
1. No way!

It was 8 in the evening and i got out of McD after my shift ended, as usual started walking down the road instead of taking the bus.

It was end of July and I was declared the employee of the month. That didn't matter to me, except for the bonus in my bank account. I was oddly happy walking down the street, I turned at the corner and saw a commotion between two couples; I kept walking as it didn't bother me anyway. people are stupid to fall in so called love.

When I just passed them someone crashed into me. I looked back to see the girl who had red cheeks, maybe because of the slap and some bruises around her neck. I still didn't care for her, I turned on my heals and started walking but my heart kept pulling me back; It didn't feel right to leave her like that, my heart kept telling me to fight for her. 'Fight!? Why should I put my nose in someone else's business'

I heard her this time begging him to stop and suddenly he snapped at her, " Don't give me this bull!!! You have 12 hours to convince you family for this marriage"

Now it got to my head and my stupid good mood forced me to do a good deed. I turned and ran super speed towards the guy, catching him off-guard and punched him across his face, then taking advantage hit him hard in the nuts. He backed away, pain written on his face but he stood his ground 'Hmm pretty good pain endurance! well why do I even care'. I looked at the girl and said, "that is what you are supposed to do. Get up and get lost you weakling"

But she got up and ran towards the boy to check if he was okay. "Seriously!" I sighed and got outta there. 'There are some serious dumb people out there heart, this is what you made me turn back for' I kept my business to myself again and started walking home.

I reached home and straight away went to bed, I had been too tired after all the celebration today. Before I could fall asleep the doorbell rang; My roomie wasn't home and I had no intentions of moving. It rang again and then again. 'Irritating piece of shit' I got up and opened the door.

There was a guy, fair wheatish skin and dark green eyes, tall with good build and messy yet perfectly set caramel brown hair. He had a cut on his face which looked like what you might get from a punch.

His dark eyes fixed on me, totally intimidating. He just kept staring saying nothing, I gave him a confused expression and waited for him to say something. But he didn't so I just figured he might need to tend to his wounds.

There was a first aid right near the shoe stand behind the door; I gave it to him just eager to go back to sleep and slammed the door on his face.

Now I was extremely tired and sloughed down on the sofa cause I was not ready to walk back all the way 10 more steps to my bed. And almost instantly I fell asleep.

I woke up in my bed in the morning, the apartment was filled with some SUPER delicious breakfast smell.

I got off bed and sudden realization dawned. My roommate wasn't home! I went to sleep on sofa last night! And my roommate do not know how to cook at all!!!

I picked up my baseball bat and cautiously stepped outside to check who it was.

It was him! the guy whom I gave that first aid kit and probably, I mean MAYBE the guy who I beat yesterday.

The sunlight light made him shine brighter than he actually was, he was looking like a model working flawlessly in the kitchen and especially smelling like my bodywash! , 'In my kitchen! MY bodywash!!! How dare he touch my stuff'

He looked at me and the only expression he was wearing was a smirk and it turned to a smile after seeing me furiously standing there ready to beat the shit outta him, the most handsome I had seen in the neighborhood 'doesn't matter to me anyways'. Why the hell was he in my house in the first place!?

"You must be hungry sweetheart", He said it with a smile and placed two dishes on the counter keeping the bread in his mouth and came closer to me signaling ME to take a bite off it!!!!.

This guy! he asked for it! he is sure to die today!

No way I'm letting him eat my food!

No way I'm accepting this behavior !

No way he is stepping out of my house in one piece!

Honestly The story has a different progress from chapter 3 than this, the first 2 chapters are just an incidence from her past.

Do give any suggestions and comments that you seem may help me grow as a writer and make you happy as a reader later on :)

Eaagles_wingscreators' thoughts