
My Lycan King ia a Gigolo

While I was being hunted by the guards, I accidentally intruded into King Theo’s forbidden garden. Suddenly, I saw a towering figure standing in the distance with the moonlight on his back. I didn't want to die, even if I lived only one more day, I would have one more chance to turn things around. I knelt on the ground and ripped off my clothes. "My King, please save me, I am yours!" I pleaded with him. "I have seen you naked before, it’s nothing new," came back a cold but magnetic voice. The King in front of me was the gigolo I had had a one-night stand with before. I was the Alpha’s daughter in Night-fall Pack and the future Alpha. After I was set up by my stepmother and half-sister, I became a rogue. King Theo was a notorious tyrant; he was also sweet and charming. With his help, I was detoxified and finally shifted into a unique wolf with powerful magic. Why had Theo pushed me away after finding out I was his fated mate? Was my half-sister only after the Alpha throne? Where was my mysterious bloodline from? When I set foot in my hometown - the hidden mythical territory - the shocking truths unveiled and the fate between Theo and me seemed to vanish. I am the unbeatable Dorothy, the mythical Luna! This captivating urban-fantasy is filled with romance, magic, adventure and inspiration.

LXMURRAN · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Jacob's sex scandal

Chapter 24

It looked like he knew the place well, and the room already contained four girls in short, figure-hugging sexy dresses, highlighting their curves.

He whistled and said, "Babes, this is my bro, Aiden. You look after him well."

Two of the girls immediately stood up and sat down next to me, one to my left and the other on my right, and poured me my drink while they talked to me.

I cursed those guys in my heart, "Zelda and Jacob are really quite a pair; Zelda got Gigolos to set me up, and now Jacob has got bar girls to seduce me, their tricks are so shameless and sleazy."

I pretended to be flattered to have the company of these two bar girls and joined in the drinking games. Before I went out, I had taken an antidote and was impervious to alcohol, so as the games went on, I rarely lost, while Jacob kept on drinking.

My intuition told me that Jacob was not trying to trap me this time by buying me drinks, but he just wanted to pull me in.

After several rounds, Jacob got up with the two girls beside him and turned to me, "Bro, we're going out for a smoke and a dance, do you wanna join us?"

I declined: "I'll stay here, I don't smoke."

"You're such a nice guy, but don't forget that women love us bad boys. You stay here and have fun." He laughed and staggered out.

The girl wearing a black mini dress was named Ava, and I felt she was more forthright, so I took the chance to ask her about Jacob.

I took out a wad of bills and handed it to my other girl, "You go outside and buy a drink, I want to talk to Ava alone."

The girl saw the wad of money and left us alone.

Now we were alone, Ava put her arms around my neck and said coquettishly, "Let's have some fun, handsome boy."

I held her hand, "There's no rush. When will Jacob be back, I don't want him to run into us..."

Ava giggled, "He won't be back so soon, he's high and horny," she said, looking at me intently, "Do you want some of what he's on? I can get it for you."

So Jacob was into drugs! I pretended I was keen and said, "Do you have any good stuff? I've tried before and didn't feel great, but I suspect it was inferior."

"Well, you'll have to ask Jacob, he's got the best stuff." Ava seemed to think I was a close friend of Jacob and wasn't at all wary of me.

So Jacob was a dealer, this was big news! Surely Zelda must have also been involved in Jacob's drug trafficking deals as well. I felt very satisfied.

"I'll ask him later, but I have to go to the loo. You wait for me, baby. " I winked at her and headed out of the room.

I looked around the bar for Jacob to see if he was any the worse for wear, weaving my way through the crowd, but it seemed like a daunting task. The bar was packed and sadly I couldn't find him.

I needed to go and quickly made my way to the toilet. This was the most embarrassing thing for me, as I had to go into the men's room. But I couldn't think about that anymore and I hastily pushed the door open.

One man was peeing into the urinal, and another man was vomiting into the sink. I frowned and walked into a cubicle before locked the door firmly. I heard moaning coming from the next cubicle and my first thought was that there was a couple in there.

Soon the partition was shaking violently, and I heard a familiar man's voice: "Baby, hurry up, I'm getting close. "

It was Jacob's voice!

I was now interested. I carefully stepped on the toilet seat, and from the top of the partition, I could see Jacob being straddled by one of the bar girls. And it turned out that the girl was doing a pretty good job!

Jacob had a look of ecstasy on his face, and his eyes were dilated; he must have been high on drugs.

I hurriedly picked up the phone, just in time to capture his face. I took several shots in a row and then sneaked out of the bathroom.

I returned to the private room. Ava caught me and sniped, "Where did you go, and what took you so long?"

I made an excuse, "I'm not feeling so well tonight, let's take it easy."

I took out another wad of money and handed it to her, and Ava happily to stuffed her tip down the front of her low-cut dress.

I yawned, "I'll come back to you some other time, but I'll go back now," and left the bar.

The following day, photos of Jacob in a compromising position with the woman in the toilet started circulating on the Internet and immediately caused quite a stir.

Only a week earlier, Jacob, as the Prince of Dark Rock Pack, had held a grand engagement ceremony with the Princess of Night-fall Pack, and the pictures of the golden couple had been a sight to behold in the media.

But this time the exposure of Jacob's sex scandal was the news of the day! People began to gossip about the two's pending breakup. I gloated as I watched the pictures of Zelda's haggard face appear in the media, I was sure she was suffering.

It was me who had sent the photos to the media, as I remembered how they had set me up, and how I had to get my revenge.

However, two days later, Zelda didn't announce her breakup with Jacob, but instead issued a statement: that Jacob was framed for this incident, and that they would be holding the perpetrator legally responsible. She had chosen to believe her fiancé Jacob and was calling on everyone to resist cybercrime.

I had to admire Zelda's PR abilities, as she had turned Jacob from being the protagonist of a sex scandal into the victim of cybercrime. People were starting to support Jacob, and Zelda had become the best and most affectionate fiancée.

But the source that I had chosen to expose Jacob's photo was owned by none other than Luke. Through him, I learned that Jacob was trying to bribe them, so I was able to record and expose Jacob's attempt to suppress the news. Once this had gone viral, no one trusted them any more.

Still, Zelda didn't break up with Jacob, much to my surprise, so I became even more convinced that there was more to their relationship than just the usual love and shared interests. At first, I had just wanted to get back at them, but now I came up with a better plan.

Since I now knew that Jacob was not only a drug addict, but also a trafficker, I had to gain his trust to capture the big players above him.

I called Jacob and pretended to be sympathetic, "Jacob, are you all right?"

"Bro, I was totally screwed, everyone is mad at me." He sounded frustrated.

"Relax, man," I reassured him, "I might be able to help you stop all the news and pictures going around in the media."

As soon as Jacob heard I was going to help him, his voice brightened up, "If you can help me with this, that would be so grateful. I almost forgot that you're the King's man so you'll be able to do something."

I replied, "Wait for my news, and I'll try my best."

First, I called Luke and asked him to block the news about Jacob.

The next day I went to Jacob's apartment to visit him.

Jacob was unshaven and dishevelled, not at all as I remembered him.

As soon as he saw me, he asked me expectantly, "Bro, did you get it done?"

"I have some good news and some bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" I asked him.

"The good news first," he answered straightaway and without a second thought.

"Jacob, I've taken care of it. Your news will no longer be a hot topic in the media, and it's forbidden to circulate your photos on the Internet. Don't worry about it anymore," I told him.

"You're awesome, I owe you one." Jacob was delighted to hear my news.

" There is, as I said, some bad news. I've heard from the media that they have other more incriminating photos of you that they plan to expose later, is there anything else you're hiding from me? You'd better tell me now, or next time, I won't be able to help you." I was testing him, as of course these other photos didn't exist.

He started to panic, "Bro, you can't leave me on my own. I don't know what they're talking about, but it could be my drug use, I'm just bored and do it from time to time. If I'm exposed, my father will never forgive me, I'll be dead."

He was stupid enough to admit to drug use, but not to drug dealing. I feigned anger and said sternly, "Jacob, I treated you like a brother, and you didn't tell me you were using drugs. You know the King sent me to investigate drug trafficking, surely you're not asking me to ignore this? "

"Don't be angry. I know it's my fault, but I can tell you a secret that will guarantee that you can go to the King and take credit." He lowered his voice and spoke as if he was afraid that someone might hear him. In fact, there were just the two of us in the room, and no one else.

My heart pounded as I listened to the secret that he was about to tell me.