
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Thành thị
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44 Chs

Parallel dimension.

Wake up, hey wake up how much longer are you still going to sleep, humm,"jack murmured under his breath, as he finally began to open his eyes, as the continuous shouting of wake up continued to enter his head, after a while jack fully opened his eyes to see all his woman standing there with a worried expression.

As jack slowly got up from the bed why are you all looking at me as if am dead? like am some kind of ghost jack asked quiet confused. but what jack heard the next minute almost made his mind blank out, you.. you... scared us you where at sleep for almost three month, how do you expect us not to be worried.

We have invited a lot of healers doctor and even grand master, which are good at alchemist, rose said with tears in her eyes at this point in time, jack was already confused as shit, at this point he almost forgot his own name, as all of his woman jumped at him while crying like crazy.

Wait," please you guys do not need to worry that much about me, am really okay as jack tried his best to assure them, after a while all the emotions finally subside. am a little confused here, i want to ask some questions and I need you guys to answer them in the best ways you can, jack said while sitting up upright.

Okay no problem ask us any thing you need to know, they said in union, okay jack said you said I was as sleep for three months straight but how come get here, I remember that after having sex with you guys I went out and didn't come back, how come am i here and who brought me back.

jack said while confused cause what he was trying to make sense of doesn't even make sense a little, about that... a man brought you back from the bar you went to, he said you passed out while drinking, beauty said while looking at jack but you didn't wake up the next day after that even the day after.

By then we began to get worried, about you no matter what we tired to use to wake you up you didn't respond, we invited a lot of cultivator but non of them had a cure or a single clue on what happened to you, or what changed you where undergoing.

After a while he managed to digest all the information he got, and decided to ask his system jack thought, but for now he had to make his woman stop worrying and i need to just form some kind of lie jack tough, there is no need to be worried again am fine and healthy, it's just that as jack held his stomach am really hungry, jack said while trying to change the topic.

Can you guys make something for me to eat all those sleep for the past three months made me very hungry jack said, okay we are going to cook for you as they all left the room, as jack had a sight of relive, system come out now we need to have a serious talk jack said with a serious voice.

[Host is advised to stay calm a bit, host underwent thought mutation for the past three months, the system said,] mutation from what? jack asked, [the system is now at level five] what....!!! jack Said in a surprised voice how is that even possible, jack said I thought you said I had to have sex with that demon to get to level five.

[How should I explain this host was in a alternative word, when all this thing happened to be more precise, all what host saw and felt was real only that host didn't know that he was in a dream state.] okay am still confused can you explain where its a dream state, and where it not a dream state, starting from when I went out of the house.

[Everything about you going to the bar buying a five thousand years old wine, meeting that lady and all that shit, was all real even the part where you bought shadow slave which you then upgraded, and also the part where you sent one of your shadow salve, into that woman shadow it was all real.]

"As jack listened attentively to be quiet precise all this things about his system, are all confusing this is the most mysterious system even in existent or I have ever hard of, after a while the system continued.[ after a while the lady left which you continued drinking, but the wine was too powerful for you to handle that how you passed out and entered a dream like state.]

[But to be more precise I won't call it a dream like but it is more like a parallel dimensions. opposite to this your word that you went, at that point where you passed out, your soul left your body "and how would I put this, and your soul got recanted into another universe, but only for a little while so all what you felt and saw was all real.]