
My name is Mephsitopheles (Reposting)

A/N: IF YOU CAN BRAVE THROUGH THE FIRST 25 CHAPTERS, MY WRITING STYLE BECOMES BETTER. ALTHOUGH THE FIRST STYLE WASN'T BAD, IT WAS STILL AT AN AMATEURISH LEVEL. In a special void floats a soul adrift for a long time. Then, suddenly he got his attention called by someone walking towards him he was an old man with a bowler hat and in black suit holding an umbrella with him. 'He' was here

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71 Chs

Chapter 43: Raizel vs 5 elders & Relaxation.


A/N: You guys would Really have to search up on Noblesse Zarga Siriana soul weapon. His weapon is very hard to describe but I'll try my best.


Zarga had summoned his soul weapon, it had a very long thick golden chain that was wrapped around his arm, along his chest and hall the way around his second arm too. And a massive blade about half a meter in height and the width was about 21inches in length.

The 8the elders body had become a full on metal machine as his body had become complete metal and wiring and they were just glowing circles all around his body, and on his back were two cylinder pumps. Raizel gazed at him with disgust visible in his eyes.

The 11th elder was in his insect form, and Lunark had gone into her werewolf form. The the massive clashing of auras between four elders was damaging everything in a 100meter radius. _____________________________________________

A/N: You really need to search up Lunark's werewolf form, that thing is freaking HOT!. _____________________________________________

The 8th elder raised his hands as a large nergy ball formed and released a beam that destroyed a full five kilometers as it travelled and destroyed everything in it's path. It reached the city and caused destruction. After he put his hands down there as no raizel in his sight. "You were turned into a robot so you could negate mind control isn't it". The voice of Rai came form behind him, *Gargh* he jumped back in surprise.

Raizel vanished to give way to a massive red aura beam from Zarga's palm. He appeared 10 meters to Zarga's right and raised his index as a small red energy ball instantly formed. The 11th elders eyes widened as he ran away but he had been tricked because Raizel shifted direction and aimed it at him. The density of the beam shattered anything in a 20mwter radius as it moved towards the 11th.

The beam moved too fast and the 11th having no time was instantly destroyed by the beam and erased as nothing was left and the beam continued on to tear another 9kilometers of destruction.

Zarga in that same frame Raizel fired the beam had moved his weapon as it snaked through the air at insane speeds ar Rai who calmly caught it between his thumb and index but the shockwave was crazy as it demolished a whole 100meters just from the impact of movement.

Within this same instance the 8th elder opened his mouth as large dense energy beam fired at Rai who raised his Index with insane speed and formed another red energy beam. The two beams met and there was not even a single bit of competition as the energy beam of the 8th was destroyed and Rai's beam moved towards him . Luckily he reacted fast enough and only got one side of his robot body destroyed, his right arm down to a half chunk of his stomach had been destroyed.

Raizel after he had fired his beam at the 8th elder had already moved toward Zarga with insane speed. As his palm was just a centimeter away from Zarga's face he suddenly vanished a appears 40meters in the air as five claw energy slashes tore up the land causing a massive burst of wind and crazy shockwave as it destroyed the land.

The 8th elder who was in total rage from losing half his body had overlord his cyborg body as the pumps on his back released steam. And his body lit up like the 5th of july.

*Raaaargh* he bellowed in extreme rage as he leaned form the ground with such a powerful force that it shattered with a radius of 30meters as he tore through the air to Rai and balled his fist as he poured all the overloaded energy and punched at Rai. This move will of course kill the 8th. Raizel calmly watched as the massive energy contained in the fist came towards him and he raised his palm and caught it.

But contrary to expectations from everyone, the 8th elder didn't explode on impact. Instead all the fist caused was a massive shockwave and large gusts of wind. His energy was all gone. The 8th elder even with his face that had become metal, the extreme expression of surprise could be seen. Zarga and Lunark watched with complete confusion *{there's no way that he could disperse all that massive energy in just an instant, that's too much even for him}* thought Zarga.

The 8th elder looked up into the glowing res eyes of Rai as he gave a complete demeaning look. <Kneel>

The next Instant the 8th fell hard to the ground on his knees. Zarga was in complete shock as was Lunark, "this....this is impossible, no matter how powerful the mind control of a Noble is, they can't control a machine" Lunark said as she looked at the kneeling 8th elder as he roared In anger

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MEE!!" he roared, he couldn't move his body at all.

Raizel looked at Lunark "the mind of a machine is still a mind, all that changed was the signature and nature of his mind. The mind isn't flesh, it's much deeper than that. It's an idea in and of itself, it is also just will at the end. So that means that even if it were a rock I could still control it because a rock too has a mind. It's not a conscious one but more like just a programmed narrative that was imputed into it".

Lunark and Zarga's eyes had widened at what Rai had just said. she gulped "even if....even if it is a you had just said is true but still, even then isn't the mind a machine and the mind of a machine too far apart in nature to even be called the same thing again" she asked.

Raizel nod his head " Yes they are way too

far apart in nature to even be called the same thing. But, when you're as powerful as me that distance means nothing". The disbelief on their faces was something.

*{what exactly happened to Raizel-nim that he became this powerful, he really changed alot. Now he actually bothers to moved from one spot in combat also}* Zarga rotated the chain *{he's way too dangerous even much more than before, I have to try all I can to try and force him to use more power than his body can handle. Even if we're to die, I have to make him break that seal}*. Zarga threw his soul weapon towards Rai again as it snaked all around in the air and went high before it fell back down with great power towards Rai.

It looked like a falling meteorite with how it tore through the air towards Rai who still just Raised his palm in front of him and caught it.

Lunark within the same instant of when Rai caught the blade had already ran up the chain and had appeared in front of Rai with her claws packed with massive power as she slashed at him. But what she caught was an afterimage as Rai was already besides Zarga with his index pointed at his skull. Zarga with the greatest of reaction speed he had instantly moved 100meters away from the beam that came a split second later as it shattered anything around it in 30meter radius while moving all the way to destroy 9kilometers more destruction in a straight line.

Lunark pushed herself down In a straight line like a meteor towards Rai, in that same instant raizel could see the look of madness on her face. She was grinning madly, her mission was to make that one scratch on his clothes but she still couldn't touch him.

Raizel smirked as he vanished leaving an afterimage and Lunark punched the ground and the power was so large that it had made a crater that was up to 100meters deep and area of destruction was around 500meters with the shockwave traveling and destroying another 1•5kilometers of anything in it's path.

Zarga formed a spherical aura shield around him to resist the shockwave but it got shattered in Instant later when raizel appeared an instant later and put his hand through as he grabbed Zarga's neck as he lifted him high into the air. Zarga commanded his weapon to attack Raizel but it as suddenly held in the air just an inch away from him.

Raizel's glowing eyes looked into the eyes of Zarga, he was trying to struggle but he couldn't move his hand or any part of his body, all he could make were choking sounds as Raizel squeezed harder. Zarga's eyes were going all the way back to his head from having his throat crushed, but then Raizel let go.

*cough cough cough *wheeze* hah..hah..hah* he caught his breath and looked up at Raizel as he looked down at him "you...are a disappointment Zarga" Raizel said. Lunark had read the atmosphere and halted, Raizel was feeling very dangerous right now to her instincts.*{what is the 6th elder doing here}* wondered Lunark as she gazed at a particular direction

Zarga looked into Raizel's eyes as he began giving a depreciating laugh *hehe..hahaha....* "you can come out now Urokai" Raizel spoke.

Urokai stepped out of the shadows as he gazed at Raizel who was still looking down at Zarga "How are you alive" Urokai asked with fear and anger mixed in his voice.

Raizel raised his eyes as he calmly gazed at him "I only just woke up recently and also visited Leukedonia too. I am very aware of what you two did".

Urokai grit his teeth as he raged "DO YOU NOT WONDER WHY WE DID SUCH A THING, EVEN AFTER YOU KNEW YOU STILL DIDN'T COME AFTER US!". Urokai screamed at Rai who still just calmly gazed at him which made Urokai even more angry "HOW CAN YOU LOOK AT ME SO CALMLY!" Urokai raged even more.

..."i know full well why you did what you did Urokai" Raizel said as Urokai went silent. "and you're not really even mad are you".

Raizel gazed at him in silence "No". Zarga and Urokai closed their eyes "I knew...." he didn't finish before Rai interuptted "I was disappointed". Raizel said.

Their eyes went wide "just.... disappointed?" asked Urokai as he began trembling with rage. Raizel nod his head "All Noble's are my chosen people, and you doing what you did was my biggest disappointment". Their eyes went wide at what Rai just said "You really think that we'll believe what you just said *heh* you! Wasn't it always your precious humans that were the most important to you, it was always them over us". Urokai said as he glared at Rai.

" You may be right, but also very wrong. If this was my mindset of before then you can absolutely say that. But the me of now is very different from myself of before, the other me even disgusts me just by looking thinking of him. But he also very much cared for all Nobles during that time".

Urokai and Zarga were confused "What do you mean cared, you were always distant and cold. Even when we came to visit you never once opened up, always looking out your window with that lonely gaze of yours as if you were alone".

...." I was alone, and still am. The me of before had the utmost responsibility as the single most powerful being in the world to keep balance and protect the Nobles while destroying anyone be it Noble, human or werewolf who threatened balance. My job was to help and protect, and so it became the single term known today as 'Noblesse Oblige'."

" But you failed miserably at the job, the only people you ever protected or cared for were humans" said Urokai.

...."That term Urokai..... does no longer exist".

Urokai was surprised by what Raizel said. " What do you mean it doesn't exist " asked Zarga who had been quiet all this while.

"The Oblige' does no longer hold me anymore, only the Noblesse Is left. I protect my people from what ever would ever try to harm them. And as long as it isn't something they can't handle, I won't interfere".

"Wait....so you mean that you...you finally changed and saw things from our perspective" asked Urokai as his heart began beating a little faster

Raizel: ...- Nod -

Urokai smiled as did Zarga as this is what they had wanted for a long time. Raizel gazed at them calmly "You two.....have to die".

Urokai and Zarga gazed at Raizel with eyes of sadness and then turned their gaze to the ground "We're already aware. What we did against our own kind is unforgivable, and you have your duty to fulfill" Urokai summoned his soul weapon which was a guan dao halberd.

Zarga too rotated his weapon as he gazed at Rai "forgive me Raizel-nim, but what exactly happened to you. Your body should be in a complete mess after what happened that day".

Raizel looked at Zarga in silence "Zarga, you have no right to talk to me right now. You did something very unforgivable out of all of you who betrayed the Nobles".

Zarga was surprised "What do you mean" he asked as he completely confused. Raizel gazed at him "You killed the former Loyard clan leader, the father of someone very important to me". Zarga's eye's widened *{someone close to him? Father?. The only child that the Loyard clan leader had was a little girl called Seira who had not even grown past being a baby....wait, is she.....the one close to him}* Zarga wondered as he looked at Rai whose eye had gone cold as he gazed back at him. "You're not mine to kill Zarga, she will decide your fate".

Zarga squinted his eyes "Raizel-nim...you want to leave my fate to a child, isn't this disrespect way too much. I am still a former clan leader".

....."You lost all the right and authority of a Noble clan leader a long time ago" Rai said.

Zarga clenched his weapon tighter and Urokai too also rotated his halberd "will you not release your seal Raizel-nim," asked Zarga as he silently boiled with rage. Raizel's eyes glowed "You're not worthy to make do so". He said as the atmosphere turned cold and everything began levitating.

Urokai and Zarga had full on released their aura to push themselves *{what really happened to him}* asked Zarga one last time before he attacked Rai's and threw his weapon again as it snaked around at super fast speeds and tried to wrap around Rai but he was already gone as he appeared in front of him with his index to his face.

Zarga immediately reacted out of the way and Urokai in that same instant had slashed his halberd towards Rai who casually stopped it with his palm and Zarga who was in the air had sent his weapon too at Rai who still casually caught it between his fingers and flicked it back with greater force towards Zarga who twisted in the air to avoid his own weapon and with extreme control in the air, he turned and redirected all that momentum with more added power towards Raizel again.

Raizel without once glancing at the weapon stopped all that momentum and power mid-flight with his telekinesis and just let if fall it to the ground at normal speeds.

Raizel looked down at the halberd in his Palm and flicked it away as Urokai too flew away with it at full force traveling through the air. Raizel raised his index finger to the airborne Urokai and was about to fire when he suddenly vanished to give way to Zarga's weapon which had snaked up from under the ground. Urokai with this distraction finally got a hold of himself and stopped his flight as he twisted himself and put his feet to the side of a building as he launched himself back towards the field of battle.

He stopped right next to Zarga as they both nod to each other and decided to unleash their final moved. Raizel who was high in the air watched as Urokai and Zarga threw their weapons at him again but then they suddenly transformed as Urokai's halberd become a dark red long 400meter two headed aura snake that circled around a fat dark red 400meter chinese dragon that was Urokai's weapon. Lunark's eyes had gone wide at how crazy this was.

*Rooaaaaaar!!* They both flew at Insane speed towards Rai who calmly raised his palm and dispelled it completely.

"Impossible!!" all three said with disbelief as they stared wide eyed at how easy it was for him to dispell the attack without removing his seal.

Raizel looked down at them with those overbearing red eyes

—Urokai Agvain, for your crimes against Noble's, I Cadris Etrama di Raizel with my authority as the Noblesse shall now erase you.

From Raizel's Index finger, a small drop of blood had materialized. But that small drop of blood had changed the entire atmosphere as Instantly everything in a 100mile radius had been compacted flat into the ground and he ground too had been compressed deeper and was almost going 50kilometers into the earth.

Everyone watched with wide eyes because they were all okay and the earth around them in a 20meter raidus was all okay. Urokai, Zarga and Lunark watched with terrified eyes as the deepest abyss they ever saw appeared all around them.

They shakily turned their gaze back to Raizel who had commanded the blood to move. Urokai was massively terrified as he couldn't move and watched as the drop of blood touched his head and then an instant later he was gone. His existence had been erased, Raizel dematerialized the blood as his sight went to the deep abyss that had formed from the presence of his power and waved his hands as suddenly everything outside the small space had begun reverting back to it's Original form. Everything that was destroyed and everyone who had died had been revived.

He turned his gaze to the terrified Zarga "You're no longer my concern Zarga" Rai said.

Zarga was confused at this this but then he suddenly sensed a presence behind him. He turned around and came face to face with Seira, she had the coldest eyes ever seen. Zarga looked at those cold eyes, something was just terrifying him even more the more he gazed at them "You..... you're the former Loyard clan daughter aren't you". He asked but Seira was still completely emotionless and cold. They both stood in silence as they gazed into each other's eyes.

Seira finally spoke, but her voice contained no emotion at all as she asked him "Do you want to meet death?". It was as if that question was asked with utmost innocence and she wasn't just asking someone if they wanted to die.

Zarga was confused, his heart beat In his chest. Something was telling him...No, more like screaming at him that something awful was about to happen but he couldn't move nor speak.

Seira still looked emotionless "Let me show you". she raised her finger to Zarga's forehead and touched it. Zarga's eyes had become complete black, it was a full void. There was no color other than black as his mind was put into the the coldest and most terrifying darkness no being should be allowed to ever experience. His body too had vanished an Instant later from all of existence.

He wasn't dead...No, he was placed into death. The deepest and most terrifying aspect of it. He will forever be in death and experience all the infinite terrors contained inside the that infinite blackness that is death for all of eternity. His fate is one that should never be wished upon another being no matter how much you may hate that person.

The whole atmosphere was one of utmost silence. Lunark was really regretting her decision of coming to this place full of crazy monsters. Too many things were just happening way too fast today, and anymore she felt like she could lose it.

Raizel turned to her and smiled "Don't worry Lunark, you're going to keep your sanity today". Lunark turned to him as she looked with eyes that said I don't trust anything you say. But Rai just tried and convinced her that the crazy for today has ended. Suddenly a small focused and compressed powerful beam of energy hit Rai as it erased a full 10kilometres of land and caused a large explosion that was 300meters I'm height and bright enough to be seen from over 40miles away.

*Kuahahahaha* "I DID IT, I FINALLY FID IT!!" rejoiced the 8th elder who had been completely forgotten in the whole background of what was happening throughout the whole scene.

After a few more minutes of hard laughter he had become calm enough *hehe* "I'm the greatest alright, I killed three birds with one stone.Now I shall be known as the greatest hero of humanity and everyone will Worship Me" *Kuahahahahah.....*sigh* "Don't worry 5th elder, your sacrifice was for the greater good...the greater good of me *Kuahahaha*

"He's going to keep going at it for a while isn't he" asked Rai as he and the rest watched the 8th keep gloating to himself.

"Yep" - Nod -

answered Lunark and Seira as they watched the 8th elder like he was a fool. *sigh* "so much for trying to convince me that the crazy is over" Lunark said as she glared at Rai who was avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

This wasn't his fault, he just forgot about that guys existence. This guy has got to be the greatest cheap shot in the multiverse. Lunark looked around, it still looked exactly like they were in the real world but somehow the 8th was not seeing them even as they stop in front of him "so where are we exactly, it looks a d feels exactly the same as the real world but he can't see us for some reason". Lunark asked.

"in-between space" Seira answered this time. Lunark raised a brow "What's that" she asked.

"Think of it like we are living Inside space/reality right now". Rai said as Lunark just gave him a blank look "Uh huh.....is that so" she said, her tone like someone who had just lost interest in life as she just turned her sight to the 8th elder who was still going at it strong.

Raizel heaved an internal sigh and released them from the space.

*Kuahaha....eh!? The 8th elder was looking like he just saw a ghost so he blinked his light eyes again just to confirm what he was seeing.

You..... there's no way.....how....how are you alive?" he asked with pure Inherent disbelief.

Raizel just silently looked at him, he was just out of ideas on what he wanted to do with guy. He didn't even feel like killing him now, just walking away silently was looking like the best option right now. He opened his lips to speak but then closed it as there was just nothing, nothing he could say at all. Lunark and Seira were sharing his same situation as there was just nothing they felt like they wanted to do right now.

The 8th elders mind began on working on ways he could try and escape with his life, trying that same cheap shot again and hoping it to work was a pipe dream. He had no idea that if he just decided to walk away coolly right now they would do absolutely nothing to stop him at all.

"Who would like to just relax right now" Raizel asked as Seira and Lunark raised their hands. ..."Sustained". All three of them just turned around and walked away as they all vanished the next Instant.

"Eh????" The 8th elder was having another new look of disbelief at what just happened. He looked around and just stood in silence for a few seconds before he just respectfully and silently took his ass back to the Union. Today had been just one weird day.

Meanwhile In space Rai, Seira and Lunark had appeared on the moon Lunark was just questioning anything at all at this point anymore and watched as Rai just materialized three relaxing couches and made a variety of beverages that floated all around them as they just sat down and took which ever they liked and left if to float back as they looked up at the cosmos. This was what they needed right now.


This was a very.......weird day truly.

I have no idea what to do to that guy at all.

I just lost interest.

SOLACEcreators' thoughts