

Next thing I knew I was in a huge marble white bathroom, there was another women in there wearing a white uniform standing next to a message table, mixing wax. I assume I'm about to get waxed, this is gonna hurt. "Wait a second, why do I have to do all this? I don't want to do this or anything else for him or with him." I shouted as I struggled to get free of there hold on my arms.

"Miss please calm down, if we don't do this we will be in big trouble with Master." they replied with a worried expression.

"Master? What the hell is this? I don't have to do anything I don't want to do and you shouldn't say someone is your master, what are you dogs?" I screamed

"Miss please, I understand this is all very new and surprising to you, but if you don't adjust quickly it will only make trouble for both us and yourself."

They sit me down on the massage table and lay me back, these women are seriously strong no matter how I struggle I cant even get loose from there hold on me. "Miss please just hold still and we will finish this as quickly as possible." One of the women who were holding me down stated with a sad expression on her face

"I don't mind getting the body treatment done, but that just means I'm showing that I want to sleep with him or do anything with him. Please, I'm a virgin and I'd like to stay that way till I fall in love with someone and marry them. Why can't you understand that!" I screeched at her as I struggled.

"Miss this is your last warning, just cooperate with us now. If you don't master will cut off our hands, and no that is not an exaggeration. He has done it before and he will again, master does not take lightly to failure." She said with a look of terror in her eyes, I don't think she is joking. When I think about it I don't know much about him, but from what I've seen I don't think he is incapable of doing it.

"Fine, do your stupid preparations, but this doesn't mean I'm agreeing to sleep with him. I just don't want anyone else to have to suffer because of my actions, I'm not a selfish bitch." I stated as I finally relaxed and stopped struggling.

This wasn't actually that bad of a process it was essentially a free spa treatment, well the first part was bad, they waxed me ever where. After that they helped me take a bath in this huge jacuzzi like tub, they washed and combed my hair. After that they did my hair, gave me a manicure and pedicure, and did my makeup.

They then told me a needed to get dressed, which was a very happy thing for me since these women had just seen more parts of my body then even I can see, they brought out a long scarlet red dress and matching heels. The dress was tight in every area and had slits on both of the legs going all the way up the leg and a large diamond shaped hole at the breast area and a completely open back down to my ass. The heels were at least 5 inches tall and had flimsy little straps at the toe and ankle, I was by no means sturdy in those heels.

"The master has never given a dress with this much coverage before, I wonder why. Maybe he noticed how modestly you dressed in regular clothes and felt merciful." The maids said with a smile while looking at me in the dress.

"Merciful my ass, what the hell is this. I have never owned or wore anything being even close to this amount of reveling." I exclaimed.

"The other miss is here to teach you how to please the master, so we will be leaving. Farewell miss I hope you have a good night." They hurriedly left the room and locked me in, I tried to go back into the bathroom to get the robe to cover myself but the doors were locked, seems like I'm stuck here, at least he's not on his way.