
My name is Mephsitopheles (Reposting)

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT AN AMATEURISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift for a long time. Then, suddenly he got his attention called by someone walking towards him he was an old man with a bowler hat and in black suit holding an umbrella with him. 'He' was here

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71 Chs

Chapter 61: Raizel vs Shinwoo.


Shinwoo had called Ik-han over to his house because he was worried about his health, Ik-han was on his computer even way more than before and he didn't want his friend to get so lost in the rabbit hole of conspiracies and theories as to what happened to the world before. He had told his mom about his worries and she too shared his thoughts on the matter, she insisted he called their entire trio, with the third person being Rai and they could actually go outside and have fun like before.

**Ding dong**

The doorbell rang getting their attention "I'll get it Om-ma" said Shinwoo getting up to go see who it was, he checked and seeing that it was Ik-han he opened it and stood with a deadpan expression and just facepalmed "Ik-haaan" he dragged his voice in a exasperated tone and heaved a sigh seeing how packed his friend was with a bunch of laptops and so many chords.

*hehe* Ik-han gave a nervous laugh scratching his cheek..


Shinwoo's Mom had gone to prepare Lunch for everyone leaving Shinwoo and Ik-han in the living room, "hey Ik-han, I heard there's a new upgraded version of the games we played at PC" Shinwoo said in a tone full of enthusiasm as he gestured "it's like a VR and we have special spaces which we stay in to play and–

"Yeah yeah, very informative th-thanks Shinwoo" said Ik-han waving his hand dismissively as he went back to attacking his keyboard like his life depended on it and making incoherent grumbles of annoyance and occasionally saying the word dumb or stupid.

"Ik-" Shinwoo tried to call again but just stopped as he looked at his friend in sad pity, he wanted him to enjoy life as before "Ik-han please stop this, it's not healthy" he pleaded and placed his han o his shoulder which startled Ik-han "huh? Shinwoo did you say–

❄️" This has gone on long enough Ik-han"❄️ a very cold icy voice spoke which sent massive chills down both Ik-han and Shinwoo's spine instantly sending them on high alert.

Even as someone whom has never thrown a punch before in his life, Ik-han actually put his guard up as drops of sweat rolled down his forehead, he felt like an ancient beast was upon him. Shinwoo although in a much better condition was still tensed, she really was the most frightening thing when she was angry.

Yun-Hee walked forward and squatted before Ik-han, her gaze turned soft as the scary aura around her vanished and was replaced with a motherly feel. "Ik-han, even if you were to uncover whatever caused the near end of the world what would you do then, do you think you can stop whatever it is from happening, you're mortal not a god" she said to him.

Ik-han turned a bit solemn before he raised his head "but god's don't exist" he said but Yun-Hee just smiled "humans can't prove whether they exist or whether they don't, but tell you this. Any human who doesn't believe or think of the possibility that there is someone or something much higher than us is truly a sad and empty existence. We will never be able to explain or comprehend everything Ik-han, that! is a fact that will carry through until the end" said Yun-Hee petting Ik-han hair as she smiled at the kid.

She stood up and did a little stretch and then snapped her fingers "oh yeah Shin-san, why didn't you call Rai over too, aren't you a trio now" Yun-Hee asked her son who gave a nervous laugh "Ahem well you see Om-ma, Rai refused to give us his line and–

"I can get it" Ik-han interuptted, raising his hand and then he began working his keyboard "I kinda put something into Yuna's phone so i could monitor her" he said with a bit of cold swear and intense caution in his voice.

Shinwoo had a deadpan expression "you what". Ik-han sprung up to his very own defense "This happened when Yuna was attacked before, I did this so I could–

"I know exactly what you did it for" interuptted Shinwoo "but still" said Shinwoo as Ik-han sighed "Yeah I know, I actually had even forgotten I did something like this for a while" Ik-han said as he began reactivating the program he had used.

"I think what you did was okay Ik-san" Yun-Hee said as Shinwoo turned to her but she put her hand up "I understand what your reservations are Shin-san, but sometimes you have to cross lines to protect that which is important to you, and this was one of those times" said Yun-Hee turning her head to her son "I would have done the same thing for you in a heartbeat with not a single bit of guilt" she said firmly.

Shinwoo backed down as he perfectly understood where she was coming from, and he too was in no way different as he would do the same thing for her also.

Yun-Hee turned to Ik-han, "carry on Ik-san" he nods his head and goes back to fishing out Rai's like from Yuna's contacts and then he paused.

"Is there a problem Ik-san" asked Yun-Hee. Ik-han pushed his glasses up a bit "ah-well, I don't think it'll be a goo idea for either I or Shinwoo to talk to him. He'll most probably ignore or disconnect as soon as he hears our voice".

Shinwoo 'ahhhh'd' as he too thought of this scenario, Yun-Hee chuckled and shook her head "So he wants to avoid the two of you this much huh, I guess it suits his character according to what Shin-san said about him and from what I noticed that day" she said and outstretched her hand "hand me the phone, I'll call him myself" said Yun-Hee as Ik-han did some moderations and then handed his phone over to her.

She collected it and just dialed the number infront of the screen....


Raizel had just appeared inside the forest about to go on his quest for a pet when his phone vibrated in his pockets, it as been a while since someone had thought to call him since everyone of his partners had a link to him right but he didn't dwell on that. Thinking It was either Yuna or Suyi, he picked it without looking at the screen and put it to his ear.

Rai: "He-

----: "[Hello Raizel, please be on your way to my house soon and bye-bye~]" and she disconnected as Raizel just stood there, frozen. "Wow" this is all Raizel was able to utter as he just shrugged and continued onwards.

Meanwhile Shinwoo and Ik-han were looking at Yun-Hee with Completely speechless expressions, she didn't even let Raizel have an opinion on the matter and just basically ordered him. "Uhmm" Shinwoo expressed absentmindedly as Yun-Hee turned around and handed Ik-han back his phone, then sat back down on the couch and heaving a sigh as if she had just carried out a very tiring job....

[20mins LATER].

Shinwoo and Ik-han looked like they had finally been able to restore how they were before as they were engaged in a serious heated game rivalry on their computers, Yun-Hee who was on the other side of them had a beautiful, warm, motherly smile on her face as she watched the two of them. She shook her head and sighed "boys" she said and was about to get up when suddenly she heard it.

They all did, the most primal and terrifying thing they've ever heard in their entire lives, it shook them to their very core. Yun-Hee was locked in a daze state when---


A huge scream erupted from inside the house causing her neck to snap immediately towards the direction to see Ik-han on the ground, curled up and holding his head with both hands as he breathed heavily and beads of sweat rolled down his head. Shinwoo too had been called out for his daze state and looked down at his friend, he panicked as he knelt down and immediately began comforting him.

He could feel Ik-han's strong body vibrations even through his own, he too was incredibly shook by that sound but his friend come first, he spoke calmly to him and even teased him sometimes in an effort to calm him down, and it seems to be working as Ik-han chuckled a little after his next tease and then after sometime, he was much better.

Not perfect but at least he was he was now able to coordinate himself even as his body still lightly trembled, he picked up his glasses and sat down on the couchigh in silence . The feeling he had now could be compared to Post Nut Clarity, so much embarrassment and regret that he just curled up and cried even screaming so loudly, God! the embarrassment was killing his conscience, and everyone looking at him in silence was not making things any better, the ultimate whimp is what he could be called right now.

Yun-Hee noticed Ik-han's uncomfortable attitude and smiled as she stood up and walked over to him sitting on the couch besides him as she pulled his head and placed it on her chest, petting him lovingly. She could feel the intense vibrations of his body, clearly indicating how terrified he was. "it's okay Ik-san, no one is going to make fun of you, I'm scared too" she consoled him and held his head tighter to her chest "can you feel it Ik-san".

He listened intently feeling her intense heartbeat, she was definitely scared but how could her body be so calm and warm with how fast her heart was pounding in her chest right now. Even Shinwoo was sweating and shaking from time to time, how could her body not even tremble one bit. She must have an insane amount of mental strength to not even be trembling one bit, and for her to remain this calm even though she was affected by it too. That sound, whatever it may have been, he knew deep inside that came from something very much alive. That feeling, was something he would describe as primal.

He didn't know how and why but he just knew, his logical mind tried thinking of all scientific explanations for such a phenomenon. He tried everything he could, but still couldn't come up with something that would come close to explaining that sound and such a deep powerful feeling.

He heard his computer light up with notifications. Curious, he moved his head from Yun-Hee's chest and checked what's with the bombardment. He was left with a huge surprise when he found out everyone whom he was connected to from different countries of different continents also heard that sound "this-this can't be" said Ik-han in a state of bewilderment.

"Eh?" Shinwoo expressed as he leaned closer to Ik-han and Yun-Hee leaned closer to "What's the matter Ik-san"asked Yun-Hee.

Ik-han raised his head to look at her, cold sweat running down his face as he gulped "the-the-that sound we heard *gulp* I think…I think it was actually heard by everyone on the planet" said Ik-han in a trembling voice.

"What!?" Shinwoo exclaimed as his eyes widened "but how can, it's not something loud enough to...Wait" he paused and looked at Ik-han "did they....experience the same thing as-

Ik-han nod his head in confirmation and went back to working his computer as he spoke. "Everyone, them included should be very terrified and unstable right now, and some chaos is bound to unfold anytime soon, we can already hear some commotions right now. It would be unsafe to go outside since if it's as I've confirmed, then-

Ik-han paused and raised his head as cold sweat ran down his forehead "Wait....isn't Rai alone and out in the open right now, he definitely must have heard that sound too which-

Shinwoo and Yun-Hee had caught on at this point as their eyes began widening. Then;

**Ding dong**

The doorbell rang and their heads snapped towards the doorway almost immediately, Yun-Hee was about to get up and go check to see how it was but was beat to the chase by Shinwoo who got up before her "don't worry Om-ma, I'll do it" he said as she nod her head and sat back down. She may be protective of him as any good mother would be, but not blind as she knew just exactly how abnormal Shinwoo was.

And so she watched as Shinwoo looked through the the doorhole to see who it was and was visibly surprised and elated at the same time when he saw the figure of Rai standing right outside. But he raised an eyebrow when ever saw a golden thing around Rai's neck, but he shrugged it off as that wasn't important right now and just opened the door. Then he immediately without even a moment to waste he bombarded him "RAI, are you---Eh?" Shinwoo's mind had a short-circuit for a moment. Then he widened his eyes and within a short instance he raised his left leg and threw an incredibly fast and powerful uppercut kick towards the snake on around Rai's neck.

At that moment, when his kick was three inches away from Titana's head. Rai's index finger was placed on the front of Shinwoo's shoe, stopping the kick in it's place as a very visible gust of wind erupted blowing Shinwoo's clothes strongly but only managing to just leave the impression of a small, calm breeze on Rai's clothes.

Ik-han had his mouth open in a wide gasp while Yun-Hee was unusually calm, and on her lips a small smirk formed. *{hmm. As expected, his power has grown much more than before}* thought Raizel and Yun-Hee simultaneously in their minds. Yun-Hee's gaze moved upwards to Rai, gazing at him in a way as if she was reading him *{but him....he's a much more abnormal being}* she smiled slightly at that thought.

Shinwoo put his leg down and took a step back, his gaze on the golden scaled snake with two horns around Rai's neck. He gulped and scratched the back of his head shyly "ehmm, sorry about that, the snake just surprised me a bit *hehe*(^_^;)".

Rai nod his head slightly, his eyes were calmade. His gaze went towards Yun-Hee for a moment and back to Shinwoo, this kid was standing infront of him preventing him from stepping inside the house and he really didn't want to say anything right now so he just remained quiet and kept staring at him.

Shinwoo's gaze travelled towards the snake which just stared at him in a strange way, he got chills all of a sudden, the snakes eyes were strange. It's pupils were reddish golden and it was if the snake really wasn't noticing his existence at all, even though it was staring right at him.

*sigh* "Shin-san, you're blocking the entrance" said Yun-Hee which immediately woke Shinwoo up from whatever state he was in "Ahh. Oh! Sorry" he moved back allowing Rai to step inside the house.

Raizel walked in and sat on the couch next to the three of them and just sat in silence, crossing his legs and resting his hands on his thighs. Everyone's gaze was on the golden snake around Rai's neck, it was just way too distracting and eye catching. Especially with those beautiful shimmering bright golden scales and the horns atop it's head.

"Where did you find such a snake Rai, I don't think there's been any mention of something as incredible as that" Ik-han asked pushing up his glasses a little as he looked at the snake in a fascinating way. Shinwoo too looked just as interested as Ik-han and Yun-Hee also looking a bit fascinated.

....."I don't know" Rai answered.

"Eh?" Excalimed everyone as they all raised an eyebrow.

"She was on my arm when I woke up this morning, so I kept her as my companion" said Rai who had decided to spit pure bullshit from his lips.

Ik-han and Shinwoo blinked multiple times not knowing what to think about what they just heard "sooo you woke up with a snake on your arm, then not knowing whether it's dangerous you decided to keep it?" asked Ik-han as if wanting confirmation for what he just heard right now.

Raizel nod his head. Shinwoo facepalmed himself hard while Ik-han had pushed his glasses "Rai, I know you're very carefree but seriously?" Ik-han shook his head and Yun-Hee besides then just chuckled at how someone can be that carefree.

Ik-han paused, then raised his head up "wait Rai, on your way here did you hear a very abnormal sound?" Asked Ik-han.

Raizel nod his head and turned his gaze to Titana and rubbed her head as if she was the cutest little thing to the bewildered gazes of everyone present in the room *{yeah, he's just way too abnormal}* thought everyone simultaneously seeing how unfazed and unbothered Raizel was about the incident.

"Have you given it a name" asked Ik-han seeing as the snake really was just being accepting of being pet *{it must have been domesticated before, it's just way too calm and accepting of being pet, and I don't think it's tried to Strangle Rai before too so it definitely was domesticated. I wonder who in the world could have owned such an unusual snake}* Ik-han thought to himself.

Raizel turned his gaze to Ik-han "Titana" he answered.

"That's a nice name" said Yun-Hee smiling. Raizel's gaze turned towards her and smiled as he gave a light nod, then he went back to pure silence only petting Titana's head. Very soon he would be going on a very crazy trip, the call of battle was beckoning him, and he had no choice but to answer, it was time to go home. But before the epic battles, he would have to secure 'them' at his side.

Yun-Hee looked at Shinwoo who was busy with his phone, then Ik-han who was now back on his computer, and back to Rai who was just silent. She shook her head internally, the communication prowess between these two and Rai was nearly 0. She stood up and walked upstairs inside the house and coming back minutes later with a little change of clothes, she was now wearing a blue jean, a slim white long sleeve shirt and her red hair was packed into a ponytail.

Shinwoo raised his head up and looked at his mother, raising an eyebrow "are you going somewhere Om-ma" he asked and she nod her head and smiled "Yes, with all of you" said Yun-Hee now drawing everyone's attention.

She ran her eyes around everyone present and smiled "we're going for a little exercise, I want you boys to entertain me" she said as she began turning off the lights and walking towards the door. She turned around to see everyone still sitting "come on, let's go" she gestured to them.

Raizel turned to Titana who just had an aura of complete disinterest as she just got comfortable as if to sleep. He chuckled inside and elegantly stood up and followed Yun-Hee, one hand in his pocket and walked out the door, Shinwoo and Ik-han following right behind.....

"This is very much different than I imagined it'll be" said Ik-han shifting his glasses as they walked along the streets, he expected to see at least a bit more chaos and unrest but everyone looked okay. Well, as okay as can be because people were still very much shaken.

"Yeah" Shinwoo besides him nod his head in agreement, he faced ahead and realised they were taking the same route he took whenever he went to the gym. He looked at his mom "why are we taking route Om-ma". He didn't understand why she would be taking them here, did she's want everyone to watch him hit the gym or something?. He paused as that thought rang in his mind. She-she couldn't be that crazy could she? He asked himself inside, luckily mom came to the rescue.

"I want to see both of you fight Shin-san" said Yun-Hee, a soft smile on her lips.

"Eh?" expressed Shinwoo and Ik-han at the same time and even Rai raised a brow slightly "ehmm. Om-ma, both of who?" he asked again as if wanting to confirm.

Yun-Hee turned to him and rubbed his cheek "I want to see you and Raizel fight, it'll be interesting to see how you're going to handle someone who's more abnormal than you Shin-san" said Yun-Hee with a bright smile as she faced forward. They had reached their destination as they now stood at the entrance of the dojo. Yun-Hee smiled "i guess it's been a while since i met your Uncle too huh" she said as she pushed open the dojos doors and walked inside with Raizel, Shinwoo and Ik-han following right behind.

Raizel gazed around the place indifferently *{fight him huh, I guess we'll see how he handles himself against me. Let's hope his first spar doesn't disappoint}* thought Raizel as he saw a very buff 6foot 2 man with a trimmed beard walk out into the main space of the dojo.

The man had a surprised expression on his face looking as he gazed at Yun-Hee "Wow" he said as he walked up to her and gave her a quick hug "so how long have you been back Yun-Hee" he asked smiling

"I just came back three days ago" Yun-Hee lied perfectly through her teeth with a sweet innocent smile. Shinwoo and Ik-han exchanged gazes with each other and sighed inside while Raizel remained as stoic as ever.

Cho Hyung chuckled "where's the thrid person of our group, de he come back with you also" he asked.

Yun-Hee nod her head "he did, but he's gone for the day and will be back tonight, he plans to meet you tomorrow since he's going to stay home".

Cho Hyung squinted his eyes a little as he frowned slightly, the weird event that just occurred minutes ago was making him worry and he didn't know if he was the only one who heard it since he's been alone in the dojo.

"What's the matter Cho-san" asked Yun-Hee tilting her head a bit. He looked down at her and shook his head in dismissal "nothing Yun-Hee dont worry about it" he said as he finally brought his attention towards the Raizel and the rest "hey Ik-han....so you're here once again huh Shinwoo 😒" he said in an unamused tone.

Shinwoo just looked down to the ground trying to avoid as much eye contact as possible, Yun-Hee laughed lightly "don't make him feel that bad Cho-san" she said to him and he chuckled "anyways who's the other guy standing besides him" he gestured to Rai with his thumb and turned his gaze to him "never seen a man look so pretty" said Cho turning his gaze to Yun-Hee again.

She turned to look at Rai and smiled "he's Shin-san's friend, 'and you're wrong, pretty can't even begin to describe a percent of what he is" she said that part in a lower tone so that only Cho could hear it.

His gaze travelled down to her *{she really hasn't changed huh}* thkugt Cho to himself "so you boys want to do a bit of exercise huh" he asked them but Yun-Hee responded for them "actually we came her for a fight Cho-san" she said with a sweet smile.

Cho Hyung blinked multiple times "Eh?"

Yun-Hee nod her head still smiling.....

[Sometime later].

Cho Hyung stood with his arms crossed with Ik-han and Yun-Hee standing on both sides of him as they all faced forward looking at Raizel and Shinwoo atop the stage. Cho Hyung turned his head towards Yun-Hee on the right of him "are you really sure that guy would be able to survive Shinwoo, sorry if I'm really not having much faith in what you told me".

Yun-Hee smiled "I do not fault you Cho-san, but I guess we should just watch" she said watching both of them face off.

Cho Hyung gazed at her for a few more seconds before turning to look back at them "Yeah, i guess we'll see".

Ik-han besides them was gulping hard, memories of how brutal Rai was during that day flashed in his mind 'lets hope Shinwoo doesn't bring out that nature in him' he whispered to himself.

[On Stage].

Shinwoo was looking completely focused and a bit tense looking at Rai who stood casually with a hand in his pocket and a careless look all about him, his gaze went to the snake arounod his neck "hey won't you put the little guy somewhere safe" he asked him.

Raizel looked at Titana for a moment and then back at Shinwoo shook his head "it won't be a problem" he said in a nonchalant tone. What Rai said now made it clear, he clearly didn't view Shinwoo as a threat one bit since he was giving himself such an obvious handicap.

Shinwoo was now feeling a little mad inside "hey, there's no need to be that much of an asshole you know" he said but Rai still remained stoic as he raised his left index and motioned him to begin.

"That kid really has no good manners for treating his friend in this way" said Cho Hyung to Yun-Hee besides him, she smiled and shrugged "i guess this type of character is predictable with a face like that". Cho nod his head "Lets see how he'll do after Shinwoo beats him".

Yun-Hee smiled "You really believe in him that much huh". He turned his head to her "why would I have any less faith in someone whom i have witnessed his abnormal growth speed and power for years" he replied to her.

She smiled "well, I guess you're right about that, 'let's see if you'll be able to surprise me Shin-san' she said under her breath and watched the stage....

Shinwoo heaved an external deep breath as he focused on his opponent right in front of him.

Raizel's gaze focused a bit "let me tell you something Shinwoo, do not take this as a spar, you'll wholly regret it. Know that right now you stand in the presence of death, so put everything on the line, give your true all, be lethal, this is a life and death battle. And just know, if i sense you hold back one single bit, you...shall die" in that moment a chill ran down everyone's spine as cold sweat formed on their heads as they heard the cold chilling tone in which Rai had just declared his statement and the aura around Rai right now screamed absolute danger.

*{This kid}* Cho thought internally as cold sweat formed on his head and he gazed at Rai with squinted eyes, he squeezed his fist tight as he battled the trembling feeling going through his whole body.

Yun-Hee although still smiling was feeling a little uneasy as well a bit hot for some reason. But Ik-han was biting his lips hard as he worried deeply, this was that nature he didn't want manifest again. *{Please be strong Shinwoo}* he thought putting faith in Shinwoo.


Shinwoo with extreme focus moved and with maximum speed raised his leg high aiming for a high kick to the head but in a strange movement he smoothly turned around and got low on the ground and aimed a fast ankle kick at Rai's leg.

In the next moment, Raizel had made a move. There was something that Raizel had been doing deliberately ever since he fought anyone and that is to never use his legs to actually fight.

It was a personal challenge to see who would actually make him raise his legs and kick someone, or something and he sure as this wasn't going to be the battle in which he finally does use his legs so instead of jumping back away from the kick, he moved forward.

With a slight movement technique he moved forward and Shinwoo's kick finally connected but instead of the devastatingly horrible outcome that would have occurred had his kick connected against Rai's ankle, his thigh was what connected against it as Rai had moved into a harmless space and thereby making his attack useless as all that power had been dispersed and wasted.

Shinwoo was a bit thrown off by this, he looked up to see a hand coming at his face. He moved back instantly thinking he was free but with an insane speed, the hand accelerated and caught his shirt as it pulled him back.

Before he could get his bearings and restore his balance, Rai's hand left his shirt and held his face and with a twist Rai turned around and grabbing shinwoo by his face, he flung him.

Shinwoo's body flew through the air and slamming hard into the wall, releasing a groan in pain as his body fell to the ground in a thud. He coughed as he lifted himself up with his elbow trembling all over.

Cho and Ik-han's eyes widened "SHINWOO!" yelled Ik-han as he grit his teeth and was about to rush towards him but Shinwoo put his hand up in a halt motion.

"but" Ik-han wanted to say but paused. Shinwoo raised his head up and looked at him "this is our fight, do not interfere Ik-han. I'll hate you if you do" Shinwoo said with determination in-between breaths

Ik-han clenched his fists an turned his head away, backing off.

Shinwoo smiled and turned his gaze to Rai who stood with one hand still in his pocket and a cold gaze in his eyes, the snake around his neck was just as comfortable as ever.

He stood up with effort and heaved a huge breath of air and took on a stance with his guard up, his gaze focused on Rai. Then he moved in a side step and threw an incredibly fast punch at Rai's shoulder joints, but Rai quickly turned to the side dodging the punch.

With managed movements, Shinwoo turned and threw two kicks high and low of which Rai blocked successfully with his arm and threw a punch of his own in that moment.

Shinwoo on high alert crossed his arms to block the punch which still managed to throw him off balance and push lift him off the ground a bit, but he regained himself quickly and grit his teeth as he felt his hands throb in pain, but he ignored it and spun in the air as he threw a spinning kick in the aimed at Rai's body but Rai had moved forward half a second before Shinwoo spun himself and pushed Shinwoo's body downward as he landed on the side of body and gasped in pain but then he rolled away and got on up from the ground.

Shinwoo held his shoulder in pain and grit his teeth as he moved forward again and threw three consecutive fast punches aimed at Rai's chest, head and liver of which Rai blocked the first two with his palm and moved sideways to avoid the last. The sound of the punches hitting Rai's palm rang out in the whole room, followed by gusts of wind indicating the power of those fists.

Shinwoo had predicted Rai turning to avoid the last one and so he forcefully stopped himself in the middle of the third punch and turning around with all his power, redirecting it as he decided to execute a shoulder barge into Rai.

Raizel reacted quickly and raised his left hand which was the free one. He put his hand behind Shinwoo's back and grabbed his collar, redirecting all of his power as he pulled him down to the ground with force. Shinwoo's eyes widened in brief surprise when he felt himself airborne again for a moment before he fell on his back to ground in a thud and shutting his teeth involuntarily in pain.

He wasn't even allowed a moment of rest as he felt Rai's hand grab his face again and pull him up, in that moment when Rai was pulling him up he decided to act as he threw an all out punch at Rai's face. Or so he was supposed to do but Rai suddenly let go of him, throwing him a bit off balance and thereby slightly shifting the position of where his punch missed Rai's face and would have grazed his ear if Rai hadn't slightly moved his head again at the last second making the punch miss completely.

But Rai wasn't finished, he placed his hand on Shinwoo's chest and stooped him for a moment which sorta caused a slight confusion for Shinwoo. Then the next moment Rai's hand accelerated upwards as he under Shinwoo's chin with the back of hand, and the force of it threw his head backwards and made him stagger back as his mouth bled. But then still continuing on with his attack, Raizel threw a fast and powerful sideways hook aimed at Shinwoo's temple.

The force of the punch made Shinwoo black out completely in that instant as his head was rocked sideways and his body following suit as it shut down completely thudded to the ground unconscious.

Ik-han's eyes were wide and his mouth opened in a silent gasp, from the beginning to the end of the fight it was nothing but a one sided battle if you could even call it that. Shinwoo never managed to get any single point over Rai, be it composure, speed, reaction, flexibility, agility, power or skill. There was nothing he ever surpassed him in, Rai's movements were fast, simple, powerful and way to efficient, the worst part is that he did all this with one hand alone and the other in his pocket. It was obvious now, way to blaringly obvious. The difference between them was just too enormous, they are nowhere near the same level. Shinwoo wasn't weak no, far from that exactly. Raizel was just too much of an abnormal monster.

[A/N: for those of you who may think the fight was too one sided or that I somehow nerfed Shinwoo and didn't bring out his full potential then you should remember this. Against an opponent that much more powerful than you, there's some moves you just cannot risk doing like you would against lower levelled opponents. Shinwoo is already inferior in power to an overly suppressed to the maximum limit Rai so expecting him to flash around flamboyant moves is nothing but a death call].

Ik-han and Cho Hyung rushed forward to go check on Shinwoo while Yun-Hee stood gazing at Shinwoo's unconscious form calmly for some seconds as she turned her gaze towards Rai who stood casually. He locked gazes with her also and they faced off in a silent battle as two calm and unreadable gazes looked at each other.

[Hours Later at the infirmary].

Shinwoo's eyes trembled and fluttered open, the first thing he met was the ceiling. He groaned in pain as he pushed himself up on the bed sitting up. He gently placed his hand to his head and felt the bandage wrapped around it, he dropped his hands on his lap looking down at nothing in particular "so I lost huh" he said in a low voice.

"Yeah" a gruff voice replied and Shinwoo scoffed inside.

Cho walked out of the shadows and sat on the bed besides him, Ik-han too also walked forward and sat on the bed.

Cho placed his hand on Shinwoo's shoulder "you did good kid, don't take this too hard, Learn from it instead" Cho Hyung said to him.

Shinwoo smiled "don't worry Cho-san, i knew from the beginning what I was getting into when I accepted the fight, so I'm not going to let this loss pressure me" he said as he flashed a bright smile at Cho Hyung who smiled seeing Shinwoo's attitude still intact. He shook his head and looked at Shinwoo "at least you have something that kid doesn't have boy, and that is actual humanity and respect for people's feelings or their existence in total".

Shinwoo didn't respond and just stayed silent. Ch Hyung looked at Ik-han on the other side of the bed "your friend told me about the encounter that you had with those thugs sometime ago, and how that guy Rai had handled them . He also told me about what happened at the end, how he practically and indirectly called him trash" Cho's eyes moved towards Shinwoo who was still not saying anything.

"Why would you still be hanging out with a guy like that, and why didn't you tell your mom about such a thing" he asked but Shinwoo didn't respond, he turned his gaze to Ik-han also and then back to Shinwoo ".....I see, so you still see him as your friend huh" said Cho Hyung as he sighed and looked up "The heart of you guys is something" he said in an almost praise lie tone but also a bit of cynicism was mixed in there.

"Where's Om-ma" Shinwoo asked.

Ik-han replied to him "She said she needed to have a little talk with Rai and we shouldn't disturb her or interfere until she's done".

Shinwoo nod his head "I see" was all he said.

Cho Hyung patted his shoulder "you should still rest some more Shinwoo" he said to him. Shinwoo nod his head and lay back down on the bed, he didn't bother to fight the request as his head had been throbbing in massive pain ever since he got up and he didn't want to mistakenly make things worse, hence why he complied peacefully.

Cho turned his gaze towards Ik-han on the other side "You should try and rest a bit too Ik-han" he said as he stood up and cracked his neck a bit before he made his way towards the door and exited the room.

Ik-han eyes the other bed present in the room and decided tkttake Cho's advice to lay down, and so he did. The room was in full silence as the two lay quietly on their respective beds.

[Meanwhile, inside a spacious room].

Yun-Hee sat on a couch with Raizel sitting opposite on the left of her *hehe* she laughed lightly "so Raizel, I guess i should thank you huh" she said smiling.

Raizel smiled slightly, she really was an interesting woman.

Why aren't you angry at me" he asked her. He was sensing all of her emotions right now and he couldn't feel a single ounce of anger, he was sensing other things and something much different but that's to be addressed later.

Yun-Hee leaned back into the couch "I guess it's probably because I have no right to be right now, i sent him in there to fight you and we have the results" she gestured with her hands. She moved her gaze towards Rai and stayed silent for a few seconds "be honest with me, how serious were you about killing him".

Raizel paused for a moment and then replied "100%".

Her eyes were calm and unreadable as she gazed at Rai "I don't think you reflected that very well in your fight, what made you show that much mercy. There were too many chances, so many things you could have done, why didn't you" she asked him.

Raizel smiled beautifully "he didn't meet the requirements, I lost interest. When i made that statement I was in a different mind frame" he replied to her as he locked gazes with her "the last reason is because I didn't want to hurt his mother".

Yun-Hee smiled "huh, is that so. So it seems you actually do have a heart".

Raizel outstretched his hand and Titana snaked her way around it and he smiled looking at her as he pet her head and gently traced lines along her smooth and magnificent scales. He smiled and looked up "Although i may not show it often, i do actually care about things or people....but only a small particular group he clarified to her.

*heh* "I see.....if you don't mind, would you like to have a little spar" said Yun-Hee with a bright smile.

Raizel dained a stoic look, he would be lying if he said he didn't want to fight her ever since he just mindlessly checked her strength today on stage. He himself was quite surprised when he saw how much stronger than Shinwoo she was, her strength completely dwarfed his completely. Everything Shinwoo had, it was obvious they all came from his mom.

He wondered what exactly did his father's genes contribute to the whole end product that was Shinwoo minus the needed sperm to fertilize her eggs.

Maybe this was the same situation with Nicole Watterson and Richard from the gumball Universe, those two are the living definition of the statement Love is blind. He still didn't know if he'll eventually visit that reality, but for now he knew he had no plans to for a long time.

"I accept" he replied to her after about six seconds in real time

[Minutes Later on stage].

Yun-Hee had changed into more fight appropriate and comfortable clothes. She wore an MMA boxing short except a little longer, and on the upper part of her body she wore a black sleeves and well fitted shirt that really highlighted her big firm mounds. She also packed her light red hair into a ponytail and made a bandage glove on her arm.

Raizel smiled as he gazed at her, she was making his incubus blood a little excited but now was the the time for combat. He looked at Titana on his shoulder, this time at least for a bit he would have to fight her with both hands. But that wasn't the only problem here, the restrictions on his fighting style as the Noblesse would make this a bit hard to handle but that's what makes it fun.

He walked towards a bench in the far corner and placed Titana onto it and smiled as he pet her "just wait a bit Titana, it'll be over in no time" he said to her and turned around walking back on stage.

Yun-Hee walked towards him *sigh* "although I would've said i want to use this fight to relieve some stress but I'd be lying. In fact, i have never felt better" she clenched her fists and looked up at Rai "and so I just want to test my peak power and body against someone who i sense can handle it. And for the first time in my life, truly go all out. It can be a bit draining to be a mom, a wife and a strong businesswoman, but i Love my family so it's easier for me to endure" said Yun-Hee smiling a but as she stretched her muscles.

Raizel smiled, "Alright Yun-Hee, let's entertain ourselves. Maybe you might be able to force 50% of me" he said to her.

Yun-Hee eyes him and smirked "really that confident are we".

Raizel nod his head. She scoffed and exhaled deeply *fuuuuu...hah* "let's begin".

The next second Yun-Hee had covered a distance of 3meters in only half a second, that was how abnormal she was. Raizel quiclqu reacted and moved sideways to avoid a grab by Yun-Hee, she smiled and the next second her right hand vanished.

Rai's eyes got a bit focused as he moved his head to the side as Yun-Hee's fist passed through followed by a sharp gust of wind. She instantly diverted her hands sideways with that same momentum and force of the punch towards Rai's face.

Raizel reacted and put his palm to the side of face catching the dangerous backhand punch which was followed by a strong impact of wind "Why exactly do you limit yourself so much" asked Yun-Hee seeing the way Rai had been moving and managing himself.

Rai smiled "it's a discussion for another time" he said to her but she just frowned a bit "if you stay like this you'll definitely loose, or is it that you look down on me like you do Shinwoo" she asked, squinting her eyes as her gaze completely focused on Rai's.

He shook his head lightly and smiled "It's not that i look down on you Yun-Hee, in my current state I just prefer to fight like this" he said to her but she raised a brow "your current state?" she questioned.

He nod his head and then smiled "but don't worry Yun-Hee, you'll still lose" he said sweetly.

Yun-Hee smirked and laughed *haha* then she pulled her hand put of Raizel's grip and created a good enough distance between them "I've learnt and mastered the most dangerous and most potent of fighting styles in the world and even managed to take then beyond what was created- she paused and gazed directly at Rai "let's see if you can survive" she smirked, an hint of insanity present in that smile.

Raizel sighed mentally, he perfectly understood Yun-Hee, she was like him(Mephistopheles) someone who longed to fight, but for a while now she has been suppressed because there was no mortal strong enough to fight her, and she ran into the same wall that all the strongest people eventually reach. She became too strong, also because as a mother and wife she had to tame that wildness a lot more. At present she was the strongest normal human on the planet.

He looked at her, he had an option to use techniques as that was part of combat but there was another thing. Absolute and controlled power will always beat even the most powerful of technique's any day, and right now her power was a bit relative to his current state so he couldn't say he had absolute power right now. But what he did have was control, what was about to carry on now was a battle of near relative power and control.

For the first time today, Raizel finally removed his hand out of his pocket but still took on a carefree but elegant stance. He really didn't want move around but right now he had to, he made sure his cuffs were perfect as he closed his eyes for a little bit and then opened them. Showing those beautiful eyes of blood to the world once more.

Yun-Hee and he smirked slightly at the same time and then vanished, the next second a big gust of wind erupted in the dojo as their fists clashed. But her hand released itself the next moment as she grabbed Rai's wrist and tried to use a technique to pull him down and off his balance but he reacted before her and almost pulled her but she released her grip quicky and let go as the both of them kept their outstretched hands besides each other in a standstill.

Their gaze was on each other as each studied their opponent looking for a small moment of falter. Then next moment, Yun-Hee did something that almost caught Rai off guard. In that uncomfortable and forward stance she was in, she did a short shin kick towards Rai. But that wasn't the surprising part no. The surprising part was how fast her legs were, it was only a short and small back and forth movement but it was still surprisingly fast and this was the moment that Yun-Hee was after as she for the next three moves made a prediction on how it was gonna go.

The first is the probability that Raizel reacts and moves his legs either upwards or backwards or he moves to the side to avoid the kick, she prepared for those three and Raizel chose the third one as he slid his leg a little and moved sideways to the right of her and then came the second move which was prepared before the first move.

She predicted in which direction sideways he was going to move and already had her hands ready for a dangerous technique called rattle. She moved her right hand and with the greatest precision and speed aimed a skilled punch at Raizel's chin. She had already seen the outcome as after this technique Raizel's brain would ratter violently in his skull causing massive disorientation, but in that same instant the next and final move would come into play as she would aim a super fast and powerful kick to the side of face which would then knock him out completely.

Everything was going all according to plan as her punch was about to connect to his chin, she could already picture everything but.

*Bam* "huh?" Yun-Hee's hands suddenly changed directions and went up in the air, her eyes were still looking confused as it was like she couldn't feel her hands again amd for a split moment her body was not her own. Raizel slowly turned his head and gazed straight at her, those blood red eyes looked like they were gazing into her soul. It looked so cold and so terrifying, she finally understood what happened.

Her body had saved her from absolute death, it had been so terrified of something that when it sensed the terrible mistake that she was about to commit it took action and saved her from an unimaginable terror. This was like the situation you face in the moment before death whereby your body shuts down completely and time seems to have slowed down to a crawl as only you and your death are the only things standing face to face. Or if a rookie were to take on a master and professional fighter, how many times your body freezes in fear when you see that powerful, fast punch heading for your head and you just know that you can't avoid it. This was that same situation except dialed up to a 100, and the more she looked at those eyes the more naked and small she felt under it. It was as if an ancient monster, the absolute incarnation of madness of terror would awaken at any moment and devour her.

Cold sweat formed on her head as her heartbeat sped up, Raizel coldly gazed at her and slowly reached his hand towards her neck. She still didn't move and watched as he grabbed her and the next second they vanished as he slammed her into a wall. She grit her teeth and groaned in pain but she looked up to see Rai's eyes turned into a calm and playful look "that was really dangerous Yun-Hee, what you were about to do was really risky you know" he said as he smiled.

Yun-Hee didn't respond and just kept looking into his eyes as she kept thinking *{too close, way too close}* and gulped which was a little hard as his hand was still on her throat. The two locked gazes, her heartbeat was speeding up constantly and her body was heating up slowly, this guy was really unfair. That charm, that scent and that face isn't something that should exist in this world especially that smile of his the beautiful enticing and serene way his voice is.

Raizel slowly released his grip and gently cupped her chin, his gaze was serious and soft at the same time. He moved in and took her lips in a deep passionate kiss, her eyes widened but soon they turned soft as she closed them and melted her body and desire into the kiss passionately and deeply enjoying the sweet and addictive fluids of Rai's mouth. Her hands wrapped around his neck, her conscience that should be screaming at her right now wasn't doing so for some reason. Instead all she felt was absolute peace and calm, like it was just both of them right now in this place, in this time, this very moment was all that mattered right now and she wanted to make sure she enjoyed it. And enjoy it she did, as of right now three figures remained in the main space of the dojo. Two of which were deeply invested in each other and the thrid which just watched silently with unreadable expressions or thoughts...

[Sometime later]

"We'll be going now Cho-san" said Yun-Hee as they stood outside the dojo, it was already evening and the beautiful lights of the city had come to life.

Cho Hyung nod his head as he looked at Shinwoo and Ik-han besides her "you boys should take care, and you Shinwoo" he raised his hand up and Shinwoo shrunk a little expecting a hard hit on his shoulder but to his surprise Cho gently placed it on his head and ruffled it as he smiled at him "make sure to never lose that part of you, but be careful too, not everyone would respect it as they can try to take advantage of you for being this way. You can't save everyone Shinwoo".

Shinwoo smiled and nod his head in understanding and Yun-Hee raised a brow "what kind of conversation did you guys have with each other" she asked not really serious about it.

Cho Hyung smiled "it's nothing serious Yun, just telling him about the world and how some things work".

"Oh i see, Okay" she said as she turned around and gave a last wave at Cho before all three of them began their journey back home.

On the way home,i t was quiet silent. Except for the sounds of some bustle still going on in the city it was practically quiet. For the question about why Rai wasn't present with them, he already left a while ago. He and Yun-Hee didn't go past the kiss, he didn't want to take it that far yet and it seemed she too shared the same sentiment as he.

After they got home Ik-han began packing up his bag and all of his devices he came, he turned around and looked at Shinwoo as they shared a bro hug and said goodbye to both Shinwoo and his mother. The next second they heard the sound of a car pulling to a stop outside the house, they heard the cars door and open seconds later.

"Oh~, I think Appa's back Shin-san" she smiled.

**Ding dong**

The doorbell rang but Yun-Hee was already at the door seconds before it rang opening it without care and standing face to face with her husband.

"Ahh, Yun dear ummm can you help me a bit" said her husband with pleading eyes as he held on for dear life with all the baggage he was carrying in his arms.

She chuckled lightly and took some of the bags from him as they walked into the living room and dropped the bags of groceries on the center table.

"Eh? You're here Ik-han" said Shinwoo's father noticing Ik-han's presence as he walked up to Shinwoo and rubbed his head "I'm back Shinwoo" he said as bright smile formed on his face. His father was a pretty good looking guy with short light brown hair and a height of 6:0 so he was pretty tall, his Irises were hazel and his build was a little slim but muscular and he wore a black suit.

Shinwoo smiled and raised his gaze up a bit to look at his father " welcome back appa".

*hehe* he laughed and turned his gaze back to Ik-han again "it's really been a while since I saw you Ik-han.....you didn't grow a bit 😑, so short" Shinwoo's dad teased.

Ik-han had a deadpan expression right now, this is part of the reasons he didn't miss this guy at all.

*Ahahaha* "look at your face Ik-han, I'm sure you regret me coming back right? " he said with a grin then clapped his hands together and rubbed then "Alright, let's see everything that i- wait, you're leaving now right Ik-han" he asked him.

Ik-han nod his head "Yeah, sorry i can't stay longer Riku-san" he made a small bow after that.

Riku, Shinwoo's father smiled "It's no big deal Ik-han, you'll still be here tomorrow so it's fine" said Riku.

Ik-han proceeded to say his final goodbyes for the night and began his journey home, the family of three got down to enjoying themselves as they checked all the goods Riku brought home and after that and enjoying a delicious and luxurious dinner, they got to entertaining themselves with a nice father and son gaming time with Yun-Hee joining in just to whoop their asses and rub it in their faces as their man pride took massive hits for the next few hours of gaming..

By 11:10pm, everyone was ready and tucked in for bed as they each retired to their own rooms. Shinwoo had gone to his while Yun-Hee and Riku went to their shared couple room, a King sized bed of luxurious taste with a wide space and nicely decorated all-round room.

A thing to note is that Shinwoo's parents weren't poor nor average No, they were indeed wealthy. They just all had a taste for being simple, and that is what they were, a simple family. They loved having nice neighbors, friends, an outside dojo to exercise in and sometimes walking around specific places of the city for sightseeing, going shopping by legs and just having fun.

As both lay on the bed after an eventful and fun evening together, Riku turned his head towards Yun-Hee "something weird happened today Yun" he said to her. She nod her head "Yeah, we're aware of it too".

Riku turned his gaze to the ceiling "I suspect everyone in the entire city must have heard it, probably goes even much further" he speculated.

"It does" she said. He turned to her and she said it again "it does, the entire world heard it, Ik-han confirmed it for us" she said snuggling deeper into her husband's arms.

He rubbed her back absentmindedly as thoughts ran through his head, he sighed "it's going to be quite the news tomorrow" he concluded and she nod her head as they talked a little more about some other things like their business and after about an hour extra they both drifted off to sleep....

Meanwhile somewhere in the night atop the highest building in the city, Raizel stood besides Mephistopheles, having a conversation with himself and both looking down on the city.

"I'm really in for a big trip of annoyance by my brother" said Mephistopheles to Raizel who smiled "Beelzebub won't break conduct even if i you(i) have to fight him, Archdevils are way too powerful so we have to live beyond all of creation and into the absolute most deepest layer beyond even boundless true absolute nonexistence and only use an infinitesimally small aspects of ourselves inside creation. If we ascend to our true forms then we'll have a problem with both Michael and God, and neither of us are in the mood for another heavenly war right now" said Raizel.

"Yeah" Mephistopheles looked up at the sky "fighting God himself should be the final act after creation ends, unless something forces us to before that time" he turned to Raizel "after i truly seperate my aspect from yours, you won't be able to access our other aspects as easily as before except for Lust. I as Raizel do not hold that function, something We seemed to have forgotten".

Raizel nod his head "Yeah, aspects/incarnations are created to have different roles and functions as different parts of my personality dictates. You(i) Mephistopheles only seek to fight strong opponents and to make sure the demon Race remains supreme, and also as the aspect of Lust is in all aspects of me, we also want to have partners with us and my function I took upon myself as the Noblesse is to make sure the Nobles are also part of the Supreme race and to add new aspects of different abilities upon myself if we find it interesting".

Mephistopheles nod his head and smirked "I guess I'm excited for this, it's been a while since I've used my chibi form" he said as he turned silent for a second "That kid, Cha-Shi hoon hasn't been born yet. Well according to present time in that reality he hasn't come into existence so I guess I'll wait for time, It'll be boring if I go the future, i still have many things i want to do before I meet that kid and his Sister's

Raizel smiled "the kid isn't the most important target here, what we want are his Sister's". Mephisto nod his head "he's a great target for combat but as he's just another pawn for entertainment, I can't fight him for eternity that is not my way. A victory after a hot and fierce battle that is what i desire, and after that the death of my opponent as i move onto the next target. His Sister's are the only ones whom shall remain forever with me so they are clearly more valued" stated Mephistopheles.

Raizel nod his head and smiled "how do we get his Sister's not to hate me with this plan of mine, I really don't want to bring my partners pain it's against my nature as the Incubus god".

Mephisto smiled "it is possible, we very much know that, it's just going to be really hard to do".

Raizel gave a light laugh looking up at the sky "Our(my) nature is just bound to be chaotic no matter what we do, as much as it annoys us we still have no plans or change it, there's no other way I'd rather be" *sigh* "the life of an Omnipotent" he said shaking his head.

"It's time to leave Raizel, it is possible I will clash with you(me) at some point you know".

Raizel nod his head and ran his hand through his head "it's going to be a pain fighting myself, even at both our current states i have a 99•0% to get destroyed....no mercy for myself too i guess. I already know my aspect as Raizel is weaker than I as Mephistopheles, you're the designated supreme Aspect just below Luicfer and GD-[Great Darkness]".

Mephisto and Raizel returned to silence "system" Mephisto called.


"Take me to the second main reality for the Soul Cartel mixed fusion Verse" Mephisto requested.


TRANSMIGRATING IN 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1....0.

And the next second Mephistopheles was gone leaving only Raizel standing atop the skyscraper, with Mephisto separated from him he no longer had access to Asura as that too was an aspect of Mephistopheles. Neither could he willfully weild Destrucion and most of Domination. All of his aspects were created to have different functions and authority, the only two he had was the Blood Phoenix which is his aspect as the Sovereign of blood and also the aspect of Lust.

He would have to change his style of fighting also, his way of fighting wasn't supposed to make him move too much or even at all. His power as the Sovereign of blood was absolute and so with that absolute power he would erase any opponent who dares to oppose him with the greatest of ease, while also displaying the most absolute peak of Beauty, Elegance, Charm, Authority and Power.

After he finished with his thoughts he looked at Titana and smiled as he gently caressed underneath her chin then drew his hands back. She followed his movements upwards and he placed a gentle kiss atop her head and looked forward "Let's go back Titana" he said as they both vanished leaving the skyscraper's top an empty space once more.

A/N-1: Raizel can say ''We and 'Us' but there's only 'I', he just prefers to refer to himself as We/Us since he does have many personalities aspects of himself, this isn't some multiple personality disorder type shit, his nature is just one of pure and ordered chaos.

Also i need your thoughts for something, should I give Titana a golden dragon evolutionary path or should she remain as a golden serpent forever.

Please tell me your thoughts, I'm serious on this.

A/N-2: So Incase you my dear readers haven't noticed it yet, publishing chapters will take a bit to complete because most of my chapters are either 4,000-9,000 words at most....for now, i plan to increase that base to 5K. I don't like short chapters of 1,500-3,000.

Please do not kill me i do not meet my daily quota of one chapter per day as I'm not exactly the world's fastest writer. I haven't been writing for long and as at this time I write this, it's been four months since i began. Also I'm not just posting on one site but three. Wattpad, Webnovel and Quotev 🙂.

Also i'll be making a side work for Mephistopheles's journey.

Edit: [This chapter is 10,987words]. EnD.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SOLACEcreators' thoughts