
My Lycan King ia a Gigolo

While I was being hunted by the guards, I accidentally intruded into King Theo’s forbidden garden. Suddenly, I saw a towering figure standing in the distance with the moonlight on his back. I didn't want to die, even if I lived only one more day, I would have one more chance to turn things around. I knelt on the ground and ripped off my clothes. "My King, please save me, I am yours!" I pleaded with him. "I have seen you naked before, it’s nothing new," came back a cold but magnetic voice. The King in front of me was the gigolo I had had a one-night stand with before. I was the Alpha’s daughter in Night-fall Pack and the future Alpha. After I was set up by my stepmother and half-sister, I became a rogue. King Theo was a notorious tyrant; he was also sweet and charming. With his help, I was detoxified and finally shifted into a unique wolf with powerful magic. Why had Theo pushed me away after finding out I was his fated mate? Was my half-sister only after the Alpha throne? Where was my mysterious bloodline from? When I set foot in my hometown - the hidden mythical territory - the shocking truths unveiled and the fate between Theo and me seemed to vanish. I am the unbeatable Dorothy, the mythical Luna! This captivating urban-fantasy is filled with romance, magic, adventure and inspiration.

LXMURRAN · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Free Hugs

Theo's POV

I am Theo, king of GIAPABNTA Kingdom. GIAPABNTA kingdom has twelve werewolf packs, and we, Lycan, are their rulers.

In recent times, I found some drug dealings in my kingdom. Some werewolves would disappear for two weeks after they took drugs, and when they were found, they all became mentally unstable: some would be easily irritated and attack others for no reason; some became very silent and slow-witted. This made me fit to explode.

I decided to go with my Beta Luke to check out the Lost bar, where drugs were supposedly being sold. We all shielded our auras and pretended to be normal people going to the bar for fun.

We arrived at the bar at almost ten o'clock, the liveliest time in the bar began, everyone was drunken, screaming and carousing.

My eyes were quickly drawn to a girl sitting in the corner: she was so special, with long black silky hair and slightly pale skin, her plump red lips and her deep emerald green eyes twinkling in the light, making her stand out. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

But her dress was skimpy, her dress was so short you could almost see her pink undies, and her half-plump, milky-colored boobs hanging out like a whore. Seeing the lustful glances that men around her cast towards her, I could not wait to gouge their eyes out.

I couldn't help but frown at how she looked so young and so unashamed. She was surrounded by three gigolos, and when I saw these three idiots start to make a move on her, I couldn't hold back any longer.

"Get those three out of my face." I commanded Luke. If I wasn't afraid of being recognized, I would have broken their necks with my own hands.

When I sat down next to the girl, I realized that she had been drugged and had begun to lose consciousness. I became inexplicably worried about her and even offered to take her home and then un-drug her.

But the girl's reaction was even worse than I expected. As soon as we got in the car she fell into my arms and started groping me. Her sharp little teeth bit on my neck, so I couldn't help but grin, so not gentle, not even a whore would kiss like this.

I pushed her away, but she was quiet for a while, and soon rubbed her head against my leg again, my man parts were titillated by her hand, I tried to restrain myself, but I did not expect her hand to reach into my t-shirt.

"Drive fucking faster." I was so turned on by the naughty wench that I could only yell at Luke.

When I finally reached her apartment building, I held her in the elevator, and I realized that she was in bad shape. Her face was red like burning charcoal, her eyes were tightly closed, and she was breathing hard.

I was terrified, although I didn't even know her, but I had a strong desire not to see her die. How many drugs did those men give her, I resolved to break their bodies tomorrow and make them die by a thousand cuts.

A few short seconds seemed like a long wait; the elevator door finally opened. I took the key out of her bag to open the room and carried her into the bathroom. I turned on the shower head and rinsed her desperately with cold water to wake her.

Then I stuck my finger in her mouth, my finger pressed against the base of her tongue and pressed down hard, finally she threw up and sprayed me all over. The smell was so bad that I covered my nose, but I felt relieved that she was saved.

When she was almost done throwing up, she suddenly jumped on me, crying out another man's name - Jacob. A wave of anger came over me, this heartless wretch, I had tried my best to save her, how dare she treat me like someone else! I really wanted to slap her and leave her behind. What did it matter to me if she's dead or alive.

But as her warm tongue slipped into my mouth, half of my anger had gone away, her almost frenzied kisses felt damn good! When her soaked body pressed against mine, I couldn't help but slide my hand down her back into her inner thighs.

She grunted softly made my desire greater, then my fingers dug deep into her wet walls and she rocked her hips crazily, from moaning to crying louder and louder as she seemed to be going into orgasm. My cock swelled under her rhythmic strokes; I want her right now!

Suddenly I felt a taste of blood in my mouth, and I realized that blood was pouring out of her mouth, nose, and eyes, then dribbled down her chin. Soon her blood splatted over my body. What the hell could this happen?

Her face was as pale as the moon in the black sky, and I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest, as if a knife was stabbing my heart, and I could barely feel her breathing. I desperately called my wolf, "James, save this girl!"

We Lycan have the strongest healing power of blood when we shift into wolves, and can almost raise the dead, so our wolf's blood is also the most valuable. Usually I will offer my Pack's Alphas with a few drops of James' blood as the highest reward, as a result Alphas will become stronger because of drinking a few drops of my blood.

James quickly answered my call, my canines soon my slipped out from my lips, my claws slipped out from my nail beds, and I turned into a snow-white wolf. I opened my mouth and bit through my front paws with my sharp teeth, blood immediately flowed out.

"Be gentle, it hurts." James howled in my head complaining. I couldn't care less about James and pried the girl's mouth open so that my blood could flow in.

The girl's blood stopped flowing, but it turned black and red, which is the symptom of the poison of Wolfbane. I frowned and used a claw to dip a bit of her blood into my mouth, her blood had wolfbane, water hemlock, silver and other toxins...

no wonder she had such a strong reaction to the drugs she had just taken. It turned out that the drugs and the toxins in her body had mixed together, and this was simply killing her.

I looked at the girl in my arms, the color returned to her face. When I heard her heart start to beat rhythmically, I let out a sigh of relief.

She came back to life, although the poison in her body was not completely removed, but she drank my blood - she would be fine for a while and would become much stronger in the future.

I could feel that she didn't has a wolf yet but wasn't surprising, she had too many toxins in her body that would delay her shift. Now that she had drunk my blood, her wolf would be very strong and beautiful in the future.

Thinking about this, I suddenly got a little excited in my mind, she was saved by me, she will become strong because of me, and she should belong to me.

I gently wiped her body clean with a bath towel and helped her put on her nightgown. Perhaps I was too heavy-handed, she stirred but didn't wake up. I gently laid her on the bed and gazed at her like a treasure.

Her long black hair covered most of her face like a waterfall, making her appear somewhat mysterious, as if she were a princess from an ancient myth.

I smelled an enchanting scent from her, sparking citrus notes with jasmine and vanilla, reminding me of sipping ice cold lemon-drop Martinis. I had never been so relaxed, and I lay down next to her and quickly fell into sleep. I hadn't fallen asleep so easily in a long time.

I was enjoying a deep sleep when I was awakened by a scream. The girl had mistaken me for the gigolo who had taken advantage of her, and she seemed to have no idea of what had happened last night, no wonder she was so drunk.

I couldn't argue with that, but I had to say that this stupid girl was cuter when she was drunk. I wanted to ask her if she knew about her poisoning, but I didn't expect her to listen to me at all, she just pushed me out with a handful of bills as payment for my gigolo service last night.

I walked out of her apartment barefoot in a white t-shirt with my stomach exposed and a pink bath towel around my lower body, and was immediately greeted by a lot of curious eyes, I'd never been so embarrassed.

"You are so hot! " James was laughing in my face. "Shut up and don't make fun of me. " I snapped at him and wipe him away from my face.

At that moment a young girl with glasses came up to me and hugged me before I could react, then the girl smiled and blushed at me and left.

Then an old lady with a fancy hat came up to me. "Your butt is so cute!" she hugged me and teased me. I immediately felt her pinch my butt. I was so confused, and I looked down and noticed the "Free Hugs" sign on my t-shirt.

I noticed a few more women coming towards me. "Where the heck are you? " I quickly mind-linked Luke. When I saw Luke coming in his black Rolls Royce, I threw open the door and quickly jumped in.

"My king, are you doing a charity event today?" Luke laughed loudly when he saw me like this. "Drive, these are for you." I rolled my eyes at him and threw the bills in my hand to him.

"My king, you look good, it looks like you had a good night last night." Luke drove on, looked at me in the rear-view mirror and said, "I'm serious."

I rubbed my face, I did sleep well last night, the girl smelled so good. "Check out this girl's background for me, here's her address." I commanded Luke.

Luke immediately mind linked his stuff, and soon he got a reply. "My King, the girl's name is Dorothy Fallon, her father is Night-fall Pack Alpha Edward Fallon. Dorothy Fallon is the first in line to the throne. " Luke stated.

Hearing this, my brow furrowed and I muttered to myself, will this stupid girl be a future Alpha, though NIGHT-fall PACK is the smallest in my Kingdom, but with her abilities, I can't imagine that she is qualified for the title."

"Theo, since Dorothy is not cut out to be an Alpha, why don't you take her with you! At least she can sleep with you, so you won't have to call me out at night to run and exercise. Besides I quite like this silly girl." James was suddenly excited, jumping and screaming.

I snickered. This Dorothy has something special, but she's too stupid: she's been poisoned for more than a decade and doesn't know it; she's been drugged at a bar and doesn't know it; and last night she was talking nonsense about being cheated on by her boyfriend.

This kind of woman I do not want to bring home, she will give me trouble in the future.

"You're being tongue in cheek, look at that nervous look on your face last night, I should have filmed it with my phone. Also, she drank so much of my precious blood, she should repay me too. I want her to sleep with me." James murmured. He knew what I was thinking and got a little upset.

As soon as I heard James say that he wanted Dorothy to sleep with him, a jealousy immediately rose up in me. Get out of here!" I snapped at him and waved him away.

"You got all three of those gigolos?" I asked Luke.

"Yes, I interrogated them last night, and they just said the girl who came with Dorothy let them serve her, and said whoever slept with her would get a big reward."

He continued after a pause, "The drug that they put in Dorothy's wine is a new type of LSD, it will make people hallucinate. But we still don't have a clue about the supplier of this drug, he must be very cautious and has not shown his face yet."

My brows furrowed wondering. The drugs were from humans, but for a long time, we werewolves and humans have had an agreement not to interfere with each other and not to violate each other. We will not use our paranormal power to profit in the human world, and humans will not import their negative products into our world.

Each world has its own rules of the game, mutual respect and non-interference in order to maintain the existence and balance of all living creatures on Earth.

But now, the rules of the game are broken. My kingdom has been contaminated by the human world, and I believe that the importation of drugs is just the first step. Humans want to control us with drugs, and the addicts have somehow disappeared, making me smell a potential crisis that may not be as simple as just drugs, but a bigger conspiracy behind it.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, this drug problem has to be solved quickly! I don't want to see all my subjects become addicts, and the elders of the council have been giving me a hard time about this drug issue. How dare they question my ability? I have to go to the human world to find clues.