
My Mysterious Vampire

! Mature Content ! He didn't need anybody, until he met her… He was strong, until her eyes made him weak… He was invisible, until he wanted to show the world she was his… —————— It’s her first day at the University of Babylon, school of the Privileged. It was a university backed up by the top billionaires, worldwide corporations, and was respected by the national government. She wasn’t even supposed to be enrolled there as she was far too poor for such a school. Thankfully, this year was an unprecedented opportunity as they launched their ‘Charity Work’ where they accepted people without royal bloodlines or trust funds. It was her chance to move up in the world. Unfortunately, the university was far more than anything she thought she could handle. She had already annoyed the queen bee and alpha in her class. However, things come to the worst as she accidentally witnessed a man with crimson eyes and red blood flowing down his mouth, looking down at a dead body of a student. “Don’t tell anybody about this,” he said as his arms grasped her neck and pushed her back against the wall. She nodded. He rubbed her hair and said, “good girl…”

SolemnHop · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

It’s a misunderstanding

His slightly long shining white hair was combed back, with some strands flashing under the dim light. His jaw was prominently chiseled, even with the red blood dripping down his unbuttoned shirt.

Celine gulped. She had never seen anyone with such a terrifying look before. Was it just the lighting? Was she hallucinating, she thought.

If the dead girl in front of his feet wasn't creepy enough, the man looked at her and licked the excess blood on his lips.

He stepped forward, and Celine immediately stepped back. However, he kept sauntering towards her as if a lion stalking a gazelle.

Even though he seemed slim and fit, he overtook Celine's sight. Her back hit the wall, essentially cornering her into facing the intimidating red glare of the man's eyes.

The man raised his arms and put them beside her head, preventing her from escaping. Even though the door was only a foot away, Celine got the feeling that the man would overtake her before she could take another step.

"Don't tell anyone about this," the man said.

She gulped, speechless. All she could think about was how the man's eyes were staring right at hers and how his overpowering yet calming cologne emanated from his unbuttoned shirt.

He looked at her lips, waiting for her to affirm her vow of secrecy. But she said nothing. Not even a nod, as she subconsciously pursed her lips.

The man raised his hand and put his thumb over her chin. All she could feel was a chilling cold sensation, no warmth at all that she would expect from a human body.

She felt her mouth get forcibly opened as the man pushed down on her chin. Her heartbeat was going a thousand times per second as she saw the man lean in closer to her while looking at her lips.

Was this happening? Was she going to be kissed by this murderer, she thought.

She closed her eyes and waited, but nothing happened. Her eyelids slowly opened as she saw the man smiling as he looked at her mouth.

"See, you do have a tongue. Aside from its obvious uses, I assume your tongue can also talk." His seductive smile told her he was talking about something sexual, but Celine had no time to lecture a pervert. Not when there was a dead girl's blood flowing from his mouth.

"Yes…," she said as she nodded her head. For all she knew, the dead girl refused to keep his secret and got killed because of it.

The man smiled, put his hand over her head, and gently ruffled it. The two made eye contact as the man uttered, "good girl," with the smoothest voice she ever heard.

Her heart stopped. She didn't know if it was because she was in a near-death experience or because…No. It was definitely because of fear, she said to convince herself.

The man turned his head away from Celine, and his smile immediately dropped, as if that smile was especially for her and just hers.

He walked over towards the door and was about to twist the doorknob open when Celine suddenly got an urge to speak up.

"Wait!" she shouted, surprising the man and herself. "Did you kill her?" She was always proud of her urge to be on the side of Justice, but she now regretted it more than ever.

The man smiled and tilted his head. Celine blinked and suddenly saw the man vanish and reappear right in front of her, with the light from the back casting a shadow on his face.

"How brave of you to ask. What if I did?" he said as he moved closer and closer to her. Celine regretted her impulsive mouth more and more.

Celine gulped and stood her ground. She was already deep in it now, so she said, "then…then you'll pay for it!" Murder should be paid with justice, she thought.

However, the man smiled and intentionally misunderstood her. "Hoh? I didn't think you'd be that forward. Fine, I'll 'pay' for it," he said as he pulled his shirt away and showed his sharp collarbone.

Celine's face immediately went red. "What are you doing? I didn't mean that!"

The man smiled again and said, "Ah! Oh, you mean this then?" The sound of the man's zipper opening almost made Celine's ears puff smoke. She immediately covered her eyes, but with a small gap where she could take a…

'Celine! What are you thinking! Study till you drop, not peek at pants dropping!'

"Take responsibility for killing this girl! Turn yourself in!" she screamed, trying to look at him in the eyes. But she would always end up flustered at his crimson eyes, so she would look down, except all she would see was his boxers out in the open.

The man laughed. "You're threatening me? You're threatening the guy who 'killed' this girl?"

Celine couldn't muster up the courage to speak up, so she just nodded. She hoped there was a redeeming quality underneath his rough exterior.

She couldn't be more wrong. The man grabbed Celine's throat and pushed her to the wall, knocking the air out of her. She couldn't breathe.

His grip was firm, refusing to budge even after Celine scratched his fist. Her body struggled as her face got even paler.

Celine felt her life hanging in the balance, and just as she was about to pass out, the man reduced his grip just enough for her to catch her breath.

"You don't know who you're threatening, miss. I'm your worst nightmare," he said as he opened his mouth wide and showed his sharp canine teeth.

Vampire. That was all Celine could think of. Even when her life was hanging by a thread, the existence of vampires poked her curious brain.

"You…you're a vampire?"

The man laughed. "You could call me anything you want, baby. Who am I to deny a last request."

Celine couldn't believe that she would die just seconds after a fantasy revealed itself to be reality. Her reality. What's worse, she was about to be drained of all her blood.

The secretary's words from earlier made much more sense now. She shouldn't have been wandering alone, and now, she would be a vampire's meal.

Was the secretary also a vampire? Is everyone here a vampire?—No! Celine, wake up! Think of something before he kills you, she panicked.

The man moved Celine's head away to show her luscious neck, with blood pulsating just under the skin. His vampiric teeth got even sharper as he was about to devour Celine's blood.

"Wait! Don't kill me; I have a proposition!" Celine shouted, which thankfully stopped the man in place.

The man stopped and looked right at her, a bit interested in what she had to say. Seeing her fake confidence made her adorable in his eyes.

"Vampires need blood to sustain themselves, right? What if I offer you my blood regularly, then you won't kill me or anyone else."

Celine gulped as she waited for the vampire to accept her request. It might not have been the best thing to offer her blood indefinitely, but it was better than dying.

The man smiled and looked at Celine up and down, measuring every nook and cranny of her body as if she was exposed and naked.

Celine subconsciously covered her body, but the man just bit his lower lip and chuckled at her. "Fine, I'll let you be my blood bank."

She would never have thought she would be happy being referred to as a 'blood bank,' but now it was music to her ears.

"Okay…okay…I'll see you then," Celine said, as she awkwardly tried to walk away from the vampire. She was able to move past him, but she suddenly felt a cold hand on her waist.

The man grabbed Celine's waist from the back with such force that it almost made her tumble. She felt a cold air breathing down her neck, felt his arms securely on her waist, and felt a 'sensation' in his lower regions.

Before she could even protest, she felt a piercing pain in her neck. The vampire did not wait for a second as he started to drain Celine of her pure blood.

"Ah!" Celine was uncomfortable at first, but the pain slowly became a tingling sensation that made her body squirm. It was on the precipice of feeling good, but she would never acknowledge that.

"Haaa," the man uttered, reeling in the sweet taste of blood in his mouth. "I'll look forward to our other sessions…,"

Celine slowly opened her eyes as she felt the man's grip on her waist loose. She looked back and saw that there was no one there, just her alone.

The vampire vanished as if he had never been there. "Ah!" she winced as she touched the two puncture wounds on her neck.

Those two wounds were the only evidence that the vampire did exist. If not for it, Celine would have wondered if this was just a dream.

After a heart-attack-inducing encounter with a vampire, Celine miraculously survived. She sighed, thankful that she got off easy.

Just as she was about to leave the room, the door twisted open, and a professor walked in. He saw Celine standing alone in the room, with a dead girl lying in a pool of blood.

All she could say was, "it's a misunderstanding…."