
My Measurement: The Villain Desires a Satisfying Payback

Taking place within a world of Measurements―superpowers owned from birth, with most being absolute trash. A world involving numerous secret organisations looking to take advantage of those rare and remarkable few possessing exceptional powers. When there exists Forbidden Knowledge better left unknown. When the discovery of said knowledge results in the inevitable; a world-ending catastrophe. ‘Ignorance is bliss.’ Fighting against the unrelenting persistence of the one who knows all. Before the tragic fate of the world repeats itself once more. ―He must be stopped. ===== Finished. New Community Discord : https://discord.gg/e5UEkYsAAv If you're interested, feel free to check out my other ongoing work here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/71331/apostle-of-sin-overhaul

Ted_ · Thành thị
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194 Chs

Afterstory: The World Does Not Stop Moving Just Because A Single Person's Story Is Now Over (4)

After a short while of walking through the park, we arrived at our destination.

A considerably quieter, secondary sub-section of Weinstell Park, and a place only those with heavy hearts would think to visit.

The Weinstell Cemetery.

Some people like to visit resting places like these every day.

If not every day, then maybe once or twice a week, a month, or every few months.

When I first heard about these kinds of places, I thought it made sense to visit frequently. After all, it meant you were able to connect with a loved one when they were gone, share memories, or remember the times they were still with you.

I and Sona both thought the same way once, and we thought nothing of it.

But then he left us.

And it was only after we were alone that we realised.

It didn't make sense to visit every day, every week, or even every month.