
A Day Before The Grand Opening

"Hey, are you asleep yet?" Laying on my chest, Rin ran her fingers down my neck. Resting her hand on my collar, she snuggled up closer with her canines itching to dig into my flesh. "Just one bite, that's all I need."

Unlike the rest of the girls, she fulfilled her thrill through blood, but letting her drink from me was bound to end in disaster.

"Waking me up to ask me if I'm asleep?" Rubbing my weary eyes, I looked down at her peering up at me with pleading eyes. "And no, I don't want you to accidentally turn me into a vampire too."

"That's not how it works, you idiot," she said, playfully hitting my right cheek. 

"Then how does it work, exactly?" I asked, growing a bit curious as to how she turned into a vampire herself.

Hearing the question, she cast her gaze down. Her fingers curled up to my words, and her nails dug into me slightly. However, it must've happened, she obviously had no intentions of reliving it, even if it was only through a retelling.

"It's a long story, but!" Looking back up, she reached for my face again. Staring into my eyes, her expression grew pleading. "Just let me have a taste. I already saw Maiko and you locking lips by the opened door, if the others knew they would be furious."

"You followed her that night?" She nodded instantly.

"I heard someone walking around the halls, and since it was our first day I thought it was a human trying to kill us girls in the dead of night," the more she spoke the more her lips were glistered with drool. Gulping down the saliva, she breathed heavily as she continued. "Besides, unlike the rest, I need to feed on someone alive and warm."

"What about Cinder?" I asked, despite knowing how that would go.

Frowning her gaze, Rin stared at me with her cheeks puffed up like a child. Just trying to share the bed with Cinder had been a disaster last night, she nearly burned the mattress, but thankfully after a while, she managed to calm herself.

"She can control if she wants to burn something, she even hugged my arm throughout the night and it didn't burn me," I tried to protest further, but Rin was not at all convinced. "Fine, go ahead, but be quick."

With a gentle smirk, she slipped on top of my body. Laying right above me, she leaned into my neck with her hand moving behind my head. Sticking out her tongue, she licked a spot on my nerve before slowly sinking her teeth in. A sharp pain coursed through my head, yet with the once-cold body of the vampire now heating up above me, I felt a comforting warmth enveloping me completely.

"That's enough," I said, pulling my neck to the side.

Even so, wrapping her hands around my body, Rin wouldn't let go or get off of me. Instead, she licked the blood trails draining down my neck. And as the spot finally stopped bleeding, she looked at me with genuine curiosity.

"So many women throwing themselves at you, and yet you've managed to resist the temptations," gliding closer to my face, she grabbed my head and turned it to look right at her. Inches from me, she pressed our noses together. "How come you're so hard to break? What hell have you gone through, that too at such a young age?"

"We both have a past best left buried," I replied.

Wrapping my hands around her, I for once didn't want to let go of a woman. The warmth traveling through her chest into mine was far too tranquil to let go so easily.

"Fair," poking my nose, she chuckled before wrapping her hands around me as well.

The next thing I knew, I was waking up from my sleep. The curtains were leaking sunlight over my face while the vampire lying in my arms was huddled up in my embrace. Slipping out of her grip, I began preparing myself for the first day of business. After a while, Rin woke up on her own, and I had her get dressed in her work clothes as well.

Soon after, the two of us parted as she went to the reception, and I went off to make sure everyone and everything for the day was ready. Thanks to Maiko's magic, we had no issues with the food preparations. Cinder also helped by giving out slime clones that looked like mini-her to help with whatever everyone else needed. Lastly, Senya helped by putting up decorations by flying around tall corners to put up fancy balloons, ribbons, and similar decoratives.

"A total of three guests only," standing near the entrance with a clipboard in hand, I glanced through the three names while the rest waited around me. "The embassy has sent them a pick-up car, so they must be someone important. Look perky, smile, and do everything as they say."

The hotel being located in a secluded forested area with a lone lake, it took the guest a while to arrive in a black limousine. As the door was opened by the driver, the girls and I greeted them with a bow.

'Two young women, and an old man, huh?' As I raised my head, I couldn't help but glance them up and down. Dressed in a sparkling golden dress with long slits by her legs, the fair brunette helped the old man out of the car. Taking her hand, he struggled to get out, especially with his round belly lying heavily on himself. In the meantime, the other girl, dressed in a similar but dark blue dress, got out of the car from the other side and moved up beside him. 

Standing by each other, the girls almost looked like twins if not for the difference in hair color. One had lush golden-brown hair, while the other was a velvet red-head.

"These damn low-riding cars!" The man complained as he moved between the girls. Resting his hands on their hips, he scoffed in annoyance. "Ugh, next time tell the damn embassy to send a bigger car!"

"Very well," I replied with yet another bow. 

Straightening my back, I held my hand stretched towards the entrance. Gesturing for Maiko and Rin to move to the side with my gaze, I then glanced at Cinder and Senya to hint to them about getting the guest's luggage. Once the girls nodded back to me, I was ready to lead the guests away.

"Please follow me to the reception," with that said, I began walking up to the entrance. 

Behind me, I could hear the guests walking, as well as all the vile stuff the old man was muttering to the girls. They laughed in the most pretentious voice, but I suppose that was part of their job, amongst other things.

"Who is he exactly?" Rin asked, moving up beside me.

Looking to my side, I noticed Maiko standing by her as well and no less curious about the man than Rin either. The two had their jobs inside the hotel so it wasn't that odd that they followed me.

"Some retired general, adviser to the embassy over military affairs," their eyes widened with terror, knowing full well exactly what that entails.

Not only was the embassy trying to fool them with the promise of peace between races, but they were sending guests who'd led armies into the monster realms. 

'Was this some sort of power trip? Getting some sick joy out of making the very monsters whose homes you've destroyed serve your meals? Clean your room? And act on your every whim?!' My fist clenched tight; I fought every instinct to not punch the fat bastard in the teeth. 'I'll only doom us all if I get angry.'

Shaking my head, I led the bastard in with all his teeth still intact.