

Susan looked at her feet, her fear was all over her face. She didn’t expect that what happened yesterday would be a cause of commotion. Everyone in the room looked at Susan. She stammered but no words came out from her throat. “When we were in our college years, I heard that she had s** with many male students, and they said that she was not as innocent and sweet as she appeared. She…” Alex interrupted her, with a sharp tone. “Be careful, think before you tell something.”

”Where and who do you hear that from? Give us all of their names and places. We must clear everything once and for all. I don’t want to find out later that we judging potential candidates for the company because of hearsay,” Alex looks at Susan.

”It’s easy to investigate your story if it is the truth or not. You will take responsibility for every word that comes out of your mouth. I don’t need to remind you of the difference between gossip[ and slander. It can take on the legal matter. And to add to that you failed your duties of being the interviewer by being biased to Miss Tailor. You know that is one of our company rules. To take the advanced examination paper that is meant for professional applicants and not for the fresh applicant.” Alex said.

Susan looked at the two interviewers while gritting her teeth. It seemed their boss already investigated this matter, and he was dead serious about this matter. There is no way that she could save herself, but the Wright group don’t accept most of the application every day.

She can’t see what was special about Hannah. Why did a powerful man like Alex Jones come out and do it personally? Susan looked at Hannah and then looked at the floor, she decided to face the situation head-on. She lifted her chin to look at the people on the other side of the table and said. “I only heard rumors, I don’t have evidence. I just don’t like her, I don’t want her to work in the company because she has a moral issue.”

The face of Alex becomes cold, “You make this decision based on a rumor, slandering someone. Because of personal feelings, she is a capable applicant. So doing this you almost lost a perfectly capable applicant, by doing it you almost cost the company a complete employee. And you are not fit for the position that you have now. The only person who was a moral issue here is you Miss Monor and for that you are fired.” Alex said

The tension in the room got higher all of the color of Susan’s face drained from her body. “I’m sorry, Mr. Jones” Susan immediately begged the higher person. “I was wrong please give me one more chance. I’ve been working here for many years.” Susan begged, her desperation was written all over her face.

The Wright company is one big company, it was the top 1 enterprise in the city. It’s not that easy for someone to go and work at this company. If the word comes out that she was fired by the company, she will not be able to get hired by another company, and Susan's life will be ruined.

Alex didn’t care about what happened, he ignored her plea and asked his secretary to call security for them to drag Susan out of the company property. Alex looked at Hannah, finally, he could look at her as a woman with talent and cleverness. “Ms. Tailor,” he smiled at her, “You may continue to the application that you have. I read your resume, and you met every quality that we needed at the Wright company.” Hannah looked at him for a second. When she finally comes back to reality, all she can do is nod.

She needs to wrap everything in her mind. Alex speaks again, “Thank you for coming today.” With a wide smile on his face. he got out of the room and the rest of the men followed him, before going out of the door, Alex looked back and winked at Hannah. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Miss Tailor we will see each other again soon,” Alex said before going out the door.

Once they left the lady from the day before, top her shoulder and go out in the door, before Hannah can say anything to her. Now she was the only one left in the room she gripped the armrest of her chairs, and she even pinched herself to make sure that she was awake and not dreaming.

She stood up and started to walk out of the company, she still didn’t know what had happened. A black car was parked outside the yard of a remote area. In front of a shabby house. The man who was sitting at the back of the car put aside the papers he was holding and changed his attire from a high-class suit to rug-like clothes.

Seeing this the driver can’t stop himself from saying, “You come here once every year, you have a mission at the city. You can move there with the madam, but why stay here.”

‘You have been talkative these past, few days as if you're not busy.” Michael said, “You have time on your hands, do you want something to do.”

“You can clean every Mansion and villa that I have around the city,” Hearing this Gene shut his mouth and looked away. And then Michael got out of the car. Once he is out of Gene's sight, he slaps his mouth. “You spoke too