
My Mr psychiatrist

A crazy event that pulled two opposite in attraction. She's a drama queen and blabbing mouth, while he seeks calm in silence, she's a trouble maker and he a peace maker. As a love expert ,creator and host of a famous show 'Bring love to life' , June tend to fail in organizing and achieving love for herself, she's a goal getter yet can't seem to grab a man for herself. When her career and show faced a risk of falling due to secrets she had hidden,she was compelled to take help from a psychiatrist with hopes of controlling the damage. Both skipped in the crazy journey in battle over destiny that seem to be pulling them together. "You're insane, trust me there's no cure for you." "And you're unworthy of your profession, I have no idea why I talked myself to come here, clearly you're a mad man" g,she meant every word,grabbing her hand bag she stumped out of his office. They're like cross roads that have no interest in each other but are fated to greet one another.

MisMuoka · Thành thị
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34 Chs

Neighbors (chapter Twelve)


"Since when have we been neighbors with that grumpy uncle?" June queries ,changing the heels for a comfy slippers.

"Who's grumpy uncle?" Dora asks coming from her room, her eyes picks on June's hands that rests on her chest as she subdues the pace of her chest.

"What happened to you?'' she furthers in , grabbing a glass and pours little to hand June.

"Who's this grumpy uncle?" Dora raise a brow at her

"The mad Psychiatrist "

She chuckles at June's facial expression on measuring his profession.

"I thought you like him, weren't you going to beg for his aid" Dora asked in arched brows

"That grumpy uncle, who wants his help" June said covering the fact she was rejected

"He turned down her offer, that's what happened " Jane cuts in from the other end of the sitting room . With legs shoved on each other, her fingers grabs in popcorns as the other hand rapidly switch channels in search of her favorite ro_com series.

"He has been our next door neighbor since ever." Dora answers with weak smile.

June stand a hand on the hip, stealing a memory from the blurred mind. Not once has she seen him or noticed his presence.

 No surprise he's the ghost neighbor that rejected all their peace offerings to get along, not a chance he missed to call cops on them for late night dances and karaoke. She should have figured it, only a grumpy uncle like him would do that.

"He's also our landlord" the water in her mouth came trashing on Dora's dress.

"Sorry, he's our what?" she asked drying the drops on her chin. Neighbors that's understandable that she didn't notice him but land lord why was she not inform?.

Most the rent is paid to the agent that got her the apartment. But clearly he said the owner doesn't want any communication with his tenants.

"Everyone knows, how the hell don't you know?" Jane stabs in with an insightful taunt chuckles.

"That's how I got his number in the first place, his mother is an acquaintance of my mom" Dora said

"More or less it a good news" she said grinning her teeth out with a meniac clasps of her palms.

"June, don't you dare" Dora warns getting a sweet innocent look from her.

"What will a sweet weak lady like me do to a grown uncle like him" she said fluttering her lashes.

"More like a she devil" Jane comments throwing her legs for her room before June could score equal with her.


"Grumpy uncle, grumpy uncle!" the door goes wild with just a touch to it.

"Hi, I baked you cookies, want some?" she asked peeping her eyes behind him.

"No I don't and am gonna need you to leave. You're being a bug to the neighbors" Dave shut in slamming his door that she force open.

"Listen I really don't want to look desperate but I am and only you can help, so please be the better person and accept my friendship, and be my fake boyfriend".

"I'll pass on that. You need a psychiatrist" he said forcing the door to lock.

"But you're a psychiatrist, so you cure me"

"Good night mis June" his hands jerk off her grip from the door and shut it at her pouty lips.

"Mean donkey. You think you'll get rid of me do easily, wish on it."

"Where're you coming from" Dora asked getting a bottle from the fridge.

"Extending friendship with our new old neighbor and adamant landlord that just won't budge" her hands goes for the outer doors, stretching her arms she gaze the tall height beneath the little bridge to the next balcony.

"And what now are you setting on" Dora sighs, exhausted from all the thoughts of what her friend is capable of, once her mind's set on something she goes all out to obtain it.

For sure her Mr grumpy or grumpy uncle will soon give in.

"I'm going to convince my fake boyfriend to be my real fake boyfriend" she cross a leg to the pillar of the next balcony.

Her hands jumps on her chest on hearing the flower vase trash to the ground .

"phwe" an exaggerated sigh come out with another of her leg successfully over the boundary.

"Did anything you said made sense to you" June head nods in respond. Resigning inside, Dora shut the doors and her worried mind. She has more things to think about, like the next idea of her book, what will it be and what will it base on?.

"God of creativity grant me knowledge of a good story " she yells with her hands fold to the roof.

"If you're looking for a story why not write about June?" Her body flinch on the taken voice, stabbing her gaze to the couch. Jane hands waves at her with a cheesey smile.

"How long have you being there " she asked taking a lead to her.

"Long enough to watch the drama enfolding. You want a story that will knock the readers, so make June your lead. She's crazy, self righteous as she believes and has a mission, which we both know is impossible" she's damn right, why didn't she think of it, June's the type that readers would hate and love at the same time, and they would be pulled in curiosity whether she will win her grumpy uncle over or not, or will she learn to love and let go of her past.

"You know for the first time you said something sensible"

"Excuse me" her brows arched at Dora's comment.

"Nothing" . Her tongue quickly changes , chasing her legs for her room.


"How did you got in here?" Dave storms out of the kitchen.

"Through the door" she said staring at her abs and nipples, her throat feels the hard gulped of saliva. The cool temperature froze in time, sending hit to her skin and face, her ears scrambles the sounds of her heart pumping in her chest.

"Hot" her lips pours out while her legs dizzies away.


"Hot, meaning it really hot in here" she said fanning her hands to her face , snatching her mind from his body. She flush the blushes that has settled on her cheeks.

"Is there no air condition?, Why's it so hot in here?"

"Everything is perfect in here the problem is you. How did you got in here?"

"Through the balcony and door. Are you cooking?" She flee her steps to the kitchen, ignoring all the hints from Dave for her to get out. Her hands reveals the scented crabs that's stewing with pawns.

"Wow, can I have some?"

"No, you have to leave now"

"Oh c'mon, I risked my safety all to come here and you're just going to shoo me like that?. Won't you at least offer me a drink or this tasty meal you're preparing"

"Guest are offer hospitality not evaders , leave now" he said gesturing to the door.

"At least say yes to my proposal" the next she know her body is being drag by the wrist to the out door, and door slammed in her face.

Sending her failed body to her apartment door, she faces her friends that urgely hunts for her return .

"How did it go, did you succeed?" Dora's impatient voice drives by.

She shoves her hips on the couch, concealing her face in her folded knees.

"He didn't even look at me" she details falling her eyes on the book in Dora's hands and her fingers moving to every word said by her.

"What're you doing?" her voice raise out.

Sheepish Dora ghost the book behind her.


"She's writing a book about you and your grumpy uncle" Jane cuts in having her score back for Dora's comment earlier.

"Good luck in making the book a success"


"Are you sure this is the place?" June asked, her eyes shadowing the cold environment, the leap of their shoes are stained from muddy roads. May fingers shifts the air that's intoxicating her breath.

At the other end there are shirtless men stuffing their mouth with pipes and nostril with unwanted products.

May sprint on her toes on the sound of a crash, she turns to see a guy trashing a bottle he has finished off.

"This environment don't look welcoming"

"None is ever welcoming" June shoot at May that fixed her posture.

With that they quick their pace for the door.

" Hello" Samantha sends to the man that approach their path on their entering.

"Hello" his flat chest sink in the grown shirt he worn, slipping his hand on the bald head with a cocky looks on May. June lips hides behind her palm as she laughed the scene off.

"We will love to use your computers, can you make that possible?" Samantha furthered in, to the being that's lost in the beauty of May.

Samantha shoves a hand at May , gesturing she ask the questions as he shows much interest in her. With less choice , she reluctantly smiles at the man.

"Can we use your computers?"

"Of course, they're all yours and if you want I'll also be yours"

"Why not, she will gladly take your proposal" June teases in earning a glare from May.

On several coding on the computers she easily find the right computer that was used to share the video.

"This is the one" she said winking at June that turns blind eye at her.

"Are you sure?' May pops out dubiously.

"No, would You like to give it a try yourself " she sarcastically respond. Of course she's sure, she's a computer genie after all.

"You definitely are sisters, both of you're annoying " she murmurs .

"Shut up" they share a look on saying the phrase in sync.

"We just have to find out who used this computer yesterday " she said viewing the history of the user.

June's eyes meets May that waves her head in rejection to June's proposal.

"Don't you dare think about it"

"Your choice, would you rather have your career and job gone or swallow your dignity and ask him to tell us who used it last"

An heavy sigh came through with a tight pull of her face together. Haunting the man's direction ,her hands swings on his shoulders rendering him vulnerable to her will.

"You didn't tell me your name earlier" her hands scroll through the hairless head .

"That because you didn't ask for it" he said tickling his fingers. Mays eyes rolled .

"But now am asking, won't you tell me?"


"Lee?!. Tell me who uses this computer frequently?"

"That will be Alie , he's the only one that function this computer " her hand race down on gaining what she wants.

"Um, where can we find this Alie?"

After this day she is never going to help her, she has make a deal in her mind and heart.. signed and stamped. With a short drive they're able to locate the direction of the man.

Samantha knocks on the door, which comes opening in welcome of a six feet man.

"Yes" Samantha look at his face that's buried beneath the beard, skimming her eyes for a clear shot

" How can I help you" his voice lashes at her face, without being intimidating he owes the crown.

"Alie ,does he live here?

"And who's asking?" he puffs his chest out, rolling his arms on the other.

"We are" June waves showing her face to the front.

His hands goes loose on seeing June , staging his steps in her direction his fists clench and cracks to him squeezing them.

"You, you ruined everything, you took everything I had" before she can make a sense of the situation she feels a sharp sting on the side of her stomach. She places her fingers on the pain to reveal red stain, next she knows her eyes shut out, blinding her from the light.

"June" Samantha runs to her as she looses conscience. Her hands holds her close, clutching her body.

"Please wake up"