party that was held in England look at him hand in hand with that girl, look to the ring they are wearing."

Mica "that cannot be true, they are fake pictures"

Lukas "no they are not"

Mica fell to the ground holding the pictures and looking at them, Lukas felt bad for her and he hugged her saying it is ok to cry, just then the CEO appeared and saw that Lukas was hugging her, mica saw him and pushed Lukas away slowly and asked the CEO if those pictures were real, the CEO responded with cold expression in his face "so what if it is true".

saying those worlds coming out from the CEO mouth completely destroyed mica and started coming closer to him step by step while she was holding her tears.

Mica "how could you do that to me?

You are joking right? Right, you are doing that on purpose right to make me jealous right, if it is like that do not joke around"

CEO "what do you mean, I tried hard to make you love me but you did not like me so I just given up on you, I was going to tell you that today but you made it easier for me ."

Mica "are you angry that I chose dad over you, are you that childish"

CEO "no I am not angry, I knew you will choice your dad from the start, but since things ended this way,I do need to explain anything to your family"

Mica "are not you the one who was saying that you cannot live without me"

The CEO looked at mica and kept looking at mica with cold expression and then looked behind mica ,in which Lukas was watching everything, then the CEO moved steps close to mica and said

"Anyone say that when they fall in love, beside it look like I interrupt your sweet time with him"

Mica "it is not like that ..."

CEO "you do not need to explain anything for me, you made your choice and I made mine to, so let's separate without hard feeling"

Mica "stop right there Alex , I am ordering you to explain what is going on ,the contract between us is still on, and am ordering you to explain what happen to change your mind like that"

CEO "do I still need to explain is not everything clear now, me and you are completely strangers from now on, the contract will end after four days. Oh, also there will be a party healed for the fourth university of the company after four days I would like you to come and let's consider it a farewell good bye party and everything will end there, that all I had to say good night"

Mica "wait …Alex .do not do that to me…not you too…"

Mica fell to the ground crying while saying it hurts these feeling hurts so much, Lukas covered her with his jacket and told her to cry as much she can while hugging her.

The CEO was listing to mica crying while he was in the stairs.

CEO "sorry mica, forgive me for what am going to do."

Message from the author:

"hi dear readers thanks for your love and support up to now, I hope you are enjoying my neighbor boss and I want to thank you for your waiting for my update every month I only post five chapter every month but as thanks for my passionate readers I decided to give another extra chapters.

Do not forget to like and comment I would like to know about your thoughts and rate my story if it deserve 1,2,3,4 or 5 star on the rate area and also tip if you like to your author, thank you so much >..<" .