
The Sad Walk

Not all time is dinner , Some days were meant to be worst.

Davida's Modeling Studio

Mr Dickinson paid an impromptu visit to Davida . Davida was in the studio doing what she knew how to do best , Modeling . When she spotted her uncle standing at the door of the room Where she does her photoshoot , she quickly dismissed her crew members from the room , leaving just her and Mr Dickinson in the room .

What do you want this time ? Davida asked . Please take a walk with me honey ... Mr Dickinson pleaded.

I am busy as you can see . Davida replied as she continued working on her computer.

You are the boss . One hour of your time off work won't cause any harm .I really need us to talk .

Davida thought about it for a while then finally gave in to walk with him.

This better be a reason . She said .

Mr Dickinson and Davida walked down the streets . They had a serious discussion .

Mr Dickinson sincerely apologized for all what he did , how he tortured Davida emotionally and blamed her for her father's wrong deeds . Why don't I believe you uncle ... You and your brother are so full of evil . Davida said .

I know , but do you wanna know why I did all of that ? Mr Dickinson asked ..

Sadly I wanna say no but yea I wanna hear it . Davida replied. Your dad and I were never close as siblings or business partners , He never loved me because I was an adopted son . But as my big brother , I learned to give him all the respect he deserves until one day something happened .... He married your mom. Mr Dickinson suddenly stopped and got emotional , he remained silent for a while . Davida listened keenly and patiently . Your mom was an angel . Mr Dickinson continued . I am glad you said was. Davida replied.

No you don't understand , after my foster mom , the only woman I respected was your mom , she was the reason I tolerated Louis' disrespectful and disgustful behaviour towards me . She made me felt like family , treated me as such and I actually loved you and your sister only because of her . Mr Dickinson continued .

Davida scoffed . Love ? She suddenly burst out of laughter .

Yes funny right , I know this makes no sense . Mr Dickinson said .

You tell me .... What exactly is your point . Davida replied .

Your father is a beast ... He kills innocent people , good people , he doesn't care about anybody but himself , Mr Dickinson said.

You think I don't know all of that .. you think I am proud ? What I don't understand is what happened to my mother , she became the meanest , he doesn't pick up my calls , she doesn't care , she was not like that . What happened to her .. she doesn't even wanna have a conversation with me , I hate them . Davida said as she broke out in tears . No baby hate your dad not mom .. your dad is to blame . Mr Dickinson tried to comfort her . But why Davida yelled .. Because your dad .....

Davida house

Davida sat beside the chimney with a bottle of whiskey in her hands and a stick of cigarette in her mouth, she look sad , miserable , angry and has been drinking and crying the whole time . Shirley came in worried because she had been ringing Davida's phone to no avail. When she found her drinking , she tried to stop her then enquire what was going on . But Davida resisted and continued drinking .

Shirley : ( worried) What is going on ? ( tried to take the whiskey bottle )

Davida: No ... no .. don't touch this bottle..

Shirley : What happened Davi(confused )

Davida suddenly recalled what her uncle told her .


But why ? Davida yelled . Because your dad .. killed your mom . .... He murdered her 10years ago .. .....

Present moment

Davida : aaaaah ! ( she broke out of tears )

Shirley : No way ... what do you mean by your mom is dead , you just ..... recently

Davida : That is not my mom .... that is a fake mom all planned by my dad .. ( laughed and cried at the same time )

Shirley who was shocked , was lost in dismay and wonder how it all happened as she watch Davida suffered emotionally , she cried too trying to comfort her.

At the cemetery .

This is what I am talking about . All his children will hate him even more ... Dickinson said to himself while standing over Katherine's grave . You also contributed in making me the monster that I am . I loved you so much so very much , you rejected me because of a man who was only destined to kill you.

Flashback to few years ago

Mr Louis Atam's penthouse

Dickinson found Katherine in the kitchen making coffee .

Hey Katherine good morning . Dickinson greeted . Hi Dicky Katherine replied . Dickinson blushed after he heard his name Dicky. Care for some coffee ? she added . I would love to , but no I just came to pick up some things . Dickinson replied . He picked up what he wanted and bid farewell to Katherine

Fast forward to some few days

Dickinson found Katherine sitting in the couch in tears . He quickly rushed to comfort her . Hey what happened ? Dickinson asked . Katherine quickly wiped off the tears . Nothing ! she replied . He hurts you everyday , why are you still here ? Dickinson asked . But Katherine was silent . Divorce him ! File for a divorce . Dickinson said again. What .... no I can't do that . Katherine replied . Dickinson asked what her reason was . I am married Dickinson and if I remember well , it is for better or for worst . I also have kids , they need a family , I can't deny them that and I love him too. Katherine said sincerely . Dickinson held her hands . Am I not capable to take care of you and the kids ? I will make you happy , so happy I promise you Katherine . Dickinson please you have to understand . You are a good person and I know that , but please let's not talk about this again ... you are my husband's brother , I respect you , I deserve that respect too , he too deserves that . This should be the last time we talk about this or you leave me no choice but to tell your brother your intentions. Katherine replied frankly . Dickinson got mad , he angrily left the house without a word .

Present moment

Oh Kathy , your loyalty caused your life . Soon the man who is responsible for your dead will soon join you and your girls too ... You said it yourself , they need a family . So I will make sure of that .Mr Dickinson said as he was still standing over Katherine's grave.