
My Magus System

Aiden Cray is just a nobody born with a sickle body, thus making him more of a cripple. Although born in a rich family, riches couldn't heal his predicament. To pass out time while awaiting his death, Aiden became a young philantrophist, giving lot of aides to the poor and the needy. At the time of his death, he gets transmigrated into a new world of magic with a single quest.. Become the strongest.. OR Die for real! This is a second chance for Aiden to acomplish all he ever wanted. And he won't throw it to the ground! 1st book in the -CHAMPIONS SYSTEM SERIES-

Pen_Saint · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Transmigrated into a new world with a system

"Life is a very precious gift. Aiden Garry knew that quite well. Being born with a sickle body, he knew he wasn't going to live long.

So, he made the best out of everything"

"Aiden was one of the most extraordinary youth i have ever come across. He has a tendency to always stay positive, no matter the negativity"

"Aiden, he was the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't regret ever giving birth to him"

* * *

Aiden continously heard these voices say. He felt they were near to him, but somehow distant too.

"What happened to me?" he wondered.

He was currently standing on a bridge, made out of a peculiar type of metal.

All around him, he could see the starry skies. Those stars. He felt them so near to him that he could pluck them.

Just a few hours ago, he was laid to rest. After twenty years of living in agony, everything was finally lifted.

Living the life of a physical cripple wasn't something to wish for. He always had to depend on someone to do everything.

He couldn't even engage in sports.

Suddenly, while Aiden was lost in his reminiscence, a white robed man with grey scalp materialized several metres away from him.

This elder was holding an unremarkable staff and a big tome.

"Aiden Garry!" the old man spoke in a loud voice, causing the distracted Aiden to be aware of his presence.

Just when Aiden moved his mouth to speak, the Elder beat him to it.

"Ask not. For i am the Astral Elder of the Judgement court of the seventy fifth dimension afterlife"

"Your sand of time has run dry, but your time isn't nigh"

"Isn't nigh? you mean it isn't yet my time to die?" Aiden eyes bulged in delight.

"Due to your virtious works, you accumulated a great deal of karmic merits, thus giving you a second chance to live" the Elder explained.

Aiden's body trembled with excitement. Live! Live! who didn't want to live?

"I shall now bestow you.. a second life. I urge that you cherish and use it well"

The Elder began to engage in a strange staff dance. Sometimes he took a swing. Sometimes he took a deep thrust. A sweep. A stab. A spin. Fast. Slow.

Aiden was mesmerized as he watched this display. It reminded him of those chinese fantasy martial arts movies.

Except this one was happening live.

After a while, the Elder stopped, directing a piercing stare at Aiden. A savage but powerful aura began to radiate from him.

"Mortal, go back to whench thou came!" the Elder pointed a palm at Aiden, causing an imprint seal to materialize.

The imprint seal flew towards Aiden, reaching him in an instant.

"YOU SHALL NOT TOUCH MY CHOSEN!" a furious voice roared.

The starry skies parted open, revealing a burst of radiance which flooded out like a tsunami.

The flood of radiance materialized into a gignatic hand, overflowing with radiance.

"Who art thou? how dare you interfere with my business?" the Elder roared at the massive hand.

"An ant like you dares go against this king? you are quite bold!" that furious voice snickered.

The hand transformed into a huge palm that flew towards the Elder. Like a fly, he got swatted away.

That hand transformed into a finger, shooting towards Aiden. It destroyed the imprint seal and crashed directly into Aiden's forehead.

"Gaaah!" Aider felt a wave of unbearable headache.

Strange waves like glitches began to occur deep in his head. The pains racked through his body, snapping his bones and causing his flesh to crack open.

"That!" the Elder rose to his feets with a bleeding nose. On his face was a terrified look.

"What a powerful existence. I doubt even master can withstand that existence casual attack" the Elder was shaken to the core.

He knew the hidden expert held back, if not only that palm would be enough to crush him to his death.

Meanwhile, Aiden suddenly stopped screaming, laying stiff on the ground.

The Elder had a conflicted expression.

Did the kid just die?


Suddenly, black devilish flames appeared around Aiden's body, burning him into crisp.

* * *

"Hehe. Mr. Jonzin sure will pay one hell of a ransom" a thugish man with a pipe snuggled in his lips laughed.

Besides him were five other thugs like him. A few feets away, a body was tied to a tree.

Funny enough, that body belonged to Aiden!

"Although Mr. Jonzin got crippled, years of being a major Elder in the Sisco family sure would have left him with a massive trove of cash. Paying ten thousand dynocores wouldn't be a prob" one of the thugs, with a snake tatoo on his neck chortled.

"Everyone in the province knows just how much he dotes on that Neida, his useless son" another thug grinned, exposing his brown teeth.

"Ugh" Aiden suddenly groaned, causing the six kidnappers to grow alert.

"The kid is waking up!"

"Snake Claws, didn't you feed that kid with that sleep inducement sap?" the thug smoking a pipe frowned at the thug with a snake tatoo.

"I did but.."

"Then can you explain why the kid is waking up now? not after six hours?" the thug smoking a pipe hollered.

While the thugs bickered amongst themselves, Aiden was undergoing a severe pain in his head.

Although his vision was blurry, he could hear the kidnappers conversation.

"Uhm? where am i? and why am i tied to a tree?" he had a lot of questions to ask.

- [Ping!]

Suddenly, he heard a noise ring in his head. It sounded like those notifications from smart phones.

Strangely, a huge screen appeared before his eyes. He swiped his hand, but couldn't touch the screen no matter how hard he tried.

"What is this!"

[Congratulations to Host, for obtaining system. You have been rewarded with 5 exp]

Strange words appeared on the screen. They were clear, bold and easy to read.

"Host? system? am i in a virtual game?" Aiden was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Strange things just kept happening in a single file!

- [Host has sucessfully activated system. 20 exp has been rewarded]

-[Host has recieved a starter pack]

-[Host has recieved a new Emergency Quest!]

-[Emergency Quest: Escape from Kidnappers!]

Notifications after notifications just kept popping up the stats screen. By now, Aiden was no longer flustered.

He understood now!

He must have been transmigrated into a fantasy world with a system. Everything he was experiencing was similiar to what those webnovel MCs usually experienced.

"I just have to escape from these guys right?" Aiden turned his attention towards his six kidnappers.

"I don't know why the first dosage didn't work on you kid. But this one will" the Thug smoking a pipe brought out a syringe from his pocket, walking towards Aiden.

"A vein in my neck is broken, if you inject me, you might cause some complications!" Aiden warned.

"Why do i care?" the Thug scoffed.

"Because you are going to make a ransom out of me" a wide smirk appeared on Aiden's lips.

"How do you think my dad will react, after paying the ransom he finds out that his son is an invalid huh?"

The Thug halted, contemplating Aiden's words. He truly didn't find any fault in them. Although Mr. Jonzin was no longer a mage and had most of his prestige, he was still a prestigious man in the past.

There's no way he wouldn't have any connections.

The Thug knew better to completely antangonize such a man.

"Whatever!" he chose to compromise.

He arrived before Aiden and began to lose his binds.

"Stay put kid! if you dare think of escaping, don't blame i and my brothers for not giving your father face" the Thug warned, with Aiden nodding like a meek sheep.

After he finished unbinding Aiden, he made to inject him with the syringe.


Aiden yanked the Thug's hand with his knee, causing the syringe to fly out of his grip. He swiftly caught it, stabbing it fully in the Thug's chest.

"You little cray.." the Thug fell unconscious.

As for the remaining thugs, they all had their mouths agape. Was this kid injected with chicken blood?

The reason why they had no qualms in untying Aiden because right from the beginning, he always behaved docile and timid.

They couldn't comprehend the sudden change.

While they were drowned in puzzlement, Aiden used the opportunity to flee.

"Get him!" the Thug with a snake tatoo was the first to regain himself, pursuing after Aiden.

"Is this what it feels to have a fit body?" Aiden was mesmerized as he ran.

Sometimes he would swing his arms and laugh happily. This sort of feeling was enjoyable.

But, he began to sense that the Thugs were gradually closing up on him.

"What to do. What to do?" he began to rack his brain for ideas.

"That's it!" from the corner of his eyes, he sighted a tall tree with a whip like flexible branch

Running towards it, he grabbed the branch, initiating a flip in the air before landing on a strong branch of another tree.

Hiding behind the thicket of leaves, he held his breath as he watched below.

A miniscule amount of time passed and the thugs appeared in his vision, running past the tree he occupied, giving a hot chase.

Aiden breathed a sigh of relief. He lost them!


-[Congratulations to Host for completing the Emergency Quest: Escape from kidnappers]

-[Host has been rewarded with 10 exp]

-[Host has been rewarded with 1 intelligence stat]

Notifications from the system rang.

"Isn't there a user interface or something?" Aiden thought.

-[User Interface]

-[Host Attributes] [Skills] [Comprehension] [Inventory] [Shop (locked)]

"Interesting. So this system recieves mental commands from me huh?" Aiden put one and one together to arrive at this conclusion.

"Let's check out my Attributes" Aiden was curious.


»Name: Nedia Sisco

»Title: Null

»Race: Human

»Class: Null

»Mana: 0/0

»Energy: 0/0

»HP: 10/10

»Strength: 1

»Agility: 1

»Speed: 1

»Physique: 1

»Stamina: 1/1

»Intelligence: 2

»Mental Fortitude: 1

»Charm: 1

»Skillpower: 1

»Physical power: 3

-Stat points: 0

"Hmm, so the starter pack made all of my attributes have one stat. Due to the reward from the emergency quest, my intelligence attribute gained two stats" Aiden stroked his chin.

'Skills tab'



»Active (0)

»Passive (0)

-Skills Art

»Active (0)

»Passive (0)

'Comprehension tab'



-You don't have an awakened principle yet!

'inventory tab'


- No stock!

Aiden sighed. He didn't bother to check the shop tag because the 'LOCKED' tab was quite clear to read.

"Uhm. Time to go!" Aiden jumped down the tree.

After cautiously walking, he finally exited the forest, arriving at a busy road.

The asphalt was well build and various vehicles and bikes zoomed past. There was no traffic or whatsoever.

"How do i leave here? i don't have any money on me" Aiden lamented to himself.

Fuck! how could this new body of his be so damn poor huh?

In his former life, one thing he never lacked was money. He could have opted to trek..

But he was completely clueless on where to go!