
My Mafia boss 1

In the shadowy underworld of organized crime, power and loyalty mean everything. Jade Taylor, a smart and spirited young woman, never imagined she would find herself entangled in the dangerous world of the Mafia. Working as an accountant at a reputable firm, her life takes an unexpected turn when she is assigned to audit the books of one of the most notorious crime families in the city – the Romano family. Luca Romano, the enigmatic and ruthless head of the Romano family, is a man feared by many. With a dark past and an ironclad grip on his empire, he has built an impenetrable fortress around his heart. But when he meets Jade, something shifts within him. Her courage and determination intrigue him, and despite the perilous consequences, he finds himself drawn to her. As Jade delves deeper into the Romano family's financial records, she uncovers secrets that could bring down the entire organization. Torn between her moral compass and an undeniable attraction to Luca, Jade must navigate a treacherous path where one wrong move could mean the end of her life. Luca, struggling with his own demons and the responsibilities of his position, faces a dilemma: protect Jade from the dangers of his world or use her knowledge to secure his empire's future. Their worlds collide in a storm of passion, danger, and betrayal, forcing them to confront their deepest fears and desires. In "My Mafia Boss," love and loyalty are tested to their limits. Jade and Luca must decide if they can trust each other enough to overcome the obstacles in their path or if their differences will ultimately tear them apart. As they battle their inner conflicts and external threats, they discover that sometimes, the most unexpected love can blossom in the darkest of places.

OJO_RICHARD · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Shadows and secrets

Days turned into weeks as Jade's investigation consumed her. Each night she stayed late, sifting through mountains of data, unraveling the intricate web of the Romano family's finances. The deeper she dug, the more convinced she became that Luca was not the mastermind behind the discrepancies, but rather someone else within his organization. The more she uncovered, the more isolated she felt, her world shrinking to the confines of her temporary office and the documents that seemed to multiply with every passing day.

One evening, as she was about to leave for the night, she heard a knock on her door. Marco entered, his face unreadable. "Jade, Luca wants to see you in his office."

Jade's heart skipped a beat. Luca's summons were becoming more frequent, and each meeting felt like a test of her resolve. She gathered her notes and followed Marco through the silent hallways of the mansion, the walls seeming to close in around her.

Luca's office was dimly lit, the heavy drapes drawn shut. He stood by his desk, his back to her, staring out at the darkened gardens. The atmosphere was tense, charged with an undercurrent of something Jade couldn't quite place.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Romano?" she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

Luca turned, his expression unreadable. "Yes, Jade. Please, sit."

She took a seat, her eyes meeting his. There was something different about him tonight, a darkness in his gaze that hadn't been there before.

"I've reviewed your latest findings," Luca began, his voice low. "You're uncovering a pattern, one that points to someone close to me. Someone I trusted."

Jade nodded, her throat dry. "I've been thorough. The evidence is clear. Someone is siphoning funds through these shell companies and fake foundations."

Luca's eyes bore into hers, a mix of anger and sadness. "This betrayal cuts deep, Jade. And it puts you in a dangerous position."

She swallowed hard, the gravity of his words sinking in. "I understand. But I can't stop now. The truth needs to come out."

Luca's expression softened slightly. "Your dedication is admirable. But you must be cautious. There are forces at play here that you don't fully understand."

Before Jade could respond, the door to Luca's office burst open. A tall, imposing man with a scar across his face stormed in, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Luca, we need to talk," the man demanded, ignoring Jade's presence.

Luca's demeanor shifted instantly, his calm replaced by a cold fury. "Not now, Enzo. I'm in a meeting."

Enzo's gaze flicked to Jade, a sneer curling his lips. "Is this the little accountant causing all the trouble?"

Jade bristled, but Luca stepped between them, his voice like ice. "Leave, Enzo. Now."

For a moment, it seemed Enzo would refuse, but then he turned on his heel and left, slamming the door behind him. Luca took a deep breath, his composure returning.

"That was Enzo, my second-in-command," Luca explained, his voice tight. "He's not pleased with your findings."

Jade's heart pounded. "Does he know?"

Luca shook his head. "Not yet. But he suspects something. You need to be careful, Jade. Enzo is not a man to be trifled with."

"I understand," she replied, her resolve hardening. "But I won't back down. We need to expose this."

Luca's gaze softened, a rare vulnerability in his eyes. "You're braver than most, Jade. But bravery can be a double-edged sword."

The days that followed were a blur of tension and uncertainty. Jade continued her work, but the mansion's atmosphere grew increasingly oppressive. She felt eyes on her everywhere she went, the weight of suspicion and danger pressing down on her.

One night, as she walked to her car, she sensed someone following her. She quickened her pace, her breath coming in short gasps. Just as she reached her car, a hand grabbed her arm, spinning her around.

It was Marco. His expression was urgent, his grip firm but not painful. "Jade, you need to leave. Now."

Panic flared in her chest. "What? Why?"

"Enzo knows," Marco said, his voice low and urgent. "He found out about your investigation. You're not safe here."

Jade's mind raced. "What about Luca?"

"He's trying to protect you," Marco replied. "But there's only so much he can do. Enzo has too much power."

Jade's heart ached at the thought of leaving, but she knew Marco was right. She had to get out, to protect herself and the work she had done. "Okay. Help me."

Marco nodded, his grip tightening. "Follow me. We'll take one of the service cars."

They moved quickly through the shadows, avoiding the main entrances. Marco led her to a nondescript car parked in a secluded area. "Drive straight to this address," he said, handing her a piece of paper. "It's a safe house. Luca will contact you there."

Jade took the paper, her hands shaking. "Thank you, Marco."

He nodded, his expression grim. "Stay safe, Jade. And keep your head down."

As Jade drove away, the mansion receded into the distance, its looming presence a reminder of the danger she was fleeing. The address Marco had given her was across the city, a small, nondescript house in a quiet neighborhood. She parked the car and hurried inside, locking the door behind her.

The safe house was sparse but functional, with basic amenities and a secure phone line. Jade collapsed onto the couch, her mind racing. She had uncovered something significant, something that threatened powerful people. And now she was on the run, caught in a game of cat and mouse.

Hours passed, the silence of the safe house broken only by the occasional creak of the old building. Jade's thoughts were a whirlwind of fear and determination. She had to stay strong, to finish what she had started. Luca's words echoed in her mind: "Your actions have consequences."

In the dead of night, the secure phone rang, jolting her from her thoughts. She answered quickly, her heart in her throat.

"Jade, it's Luca," his voice came through the line, a lifeline in the darkness. "Are you safe?"

"Yes," she replied, her voice trembling. "What do we do now?"

"We wait," Luca said, his tone resolute. "And we prepare. Enzo won't stop until he finds you. But we have the advantage. We know the truth, and we're going to use it to bring him down."

Jade's grip tightened on the phone. "I'm ready, Luca. Whatever it takes."

"Stay strong, Jade," Luca said softly. "We'll get through this. Together."

As the line went dead, Jade felt a surge of determination. She was no longer just an accountant. She was part of something bigger, a fight for justice in a world of shadows and secrets. And she would see it through to the end, no matter the cost.