
My Mr psychiatrist

A crazy event that pulled two opposite in attraction. She's a drama queen and blabbing mouth, while he seeks calm in silence, she's a trouble maker and he a peace maker. As a love expert ,creator and host of a famous show 'Bring love to life' , June tend to fail in organizing and achieving love for herself, she's a goal getter yet can't seem to grab a man for herself. When her career and show faced a risk of falling due to secrets she had hidden,she was compelled to take help from a psychiatrist with hopes of controlling the damage. Both skipped in the crazy journey in battle over destiny that seem to be pulling them together. "You're insane, trust me there's no cure for you." "And you're unworthy of your profession, I have no idea why I talked myself to come here, clearly you're a mad man" g,she meant every word,grabbing her hand bag she stumped out of his office. They're like cross roads that have no interest in each other but are fated to greet one another.

MisMuoka · Thành thị
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34 Chs

The encounter ( chapter two)

"How dare you!".

Those blue eyes throws tantrums at June, the audacity to walk in her office and question her like she owns her.

"You know how much I wanted that offer, it was my one big shot but you'd to snatch it away" the tail of her nails clutches in her palm in sight of June waving the pages of the documents in her hands, with legs fold against each other.

"My ideas were far better than yours, it should have been my win. " she faces her head on the notes in the papers, stabbing deaf ears to her.

It's a daily routine that she has gotten sick off, her rath are like the scavenger night vampires with tiny wing and thin thighs, they never get tired of sucking others blood and they spread deadliest diseases.

"You're nothing but a worthless trash" And just as the mosquito, if left at will it causes harm.

Slamming the papers on the desk, she sends a heavy glare at her way.

"Guess what Mary this worthless trash is chosen over you, between us who's the worthless one?" she revokes back at her with increased glares.

"You think you're great just because your show is sky record?" that's far beyond her perspective of herself, she believes in her talent and hard work that pays, even though she sometimes carves her will on others but it with intentions of gaining good results .

There are time she spreads good to others .

"I'm not perfect neither do I see myself great than others, I only believe in hard work and it payment. I can't tell about your ideas or projects but I can say for sure, my team and I placed in lots of efforts, we worked weeks ,day and night , researching and complying the details just to produced good work.It was a most for us to win and that's why we won " she rest with a return on the chair and snoop of the papers.

"I've spent more years in this company than you. I know how things work, you're just a newbie with little experience and luck. Mark my words you'll fall from the high clouds you're standing, that too soon."

Her words sprint nerves in her bones, she closes the papers , looks at Mary as she places her hands on hips with dominant character.

Three years ago June was nothing but an assistant working for Mary, she walked feet off on errands that were unrelated to work.

Those years, Mary used to pull the strings and was the top star host with much admiration on her, most were contributions from ideas stolen from June, crumbled her spirit everytime she tried to take a stand. It was evident she had seen potential in her and was scare of what length she would reach, perhaps her position was her worry. Yet karma clapped at her.

"Watch your back, this won't be let down so easily, you'll be ruined," she sweeps her heels out of the office.

"Should we be worried?" her assistant question from behind, startling her on her toes. She grumbles at her while releasing her hand from her chest.

"Give no attention to her words, I've heard worse and gone through worse than this" she said in comfort of both herself and her assistant.

"She sounded dead serious, what if she does something horrible to you?" June's eyes widened from the picture of it.

Mary's capable but certainly can't go to such extend of stabbing a knife in her chest with villain laughter as she framed in her kind. Yes she's monster but even monster has their limit right?" the question thread in her head.

"You're thinking too much, skip to another topic" she brushes off the conversation, in attempts to evade the encrypt visions accustom in her thoughts.

"How about increasing my salary" her hands stiffs it grip on the paper, her eyes shifts to the highlighted name . The topic of her salary always gets her pause in time.

"I said change topic not opening an old topic." She slyly evades

"It a different topic" she said in husky tone.

"Which you've been asking for ages, soon the threats will walk in"

"of course" she cut in before her sentence could be finished.

"That's what happens when your stubborn boss refuses to give you a salary raise. Give me a salary raise or I'll quit" The conversations between them always ends in cat and mouse.

June scoffs her way up the chair, steadily cup the chubby cheeks of her assistant.

"Jane you already have a high pay salary, stop being greedy and stop with the threats, they're getting old. Try to be more creative, convince me why I should give you a raise" with the brain of a fox and tongue as a serpent she always got away with things, quick witted.

Her assistant Jane, is a sweet girl with optimistic traits. There isn't a thing she can't find good in, she feels love in everything.

Three years ago when June got her the contract of her own show, she took her under her wings, freeing her from the hell she was living. Her life was filled with people that inflected wounds at her, rejected and mocked for her size. They never recognized her skills and talent instead her weight was most noticed by them. She had dreamt of being a model but those dreams came crashing .

"I'll get to you once I come up with a good excuse"

"okay till then,tata.." she waves at her as she walks out, her crooked brows and framed hands brings smile to June's lips.


The cozy wind flags the leather coat on his body, the eleven size feet gently skips the pot holes, holding shade under the black umbrella in his hand, black gloves greets the palm of his hands. Strolling down the path, he freezes his pace with an extend of his left hand in catch of the small ball that flew towards his face.

"Throw it over" he leans his face to the side, to see the little ones in the four side court with net in the mid and bat in their tiny hands. In cross arms one approach him

"Give it" his lips moves to the little one will, the fake in his voice with attempt to sound intimating. Handing the ball to him he faces the next lane.

Skimming out is June from her favorite dessert cafe, after an hour wait she's rewarded with the all time cupcake. After a tired day at work she needs her all time smooch cake, everyday the last cake is saved for her.

Breaking out of cage from the other lane is a man in tattered clothes, stroking his feet against time and beyond it pace with a view of two men on his tail.

"catch him" one screams to the stand by passers in watch of the spectacular scene. One of the chaser seizes his pace in grasp of air, lending aid from his knees.

"wait..wait..." he said with a tight breathe, " for me" he finishes the one sentence.

In flight speed the tattered cloth man shoulders shoves into June's body, snatching gravity from her feet. She screams her lungs out picturing her limps broken, her brain quickly scans for a save from the fall but is evade with darkness. In cross heart she quit to fate. What ever happens , happen.

In seconds she releases her eyes from the tight grip, peeps to see her body in the arms of the cutest man ever seen. His brown eyes exhibit stories of the untold, the profound jaw bones are a magnet of wander.

Her heart rests in joy and feels grateful till she picks a view of her cupcakes on the merciless ground smashed.

"why didn't you save my cupcakes?" she yells taking him at surprise.

"You should have saved my cupcakes instead of me" she said with much confidence. He rolls her body off his hand, letting her greet the hard ground.

"Ouch!" she groans.

"What's wrong with you?, why did you let go of me?" she stabs him dirty glares.

"You're insane" he said picking his umbrella he had throw to catch her from the fall, gives it a speedy clean before contacting it. In all his seven years of profession as a psychiatrist , he has never come across a more crazy woman like her. The thought of her rather have her cupcakes saved instead of her takes him to confuse land.

Sure his thirty-five years, he never pictured to meet a weird being like her. One thing is for certain to him, she's trouble and he wants nothing to do with her.

"you're the mad one here. First you didn't save my cupcakes not even a single one, and you even dared to..." a light grunt escapes her lips as her hands massage her waist, throwing shady looks at him.

He waves the scene of her from his mind and continuedy his path but is forced to halt. He turns to see his shirt in her hands.

"Where do you think you're going?" she ask taking a stand.

His brain spreads sick in scan of the dirt on her hands, with haste he jerks off his shirt from her grip. Takes out a pocket bottle and sprayed it on the space she came in contact with.

"Are you insane" he said while trying to control his tone.

"That's what you claimed, am just showing you how mad people behave" she scrubs her eyes at him.

"You ain't going nowhere till you refund me. I waited hours just to get it and you've destroyed everything." Is she being serious?, he saved her and she..holding on to ...

'Just let it go' he gently reminds himself not to stoop to her level and just walk off. She's mad, mentally mad and need immediate help.

"I want my cake" she demands flinching not a second off him.

"I owe you nothing" he faces the opposite lane, leading away from her yet it to no valid to her hand in hooks of his wrist. He struggles to set free but she faces him head on .

On their minute fight she mistakenly grabs free the leather glove from his right hand, exposing the fingers to light.

In haste his feet stalks away from her, disinfecting his hand with the bottle of cleanser.

She stares at him, wondering what's up with him.

"You.." he hesitantly points a finger at her

"I never want to see you ever, mad woman" he compels the words out, taking a haste flight from her before she attack him again.

" Same here, I hope I never meet you again, ever" she takes the other path. Both faces the opposite of cross roads.