
So Cute!

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Oh!" Mary shrank back and punched Monroe on the shoulder. "You're so annoying!" 

Monroe chuckled softly. 

"Hmm... you didn't wear underwear. Are you so eager to seduce me?" 

Mary looked at him with a strange red face. "Didn't you give me these pajamas? Don't you know what... style they are?" 

Monroe looked at her in confusion. 

Mary then realized that Monroe had never even looked at the what was in the bag! 

So, it was probably the choice of the person who stocked up the clothes in the suite! 

As for it being a bunny outfit, it was just a coincidence! 

She found it funny. 

Monroe was curious. "Little rascal, what are you laughing at?" 

Mary hugged Monroe's shoulders, her legs tightly holding his narrow and strong waist. 

"Carry me to the bed first! Then... you can slowly study the underneath of the shirt... and see the real pajamas!" 

Monroe's eyes lit up when he heard that!