
You need an upgrade


That voice... the voice that has tormented me for a long time, the voice that made me suffer until my bones were broken, a voice that I had almost completely forgotten...

- Flash? –

But somehow it made me feel relieved... something very crazy? Maybe, but I had my reasons.

- WELL, PARKER?! I'm waiting! –

~It can't be, those two are making a fuss~

~ A fight on the first day? ~

Everyone else began to whisper and surround us, it felt familiar, but I was no longer willing to continue feeling the sack that was being beaten in public, my intentions were not to fight, however now it would be very difficult for me to stand by.

-Sorry Flash, if you want to talk we can find a better place and time, but as you will see...this is the least suitable...-

- Huh? -

Flash was surprised, he remained motionless for a moment until he turned against me in the same amount of time, his arm began to fill with black veins, he held me by the collar of his shirt and lifted me up as if nothing had happened...


My gaze darkened for a moment, I guided my arm to her doll holding my clothes, and for the first time I could experience the fear reflected in Flash's eyes.

-That's precisely why... -I'm not gonna do this shit anymore...

I began to apply force to his wrist, quickly lowered it by undoing his grip, squatted down, and retreated backwards, propelling myself with my arms and circling in the air, landing a few more feet in front of him.

-What the hell... -What the hell were those CIRCUS MOVEMENTS?!

It was clear to me that I wasn't the same as 10 months ago, I wasn't the same Peter Parker who could be beaten easily, and I didn't have the slightest intention of remaining so, but of course I wouldn't let my guard down at any time, since with him...my Spidey sense didn't react to his attack...and that was already worrying.

He flashed shamelessly, not without first increasing the black liquid in his body, this time it was no longer just black veins, again...his whole arm was covered by that strange substance.

-If that's the way you want it, Parker... -just like I told you in that lab...

Flash turned his arm into a blade again and pointed at me with a look full of anger, so many emotions that it would be impossible for me to describe how terrifying he looked...


...and yet I only found the courage to stand up and try to cope...

- I'm ready! -

Before we both started a senseless fight, a laser divided the path between us, preventing us from getting close and saying in a slightly artificial voice...

-You two... -Stop it right now. –

The intangible hero "The Vision", an artificial being capable of making his body intangible and using other integrated gifts to care for the safety of the students, The Vision Hero was Mr. Stark's right hand man, I had not met him directly until that day...


...but not in the way I would have liked.

He approached with a speed similar to that of the silver-haired boy, thrusting his arm into Flash's body causing him to be completely knocked out...

-You two, you're causing a ruckus on your first day, I hope you have that strength when you start your training... -

Those were his last words before he knocked me out...

After that, I remember waking up with difficulty, my eyes were having trouble opening, and when they did, all they saw was a room darkened by the darkness of the night and slightly lit by a dim lamp...

I looked around, things in the room were my own, but my biggest surprise.

-What a show today... -Mr Parker. –

It was seeing Mr. Stark's face again, and he wasn't happy at all.

- Mr. Stark! Is that you? –

-Of course it's me, kid. -Who did you think it was? Mary Poppins? –

Mr. Stark had an annoyed and angry expression, most likely he already knew about today's event.

No! Really? I hadn't noticed, oh! Hello, as you're so tender, I'm your tender, adorable and very handsome stallion, I've come to do a little padding for the author, since the asshole didn't work this week to rewrite his crappy story, but don't blame him, it's to keep more suspense until the end.

Good! I think this stuffing is enough! I told you he'd be in on it, didn't I? Wasn't he impressive, my dear Spidey? Ah, he looked so handsome, "I'm ready!" I almost melted when I heard his line, Well, I won't keep you any longer, We'll talk about my ships later! We'll even have a thousand year war with them! Anyway, Bye <3.

Again, Why this feels like déjà vu?!

-I really bet on you and look what you cause... -

-I'm... -I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. –

- Well, you should, kid! –

Betting? Of course, he said that many heroes could choose something like heirs, recommended guys who came in for heroes' favors. I bet Mr. Stark... had a better candidate in mind.

-Anyway... -I think you have better things to attend to than this...

- This? Why is it here? –

-I came to see why the hell a kid made a funny fuss in the middle of the driveway... -

Mr. Stark started giving me a whole list of reasons why I was in my room, and most of them involved mentioning me as the culprit.

-I'm sorry, I've just... -I've been causing you trouble, haven't I? –

- That's right! I'm glad you recognize it. –

I've just been getting help from everyone, and today was probably the last straw.

- So! Aren't you going to tell me who that boy was who attacked you today? –

- Him? Well... he's...

Mr. Stark brought up that subject, but even I had forgotten, the Flash also wanted to apply for A.S.A.; I completely forgot that I was not the only one with a desire to become a hero.

I explained to him who Flas Thompson was, a troubled boy like me...

Outside of that image of a child with a life of determination, Flash has always had problems with his family.

His father, Harrison Thompson, an ex-military man who served his country in many wars, especially those resulting from the inhuman, his father was a giftless, ordinary man, yet he was known for standing up to inhuman soldiers with obvious superiority.

Remind you of anyone? I knew Mr. Harrison's story from my Uncle Ben, they were good friends, but since the Flash manifested his power, things have only gotten worse for him.

His father...couldn't stand the idea that his son was someone like the people he killed in those various wars, so Flash was harassed by his own father, to the point where he and his mother had to be separated from him.

On the one hand, I understood why the Flash was the way he is, but that did not justify his extremely violent acts.

The Flash was someone good and kind, and the different events that also happened in his life were the cause of his personality, I have always believed that the reason why the Flash acts as such...is to protect himself, and that somewhere...he was still the friend I grew up with...

-Wow... so you both love each other for being equally finished... -

- Love us? –

-You'll understand as you go along... -Boy, for now keep in line and avoid throwing wood on the fire. –

I only understood part of what he meant at the time, but in time he would understand that...

-Well, I need to go, and you get acquainted with the place as soon as possible, on the desk are your schedules and other things, your classes start on Monday morning. –

-Wait a minute. -Monday morning? So soon? - I got excited for a moment, I thought it would at least take some time to get to know the school well.

- Of course, kid, villains don't warn you when they're going to attack, and heroes have to be prepared at all times for anything...

He was right, and I had experienced it painfully on many occasions.

-And also, they must be ready at any time of the year. –

- Just a moment! You're not saying that...

- Oh, yeah, boy, that's right.

It was clear that the A.S.A. wasn't messing around.

-Well rest, you'll have a hard week... again. –

Mr. Stark cast a mischievous smile, and began to withdraw, accompanying him to the door. And before he left, he said a few last words.

-Listen, kid, don't do anything I would do, let alone something I wouldn't do... -You understand? –

-Sure, Mr. Stark. –

- Good! Ah! I forgot, your uniform is in your bedroom closet, why don't you try it on...

My uniform? Of course, it was still a school after all.

Once Mr. Stark left, I went to the closet he had mentioned, the room was a bit large for one student, it almost looked like a small apartment.

I went to my room, there was the wardrobe, when I opened it, there was a red long-sleeved shirt and a blue-grey jacket, dark grey trousers and a pair of brown shoes.

Everything was custom-made, but underneath the whole, there was a curious grey case.

I took it out to check what it was, the first thing that came to my mind was that it was some kind of test bomb, if I was to be guided by how exaggerated the entrance exam was.

But I was just paranoid...

I carried it to the bed, right on the handle to hold it, in the case there was a fingerprint reader, I didn't know if I could use it and I still put my right thumb on it.

At that moment, the board blinked green as a confirmation, the legend said "Access Accepted, Identity: Peter B. Parker."

The case unfolded, and it showed...

-A... -A NEW SUIT?! –

Yes, a brand new suit with similarities to my design, right above it was a note. And this one said the following.

"Hey kid, I think those pajamas of yours are a little unorthodox, I think these are more your size.


I couldn't believe it, Mr. Stark had built a suit especially for me... for some reason, some tears came out of me, because of the suit? A little, but the truth was, I felt there was someone who believed in me... and that someone was none other than the greatest hero I've ever admired...

I didn't hesitate to try it on at least once, although the suit was not the only thing that came included, two new triggers were on the sides of the case, I needed to use them for at least a while before I could use my own fluid again.

This was serious, now I wasn't supposed to back down for anyone or anything...

-Aunt May, Uncle Ben, Mr. Stark... -I won't let you down...

It was time... to put on the mask seriously...

-I promise you. –

-That bastard Parker... -What the hell is he doing here?!

-**** **** ** *** ********* *****, **** ***** ********* ** ** *****. –

- Don't tell me what to do! –

- ********, ******* ** *********** ** *********, ******* ** **** ** **** ** ** ***** **** *** ** . –

-That... can't be... -He couldn't get in. –

- ****, **** *** ******** ****** ** ***** -

- You think I'm gonna waste my time with shit like that, I'm sure what a useless Parker is, today's... NOTHING! –

-***** ********** * ** *****, ***** ***** *** ** **** ***** *** ******* ** ** *** ****. –

- Of course not, but I don't see how Parker would have gotten in here... or at least not without help...

- ¿******* **** ** ** ****? –

- I'll leave him alone for now, but if he gets in my way again... I'LL TREASURE HIM! –