
My Magus System

Aiden Cray is just a nobody born with a sickle body, thus making him more of a cripple. Although born in a rich family, riches couldn't heal his predicament. To pass out time while awaiting his death, Aiden became a young philantrophist, giving lot of aides to the poor and the needy. At the time of his death, he gets transmigrated into a new world of magic with a single quest.. Become the strongest.. OR Die for real! This is a second chance for Aiden to acomplish all he ever wanted. And he won't throw it to the ground! 1st book in the -CHAMPIONS SYSTEM SERIES-

Pen_Saint · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

My Dream

Inside a luxurious pool house, a man dressed in expensive business suit sat on a reclining chair, sipping from a glass of juice.

Suddenly, a burly man in combat vest hurried in.

"What is it?" Bryan frowned.

How dare this useless guard disturb his peace huh?

"I'm sorry sir.. your brother is here" the guard hurriedly informed.

"Which one?"

"The.. the cripple"

A mysterious strange smile hung on Bryan's lips.

"You mean Jonzin? ah, let him in" he said, the cup of juice he held mysteriously disappearing into thin air.

The guard hurriedly left. A moments later, a man walked in.

This man shared some slight resemblance with Bryan. He was missing two original arms and his left leg. These limbs were replaced by prothestic ones.

Half of his face was like a robot, with the other half like human.

He looked just like a cyborg!

"Jonzin my very good brother. What brings you to my domain?" Bryan laughed, snapping his fingers.

A new sofa magically appeared out of thin air.

Jonzin directly sat on the sofa.

"So, what's the issue?" Bryan asked.

"Nedia is missing" Jonzin cut to the chase.

"This morning, i was driving him to school when we were suddenly attacked by six thugs. Three managed to hold me down, allowing the remaining three to get away with him" Jonzin's only human eyes was red with anger.

Nedia was the only family he had in this world. He couldn't bear to let any harm happen to him.

"That's really tricky" Bryan sighed.

"From your explaination, they must be kidnappers. Haven't they called you? to like ask for ransom?" Bryan asked.

"No. Look, i'm sitting on pin and needles here. I constantly have to worry about my son's safety and the possibility of him missing the Awakening" Jonzin ran his robotic finger through his hair, visibly vexed.

A strange glint flashed past Bryan's eyes. Too bad Jonzin failed to notice it.

"Brother, can you help me? in the family, you are the only one closest to me. Please help me!" Jonzin pleaded bitterly.

"Sigh.. if it was other days, i would have helped. But currently, the whole family is preparing for the awakening ceremony. Every mage is busy teaching the young ones to help make their awakening smooth. None of them would be free to help look for your son"

"I understand" Jonzin's eyes went dull as he slowly stood up.

"Thank you for your time and sorry for the disturbance"

Bryan watched solemnly as Jonzin took his leave. Moments later, that previous guard walked in.

"Has he gone?" Bryan asked, with the latter nodding in response.

Bryan instantly burst into a fit of laughter.

"Ignorant fool!"

Suddenly, his phone began to ring. Bringing it out from his pants pocket, he stared at the caller ID.

A wry smirk appeared on his lips as he accepted the call.

"Hello!" his voice sounded cheerful.

But after a mere few seconds, his countenance had a 360 degree change.

"What?! that brat escaped?!"


Aiden walked at the side of the road, seemingly contemplating something.

After a few hours trek, he managed to glean out some useful informations.

He was currently in a world of magic. There were two types of people in the society. Mortals and the Elites.

The Elites were those who could perform superhuman feats like wielding the esoterical force called mana, doing exquisitely fast sword dances or possessing extremely tough bodies.

It was everyone's dream to become an Elite because they were the one who truly heard power in the society.

He was currently in a small town called Breeze Town. It was just a small settlement composed mainly of mortals.

And so far, he still haven't heard a thing about the Sisco family. His only guess was that they weren't located in this town and were probably a family composed of Elites.

Dark came and Aiden climbed atop a nearby tree, sitting comfortably on one of it's branches.

Breeze town was a rual settlement, filled with trees from all angle.

Just then, his stomach began to squirm, making him realize that he hadn't taken anything since.

"Let me hunt for meat" Aiden decided and began heading deeper into the forest, jumping from branches to branches.

He was quite meticulous in his movement, making sure to reduce the noise of his feets.

His efforts were rewarded because soon, he stumbled upon a wild squirrel under the shades of a tree, nibbling on a cashew.

"Got you!" Aiden leapt down the tree.

His timing was so perfect that the little animal couldn't react fast to it. Before it could flee, Aiden already grabbed it's tail.


Magically, the squirrel disappeared into thin air.

This was just a cheap trick he devised of recent. Infact, the squirrel was merely stored in his inventory.

At that moment, he remembered something. There was no fire to cook!

* * *

Days passed, and soon it was a new week. For the past days, Aiden took the forest as his new home. He even learnt the habit of eating raw meat, something he found to be strangely palatable.

One good thing he discovered was that, he could get exp from killing animals. This prompting him to go on a hunting spree.

Good thing the forest was huge, so there was no lack of animals to kill.

Currently, Aiden stood before the carcass of a tiger he just killed. He was currently bare chested, with his hands dripping with blood.

His body was more refined and chiseled. His fifteen years old face looked more manly and his hair rough.

A single week in the forest changed him by so much!

-[Congratulations! you have leveled up!]

-[You have recieved a level up pack. Do you wish to accept? y/n?]


-[Ten stats have been added to all your attributes!]

-[Congratulations! you are now officially an elite!]

-[You have unlocked a one time VR awakening court]

"Whoa! i'm officially an Elite?" Aiden was baffled.

That was too easy!

'user interface'

-[User Interface]

-[Host Attributes] [Skills] [Comprehension] [Inventory] [Shop] [System]

"Oh?" Aiden's eyes lit up. The shop tab was now working and a new tab was added too!

'Host attributes'


»Name: Nedia Sisco

»Title: Null

»Race: Elite

»Class: ? ? ?

»Mana: 50/50

»Energy: 50/50

»HP: 100/100

»Strength: 11

»Agility: 11

»Speed: 11

»Physique: 11

»Stamina: 11/11

»Intelligence: 12

»Mental Fortitude: 11

»Charm: 11

»Skillpower: 12

»Physical Power: 44

-Stat points: 0

"Hm, i even have mana?" Aiden was pleasantly surprised.

Unfortunately, he was completely clueless on how to channel his mana.

He flexed his muscles. Although not much change could be seen, he felt the explosive strength hidden within them.

He felt like a champion!

"Let's see how much stronger i have grown" Aiden walked towards a thick tree.

He got into a stance, leaning behind a bit before swinging his fist forward at full swing.


His fist punched a gaping hole through the thick tree.

Although he felt his knuckles hurt a bit, he was able to bear with it.

"Awesome! too awesome!" he laughed like a maniac.

He began to whoosh towards various trees, punching gaping holes through them.

Boom! Boom!

After doing his crazy stuff to his heart content, he came to an halt profusely sweating and panting.

All around him were damaged trees, ridden with multiple gaping holes.

"With this kind of strength. I can probably crush a normal human's bone!" Aiden was ecstatic.

Dammit! was this how Hulk felt huh?

"The system said i unlocked a one time VR awakening court. I wonder what that is" Aiden recalled, opening the user interface.

-[Host Attribute] [Skills] [Comprehension] [Inventory] [Shop] [System]

Taking a bold guess, he clicked on the last tab.





"Hah. Sure i was right" Aiden chuckled inwardly, clicking on the second tab.


»VR AWAKENING ARENA (one time useage.

-The VR awakening arena enables you to awaken a principle. It is a one time use. Do you wish to attempt it? Y/N!

VR arena? enabales one to awaken a principle? Aiden was quite curious. Although he just got transmigrated, he knew some background information.

Only when one awakens a principle could one truly become an Elite. There were various principles.

Sword principles. Inferno principles. Water principles. Wind principles, there were so many of them.



-[Host will be transported to the VR awakening arena in ten.. nine.. eight..]

Aiden waited patiently. Finally, the count down struck zero. Instantly, he began to feel his environment spin and the space around him warp.

"Ugh!" he felt a wave of nausea, causing him to close his eyes.

Suddenly, that nauseous feeling wore off so quickly like it had never been there before.

Opening his eyes, he noticed the change in environment.

All around him were those starry skies. It reminded him of when he was first about to get transmigrated, except this time, he was standing before the gates of a huge dungeon.

Beyond the gates of the dungeon was the pitch black void. No matter how hard Aiden peered, he couldn't see anything.

"Come.. come child! come and the veil leading to endless truths shall be unveiled unto you" a voice began to ring softly in Aiden's head.

At that moment, an image began to play in his head. An image of him playing snooker and winning lot of cash, while being surrounded by beauties.

"I shall give you wealth untold"

Another image began to play in Aiden's head. This time, he was a formiddable mage. With a mere swing of his hand, he annihilated a whole country. People began to revere him, building shrines and carving out idols in his name.

"Power. Authority. Might. I shall give them to you" that same voice rang again seducingly.

"I.. i want this" Aiden spoke robotically.

His eyes seemed to have lost it's life.

"It is easy boy.. rip off that seal on the dungeon gate" the voice replied.

Aiden looked over. Truly at a corner of the dungeon gate was a slip, engraved with complicated runic diagrams.

"Unseal me. And i shall grant you thy heart desires" the tempting voice came again.

Like a zombie, Aiden dragged himself over, arriving at the dungeon gate. Only a mere inch existed between him and the seal slip.

"Unseal me, and i shall make thy dreams come through!"

Aiden reached out, intending to rip out the sealing slip when suddenly, he just patted it.

"My dreams? my dream isn't to be the wealthiest that gets attention or the most powerful that tramples on the lives of others. My dream is to be independent. To be strong to fend for myself without anyone's help. To not be toyed around by the manipulation of powerful forces. That is my dream" Aiden stated calmly.

"You puny ant! you tricked me!!" the voice sounded enraged.

"Tricked? that was mutual" Aiden grinned.

"Dieee!!" an angry roar erupted from within the pitch black void.

At that instant, a pair of eyes snapped open. It glowed in a mysterious way. It was yellow, but also orange, but also pink, but also red. It was the embodiment of all colors.

Accompanying the angry roar was a burst of tremendous pressure which swept out towards Aiden.

The pressure wore down on him, smashing him flat to the ground. He couldn't resist at all. It was like the apocalypse often talked about in those fictional movies and comics.

Aiden felt the end was nigh.