
My Multi universe harems system.

adam who got transmitted into another word. he died by a truck back on earth, when he woke up, in the body of the formal person that died a screen suddenly pooped up at his front multi universe harems system, jack was first shocked but later understood the function of the system and the power it had, with this I will conquer all the woman's in the multi universe which will all belongs to me, I would conquer everyone of them under my cock. I will then raise my herms army in this word only the strong could make decision.

universal_player · Thành thị
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Incubus second form,heat of seduction.

"Ohhh is that so how nice I won't have to be worried when I am gone,as jack looked down at his woman who was greedly licking his dick they where all in extreme heat.

"As jack watched them as they gave him a blow job, it gonna be a long night before I can satisfy all of them, but I got all the time in the word, as the moon light reflected inside the room, which a dim candle was on. 

'"As, jack sat down as he enjoyed the felling of bing giving a blowjob, by different woman at the same time. After what seems to be enternity jack felt that he was near his limit, cause the best parts of the blow he was enjoying, was the blowjob rose was giving him as she used her soft gentle lips to massage his balls.

"As it sent a string of excitement through his vain, system jack called out, [ What does host require] "Not much; i just wanted to ask if I could activate the second form of my incubus, while having sex, do they also have a chance of becoming a succubus jack asked with a voice of concern.

"The truth of the matter was that jack couldn't just leave his woman here, without any form of protection, any man or guy that does that deserve to burn in hell. [ yes host can make them all a succubus, but there is a risk involve host have to activate incubus second form. heat of seduction, which host conciousness whould be completely eaten].

[When host activates these skill, host would have nothing but sexual desire at that moment, and if not careful host could kill his Vitim through sex by draining their qi. while having sex so host have to maintain even a little conciousness while activating incubus second form does host dear to]. 

"Hummmm, do I dear, do I really dear, looks' like you don't really know me well, I do dear, there is nothing I dear not do. Humm," as jack enjoyed the pleasure he was reciving while having a conversation with his system, [if that the case even if host dies I would accompany host to the nine hell].

"As jack flet he couldn't hold in his cum, much longer, as he ordered them to stop giving him a blow job, as he told each and everyone of them to open their mouth which they did. And like that he cummed into each and everyone mouth, he wanted to be fear and square but it wasn't any small kind of cum.

"But a lot of cum, "remember jack activated dick enlargement, 3 times the usual, so his cum was more than enough to fill each and everyone of them, after cumming for about 5 min jack looked at all his woman, as they where all covered in his cum from hair downward.

"Get, up and from a double sandwich on the bed, jack ordered them which they all did tough they felt a little tired, from all the blow job, but thinking of jack big dick their body acted on their own as they went toward the direction of the bed when there.

As "Natasha, lied down first with her ass facing up, while rose went ontop of her forming a double sandwich, and like that beauty and Ella repreted the same process", when jack saw this he smiled he always wanted to have sex in this position, as he looked at the full view of their pink pussy effortlessly dripping cum.

"This, is the life I choose jack said to his self with a smile on his face, activate incubus second form of seduction. [ Host must remember even if it's a little conciousness host holds, don't lose conciousness completely, incubus second form activating].

"As jack felt an uncontrollable power, lust, desire, assault, rape, name it all rushed through his vains, as an imaginable power curshed through every part of his body, as jack felt a lot of change taking place within his body at that moment. "humm, what is happening am losing conciousness bit by bit.

"But before jack conciousness blured finish he heard the system warning. [ host must remember maintain a little conciousness] as jack eyes closed after some second jack opened his eyes, more like his incubus form opned his eyes they where like two different begins.

"At this point, jack had a horn seated on top of his head, as all his skin was covered in black like tattoo, and his eyes was black like in colour. "hummm haaaaa!!!!! after a while have finally be freed from this petty human, am never going back to the sealed space jack incubus form said. as it laugh like a minaic.

"With in, a isolated space jack opened his eyes to see his self bounded with numerous chain, which shined golden black in colour, where am I? "system, jack tried to call out but there was no reply, as jack remembered the last advice his system gave him, to maintain a little conciousness.

"Struggling, would be useless maybe there is another way on braking this chain, as jack closed his eyes to focus, "and if you might wondering, the incubus isn't the system but another begin, in another begin, quiet complicated even if I explain it, believe me you won't really get the answer, you are expecting.

"So just sit back and enjoy" back within the room, hummm; looks like this human was having a lot of fun before he unleashed me, haaaaa!!!!! while in tough the incubus heard a female voice, jack how long do you intend to keep us waiting? out pussy is inching and pleading for you dick.

"Hummmm, interesting I should play the role of jack for sometime, am coming I was just checking on something, as jack incubus form mover toward them, as he looked at which of them he should start with, humm* all of them looks quiet tasty.

"When am almost at the end of having sex, I would suck all their life force, humm just smell that sent, this town is full of many vergin and in vergin, as jack opened his mouth which a long tounge came out from, which then devided into four long sticky and slimely tounge.

"As jack controlled it to enter each and everyone of their pussy, *hummmmm* *hmmm, "hffffff, which in return all the woman moaned due to the immerse pleasure they where receiving, just from jack tounge, system jack incubus form called out. "I used jack incubus so you won't be confused on which jack Is calling the system.

"[What does host require or need] activate tounge dick like enlargement, [that would cost] don't fucking tell me the price just purchase it.

[ tounge dick like enlargement activated.] as jack tounge growed to the size of a dick, which was bigger that most dick.



hush* huff*

hummmm *...shit*

Fuck," this feels so good, fuck* hummmm" fuck, yes that the exact spot, ja....ck ke hummm, how are you able to fuck all of us at the same time. Natasha asked. haaaaaa.... as jack let out a sarcastic laugh, "a magician never reviews his secret, just focus on feeling the pleasure, lost your self completely to pleasure.