
Chapter 30: Internal Wounds

Gavin’s POV:

My heart stopped.

I didn’t even realize I had spoken the words until I reached over for the light switch and dimmed the stock room overheads low.

I slipped my sunglasses off and pinched the bridge of my nose. Trying to talk with the burn was excruciating. I’d kept it together for her and everyone else in the café, but my hand hurt like h*ll.

Luci’s eyes moved between the towel, my burn, and my other hand. I was sure she wanted to know what was going on and only refrained from asking out of politeness.

This wasn’t how I wanted to tell her, but I already resigned myself to the idea that Luci might leave after I finished explaining everything.

I should have told her from the beginning.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” Luci finally answered as she flattened out my burnt hand and started layering the gauze. “Hold still.”

“No. Really,” I pressed as I sat up and accidentally moved my hand, leaving a gauze to drop on the floor.