
My name is Mephsitopheles (Reposting)

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT AN AMATEURISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift for a long time. Then, suddenly he got his attention called by someone walking towards him he was an old man with a bowler hat and in black suit holding an umbrella with him. 'He' was here

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71 Chs

Chapter 49: Assassin and Garda.

Everyone had gone on high alert from what just happened. "RAIZEL!!" Urne yelled as her eyes tured white as her aura almost burst ready to shatter the universe but Suyi froze her with special ice of sealing. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING SUYI, THAT TRASH TOUCHED RAI" she yelled at Suyi who looked calmly at her. "Are you blind, pay attention will you. All three of us here couldn't even feel that guy approach Rai and even now I still can't feel him, he's obviously not from here".

Urne was surprised, what Suyi said made perfect sense. Something that would be able to escape their senses especially hers was definitely not of this reality. "fine, I'll let Rai deal with it himself" she said as Suyi released the ice and turned her head to the scene..

Raizel smiled at the sleeping Edian in his arms, he parted her hair *{SYSTEM}* he called in his mind.


*{make sure she's comfortable, also tell Lunark and Yuizi to not disturb her}*.


Edian was taken away and Raizel glanced down at the blade in his chest, this blade was definitely not normal. It was actually trying to eat him, it reminded him of frankenstein's dark spear. He used his telekinesis and pulled the blade out of him and shattered it as he turned to face the being in front of him.

"So an assassin is the first class they sent" he said looking at the dark flaming figure in front of him, this guy had no presence at all. The universe wasn't even aware if his existence at all, he was completely gone from reality or more specifically this layer of reality.

The assassin was silent as he gazed at Rai, who silently returned his gaze also. The both of them vanished the next Instant as they appeared in a new void realm, "I'm very sure those 12beings sent you, I guess they're trying to test more of my power so they sent you".

The flaming being nod his head "You're an abnormal trespasser of realities with an irregular system, you have to be removed" the being said as began walking forward towards Rai.

Raizel moved his head to the side as an invisible slash went past him, his eyes watched as the being still walked towards him. He continued walking and he eventually walked up to Rai and still kept on walking as he passed through Rai, but as soon as his being walked out of Rai's form their images began fading away.

The two images were just after images all along but the after images carried their intent or will which is why they still moved and talked like they were actually there.

*{System, can you scan this guy}*


"It's okay, I was expecting this after all" he said as he opened his palm and a new blade appeared on it. This blade was dark purple and had black lines around it, all of the lines converged at a point in the blade.

Raizel calmly watched the unknown person finish his preparation as he just motioned with his index towards him.

*huuuu* the being exhaled as he readied his blade and the next Instant he was gone, Raizel moved to the side as he caught the guys arm but then suddenly let go when he felt something trying to devour something inside him, and move his head to the side to avoid a slash and within the same instant he put his arm around the beings stretched arm and coated his palm with flames as he grabbed on to it and pulled his arm down. But his flames suddenly vanished and the force was felt again, Raizel vanished the next Instant as a black pillar of flame erupted from the beings body burning the layer of this void they were in.

Raizel calmly watched the being who was calmly looking at him too *{System, can you think of how this guy is able to track me. I don't exist in this reality, and even if he sees me how can he react to my speed, why isn't he having any delay in movement}*


*{And we know he isn't on a deeper layer because this layer still recognizes his existence, and I can feel him completely. I also can't prolong the fight before he outgrows me completely, and that seal of his too is a problem}*

The being opened his other palm and a new different thing appeared, it was a small golden round plate with a horizontal line in the middle. He focused his gaze on Raizel "I'll admit you surprise me a little, but playtime's over now".

Suddenly the visual image of the being was gone, his already non existent presence was now even more empty as his existence got removed from another layer of reality.

Raizel raised his hands as he increased the power of his flames and compressed it in an instant to form a flame tornado around him, and the next Instant his flames were gone again. Rai stood alone in the void in a completely calm manner, suddenly there was a divide. The entire void had begun splitting up into different pieces as they begun floating around like paper and just randomly and then on all of those pieces a red eye had manifested as it looked in every direction, but then all of those eyes slowly moved and all foucused on one spot which was Rai.

Raizel felt a small tingle on his palm and raised it up as he looked at it, a line on his palm had begun forming. It was getting longer and longer until it finally split and the same red eyes was now on his palm. Raizel watched with interest *{I wonder what it's supposed to do other than look intimidating}*

Raizel got his answer when he felt something latch onto his will and in an instant it had shred it into a billion pieces while devouring it at the same time. Black visible lines began forming all around his body reaching up to his neck and then once it reached his dead eyes light suddenly returned to it.

*sigh* "thank goodness the report was right, he gets too casual in a fight leaving him with many openings, if he had paid attention I wouldn't have been able to succeed" the being who had just inherited Raizel's body said.

He raised his hands and clenched it into a fist, "my God, so this bastard is growing this fast underneath and that much power is sealed away. I can't report this to the guardians, with this bastards potential power and his system I will be able to kill them much sooner than I imagined". He tried to summon Raizel's flames but it wasn't working, he brushed it off as because he was new to the body and tried again and again but it wouldn't manifest.

Then suddenly he couldn't move again, it was like an insurmountable mountain had been placed on him "w.. what's happening, I can't move" he panicked. He was very awake but he couldn't feel anything, only a massive weight was left.

–"hmm.....so that's what those eyes are supposed to do"

The being in Rai's body heard a voice and with great strength force his neck to turn around and see him, his eyes widened when he saw Rai standing meters away from him "you...I..I killed off your will and devoured it, th...th...there's no way you're alive" the fear in his tone was palpable, you can almost taste it. What he had done wasn't just shredding his will, and just devour it. He directly cut and removed the very link holding his entire existence together, his body too should have gone but there was a delay which is why he was able to take over and reinstate his own existence as the link holding the body together.

Raizel shook his head "What you fought wasn't me directly but just a clone, which is why all you could see was only the Infinite growth and the sealed power underneath myself" Raizel made a small grin as he saw that look on the guy's face. "Besides, do you really think it's possible that you can even dream of touching my will, you do not even have any idea what my existence is even. That power you have is really nice and dangerous but it's weak, it's not even a power of yours, it feels more like an artifact Is the one holding that power, in essence it must have been that new thing you summoned".

Rai gazed at the beings eyes which had become incredibly calm, he wasn't liking something looking like him facing him so he removed the clone leaving only the will of the being floating empty in the void, "So you can actually devour abilities too" Raizel said as he felt the power of the being growing massively fast.

"I know that it still wouldn't change anything if I grow infinitely too, I felt the power underneath you. I can't grow into that level fast enough to defeat you" he said as his entire will began to expand and his power shattered the void erasing it as a new layer was revealed. "But I'll make sure that I'm able to escape".

Raizel watched with utmost indifference "why can't you escape now, you do not exist in this layer of reality. You can go back anytime you wish".

The being scoffed "you think I'm dumb, I can already tell you won't let that happen. If you think I'm going to let you chase me like a hunt then you're massively mistaken".

.....<5%.....release> instantly Raizel's power had completely overpowered everything, the beings power had been suppressed and overtaken, "I'm bored with you now, let me tell you one final thing before you die, an assassin Is the worst class to come at me with".

Raizel spoke as he raised his arm and pushed it through the void as he pulled something out, "wait... wait what are you doing!, how can you pull my body out that easily" the being trembled in fear as he saw Rai grabbing his body out of the void grabbing it by the head.

Raizel raised the body up, his body was 2meters tall, his elbows had two long blades coming out of them. His face was that of a reptile with black markings all over his face and on his chest was a dark orb.

The being had lost his cool as he poured In all of his power and with speed that put him above time(baseline) he rushed at Rai moving through the void as he aimed his hand towards Rai's head ready to impale it...

It was way too fast, he didn't even know how it happened. He was just a tiny bit away from Rai and the next thing he knew his hand was gone and his lower body too, Rai was nowhere in sight. His upper body was just floating in the void, he wasn't regenerating. This was the form of his spiritual will, it was supposed to regenerate from something like just being cut or seperated but it wasn't regenerating.

Raizel came out through the void as he stood in front of the being. "My will is stronger than yours and so it won't allow you to heal" Rai said as he held up the body in his hand <burn> and Instantly his body had become nothing.

Raizel turned his eyes to the fading will of the being and just sped up the process as he materialized a drop of blood and in an instant his will was gone from existence and so was the void. Raizel vanished the next Instant as he reappeared back in the werewolf country....

"So was he strong" Urne asked grinning. Rai pondered for a bit "he....was strong?, he was an assassin class so he didn't have anything that would impress me much. He didn't feel much of anything, he only had speed, some special artifact and the ability to devour".

"Oh...what about the reason we couldn't feel him" she asked Rai. "Ahh...that, well he wasn't present in this reality and is completely invisible to mortals, only high level spiritual beings like divine gods and above could see him. Even if you could see him, you weren't. It was like even if you saw him walking towards you, you can't actually see him walking toward you. It's like a battle with your mind trying to decide if it should establish it seeing him walking toward you or just it actually saying that he wasn't there. There's an urge to react and to ignore at the same time, that's what his skill does. But when he removes the visual image, it's just gone. You won't even have any will to react anymore you're practically pig just waiting to be slaughtered".

Suyi, Urne and Mirai were just speechless. That danger level of that skill especially when used for battle in insane, for beings like them who are able to move millions of times faster than light, a millisecond of delay means instant death let alone a few seconds of such a long time of delay.

"how can you say that's not impressive, it's that type of skil that would cause the Instant fall of almost any opponent" Urne said but then she remembered she wasn't having the same problem of deciding if he was there or not, the only thing was that she couldn't feel him. It looks like Suyi and Mirai too had thought the same thing.

"But we didn't have the same problem, we just couldn't feel his presence alone" Mirai asked Rai who was looking at another direction and then turned back to her, "the skill isn't omnipotent, it wasn't the ultimate version because he could only go two layers deep above normal reality and your mind is protected by the system. It will only allow that you don't feel his presence but not allow your mind to be tricked further" Rai's said to them as he turned his head back looking at a particular direction.

Mirai grinned "so that means we're also immune to all illusions too" she asked excited.

Raizel smiled "If the system were to do that, that would mean protecting you from reality itself. Reality too is just an illusion only much stronger, you're aware of it too. But yes it will protect you from all none high level reality warping illusion, it's only until you become powerful enough that you don't need it anymore".

Mirai nod her head in understanding as she walked over to him, looking at the same direction he was looking in "what are you looking at" she asked.

Raizel smiled "Someone I've been wanting to meet for some time" he said as he turned to Kaiyo "I'll be back soon" and he vanished taking Mirai and Urne with him.

They appeared in a lab most specifically a particular container. "Ahh.. isn't this our werewolf lab, there's nobody here that's interesting" Urne said as she looked around.

"HEY! WHO.....oh s–sorry Forgive my impudence, Carry on esteemed Noblesse" said a werewolf researcher as he bowed down while sweating buckets and he rushed out the Lab. "Wow, what a chicken running off like that, hurts my pride as a werewolf ya know" Urne said with a hurt expression. Raizel hadn't even paid attention to him as he walked forward and looked at the Floating figure in the tube, it was time to end her suffering too.

He smiled at her, she and Edian have so much in common, only difference was that she was a werewolf. They both loved someone that they thought they could never get, another difference was that while Edian was the doing a betrayal, she was the one being betrayed.

"Who is she" Mirai asked as she paid attention to the floating figure.

–"someone I met a long time ago, and someone who's In a lot of pain" Raizel said as he felt all the pain inside her even as she was unconscious. "Hello Garda"......


"As we expected, that guy killed him" said a guardian as he received the system assigned to the being.

Guardian 3–"It seems that guy could be useful to us for quite some time, there are many of those ungrateful transmigrators and reincarnators who want to bite the hands that feed them"

Guardian 5– "And since it's beneath us to get rid of them ourselves, we should send them one by one to that guy, whomever can kill him at the end it doesn't matter since enough of them would be dead".

Guardian 9– "The only reason we even bothered sending an avatar to that guy was because of his peculiar irregularity".

Guardian 2– "Well, what say all then"

All– "AGREED"......

Meanwhile back at Yuna's house, Edian was in a very awkward situation right now. She had woken up about an hour ago, and she had gotten a shock of a news when all of the girls said they were all close with Rai. Her mind had gone into a small state of shock, she just couldn't comprehend just how can someone change so much over such a small time.

Edian gulped as she faced all of them, they just looked so calm and cool as they were like that, Suyi was watching television, Seira still eating ice cream, Urne and Yuna were playing mobile games.

She turned to Mirai besides her "s–so all of you? are Raizel-nim's girlfff....." Mirai covered her mouth, *shh* she hushed as she brought her mouth to her ears "we don't exactly talk about it, or mention anything related to it" Edian raised a brow and Mirai seeing her look sighed "all of us here are all friends with each other, we created a harmonious space for ourselves. You can say we're partners". Mirai said but then she grinned "but you can comfortably call me Urne, Arith and Katherine with the first one".

Edian's eyes widened "There's more!". Mirai nod her head, "you'll get the whole gist of everything later" she said as she got up.

"eh? where are you going" Edian asked, she didn't know anyone here and Mirai was the only one she talked to. "someone's at the door" she said going towards the entrance and opening it. "Who are you" she asked looking at the red haired kid and the short brown haired one with glasses, there was also this chubby kid too with them.

"A–Ah sorry noona, we haven't seen you before, are you Yuna's friend" Ik-han spoke as he shifted his glasses.

*{Noona?}* Mirai thought looking at them, "Yes what do you want with her" she asked them.

"well umm were her fri.."

–"don't worry Mirai, I know them" Yuna said as she stepped out to meet them.

The both of them got excited as they hadn't seen each other for weeks because of the incident, they were too scared to go outside.

*hehe* "Yuna we'd like to introduce you to someone" Shinwoo said as he pointed toward the small chubby kid with them.

Yuna looked down at him as she gave a small cute smile "hey little boy, what's your name" she asked in a sweet tone. The chubby kid just kept looking at her silently, this was carrying on for some seconds which was now putting Yuna in a very awkward position. "Han-gyeol" he introduced himself as he turned away looking up at Shinwoo.

*hehe* "sorry Yuna, he's not very social" Ik-han apologized scratching the back of his head. She smiled "it's okay, at least he trusts you guys. And I think I may seem like an intruder into your bro circle".

"haha yeah, don't worry he'll soon fully accept you as one of us" Shinwoo said giving a thumbs up and a huge grin on his face.

Yuna gave a light chuckle, "I hope so" she said as her eyes went to the kid again who was still keeping a stoic look she just avoided eye contact so she doesn't make a weird situation for herself. "So why are you guys here".

"Eh?" Ik-han raised his head " Ah.. well we were thinking that with how long it's been, it would be great for all of us to go see principal lee again, also Regis and Seira and meet Rai too" he said.

" Yeah, I think that gyeol would be stunned to see Rai. We've been telling him about him since yesterday now" Shinwoo said as he looked down at the kid who still had a disinterested look.

Yuna raised a brow, Rai hasn't been to the house in weeks, they've all been living together here. But the problem was how was she going to just break it to them, the misunderstanding this would cause would be big. But at the same time they would also be right for their eventual conclusion. A nervous sweat ran down the side of her face "umm....eh...sh..."

*[Don't worry Yuna, I'm already at the house]*

*[Eh? Okay then]* Yuna said as she smiled at them "Alright then, let's go. But wait a bit, I have to go clean up" she said as she went back inside.

"Alright...wait why don't we come in and wait in the living room" Ik-han said.

Yuna who had almost completely closed the door paused, if they were to actually come in they would be the most out of place people in the world with the people in the living room. "Umm the inside isn't really looking good now, just wait I'll be done soon" she said closing the door to avoid further conversation.

Meanwhile back at the house.....

Raizel sat in the living room as everyone present just looked at him with both eyes of fear, anger and complete hatred. But Frankenstein was having a troubled look, whilst Regis had a calm one.

"You" M-21 grit his teeth as he looked at Rai who was still as calm as ever. Tao turned toward M-21 "control yourself" he said but M-21's eyes turned feral as he unleashed his werewolf transformation, he was fully awakened once again "HOW CAN YOU TELL ME TO STAY CALM! THIS MONSTER ALMOST DESTROYED THE WORLD JUST BECAUSE OF WHAT!" he roared at Tao as he turned towards Rai glaring at him.

Raizel looked at him calmly "if you don't calm down, I'll make you beg for eternity due to the pure hell you'll receive" he said in a calm monotone voice.

"You...you really don't feel anything, what exactly did they do to deserve this fate. Aren't you supposed to be a being of honor and utmost elegance, how exactly does what you did depict that" M-21 said as he gestured with his hands.

Raizel raised his eyes to see him "since when did an executioner become a honorable profession, yes I'm also aware that above being an executioner I'm a protector. But, I decide whom I protect and whom I execute".

Frankenstein flinched. With Rai just said, it means he actually chose a final side. This meant that the balance in the world was truly gone this time, the Noblesse Oblige was gone.

"master, is this really your final decision" Frankenstein asked, the sadness in his voice was obvious.

Raizel turned his gaze towards him as he smiled "Yes, Frankenstein" Rai answered.

*Ding Dong*

Everyone came to their senses as M-21 released his werewolf transformation, Frankenstein walked towards the door an looked at the monitor for the door he turned to to face them "everyone behave yourselves, the children are here now".

Everyone had regained their calm and flashed smiles as Shinwoo and the rest walked in.

"Hey principal Lee, Ahjussi" Shinwoo waved with enthusiasm, Yuna went towards the couch as she sat down and Ik-han gave a quick introduction as he immediately went to a couch and set down multiple laptops, wires and mouse on the table. He connected them and then instantly he had gotten lost in the web.

Frankenstein eyed the little kid with them "Who is he Shinwoo, a relative of yours?" he asked as he smiled at the little kid who had a complete look of disinterest.

*haha* "No, he's the newest addition to our circle" he said looking down at the kid "Han-gyeol meet our principal Lee, principal Lee meet Han-gyeol" Shinwoo introduced.

"Ohhh well nice to meet you Han-gyeol, hope they aren't stressing you" he asked the kid giving a calm smile. Han-gyeol shook his head lightly.

"Well that's good" Frankenstein stood up "I'll be back soon Shinwoo" he said walking inside the house.

Shinwoo looked at Han-gyeol who was looking straight at Rai who sat elegantly down in the living room, that guy just felt strange.

"Come, let me introduce you to Rai. He doesn't talk much most of the time but he's cool" Shinwoo said leading gyeol towards Rai.

Raizel raised his head as he looked at the little kid and then up at Shinwoo who was grinning at him "Rai, this is Han-gyeol. We met 2months ago and he's a new addition to the group".

Raizel raised a mental brow, but he Just nod his head and kept to himself again.

Tao went towards Ik-han who was furiously browsing the web, "What are you looking at" he asked him as he watched him. He wasn't surprised with what he was seeing, there as no way that Ik-han wouldn't get involved in this.

"I joined a group which is trying to come up with ideas and evidence for what exactly happened to the World, and why was Korea not involved in the whole destruction. Nothing makes sense for why we didn't even receive a bad weather even Let alone a tornado storm" Ik-han said as he exchanged ideas with different people around the world.

Tao sighed in his heart *{I'm sure that it was Raizel that did it, I can't even begin to make theories on how he was able to do that while the world was in such a state}* Tao thought shaking his head. He sat down besides Ik-han "well, let's see what they're saying then. There should be some nice theories".

Ik-han shook his head "No, most of them are pretty boring and unrealistic. Most just bring up the idea of a god being the cause of it" Ik-han said sighing.

Tao glanced at him and then his gaze shifted towards Rai *{Those people have no idea how right and wrong they are, he may not be a god. But he sure as hell is a monster}*...

Meanwhile inside the system was a sleeping Garda, she lay down on a beautiful bed and Rai lay down in the void just floating next to her.

There was nothing but silence for quite sometime, Raizel turned his head to her...."You can ask me anything Garda" he Said to her her with a calm smile. Garda watched him in silence but with awe filled eyes, she had been silent because she just couldn't figure out who the being floating next to her was. But that particular crucifix on his ear confirmed it for her, but this left her even more amazed. She didn't know what could had brought such a massive change like this.

"Are you really the Noblesse" she asked him and a second later Raizel nod his head. Silence ensued once again as Gar

da pondered some things. She really didn't want to move out of the bed, it was way too comfortable and there was particularly sweet scent that just brought her greater comfort.

But eventually she had to turn her head and look around "Where are we" she asked Rai who floated around silently and the turned his to her. "I can't explain explain yet because of how complex everything is. But basically just take it that were in space".

Garda's eyes were extremely calm, not one single bit of surprise on her face "what is the werewolf clan like now, what about....Muzaka".

She was aware that centuries had passed in her clan due to the passive in and out of conscious bouts and the also because that bastard Maduke had given her directly told her and kept her up to date on the century and Era. But she couldn't be sure if a new century had passed once again.

"It's still the 21st century and also yes, Muzaka is alive and he's awake too" Raizel said.

....."I see" that was all Garda had said for the rest off the time, until she drifted off into sleep once again. Raizel once again felt it, the massive spike of hatred and anger in her heart. She had to release it soon or else it would harm her eventually.


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