
My Lust Booster System

Morgan Berry, a.k.a. the ugliest person to ever exist, finds himself transmigrated into a body of a handsome king—Brunos Pegrinan—in a world of succubus beauties. However, his joy lasts for seconds. This brand-new body had been locked for 200 years. His reputation and throne, stained and taken. Old enemies are now stronger than he is. Rules have changed. Many things have changed. Will a weakling like him survive this lustful demon world? Thankfully, Ding! [Lust Booster System loading] Does he really need to be lustful to survive? 'What a strange world!' Join this journey, and through love and support, help our brave and cunning Morgan become the emperor and return to earth to make those who wronged him pay. Wait! He wants revenge? To who? Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you what a miserable death he died. Actually, he was an author and his books had been rejected by publishers for 10 years. Also, his mother, the only person who loved him, was dead. But he never gave up. Who would have thought that after hustling and becoming famous, the very people he promoted would try to kill him? EXCERPT: ———————————————————————————— "Aren't I dead?" "I'm the former king of the Grinan Realm in the Succubi Realms?" "Among the remaining few males?" "Wait! Are you kidding me?" ————————————————————————————

7inkz_etls · Kỳ huyễn
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64 Chs

The Serpent Part 1

The little Brunos pulled Valeria aside saying, "There's something I want to show you."

As always, Valeria's edges glowed green and Brunos knew she was happy for whatever he intended to show her. Wasting no time, he rubbed his hands together for a moment before curving them as if there was a ball inside.

He glanced at Valeria and found her gaze fixed on his hands. "Ready?"

"Hurry!" She replied irritated. "I'm dying of curiosity."

He moved his hands in a circular motion saying, "come come," and then a carmine beam formed inside his hands. It kept growing bigger as he pushed his hands in opposite directions.

"I can form anything from this beam," he said as he stared at Valeria who was beaming. "What do you want to see?"

"A colourful butterfly."

"See?" He asked after pushing the carmine ball up in the air.

Valeria ran into his arms, and while hugging, they stared at it as it slowly took the shape of a butterfly. It was beautiful and grew bigger as the light dispersed into the air.

"It's not as colourful as you wanted," he said lowering his gaze to look at her. "But I promise I will make you a fascinating one one day."

Valeria who was still staring at it with a wow reaction on her face, pointed at it instead of replying. Brunos craned his neck and his mouth fell open. He had never seen a butterfly so big and colorful. "The stars have made it colourful." Valeria said looking at him.

They kept staring at it, and when it finally dissolved, Valeria asked, "Is there something you cannot give me?"

Though Brunos thought the question was weird, he didn't hesitate to tell her that there was nothing he could not give to her.

Valeria looked like someone who was planning to ask for something important in future. "Do you promise?" She asked as if to make him reconsider his decision.

Brunos promised, then the memory ended.

Other memories that Morgan had interrupted earlier continued pulling in until the morning came.

Most of them had been painful and he didn't know if this last one wasn't also painful. Wasn't it painful to see how Valeria loved him? To remember how it ended?

Having lived with Lilyard for five years on Earth well aware that she is a succubus had created a deep connection between him and these creatures. Now that he was one of them—their king—he felt indebted to them. There was no way he was going to let Lilyard's life go to waste. She sacrificed herself so that he could come and be king. And save them from that witch.

This made him wonder how he would talk to Valeria. Without her support as the queen, he didn't know what was going to come of his life. Nothing of his plans would work. Pushing his worries aside, he opened his eyes. The faint sounds of singing birds rhymed with the colourful ceiling. No. Not a ceiling. Wings. They were emitting some light thanks to the light from above them. It was like applying a torch on a coloured clothe.

Not wanting to wake the two succubi and the Petite, he gently unwrapped himself from their wings. However, when he tried to lift himself, he found it impossible and that's when the incident from last evening slipped into his mind.

Lilyon had pulled him to run in a direction opposite where Pergus's roar was coming from. Since he hadn't seen that beast, he was not as scared as them. The fear came when they met another in the direction they were going into. He had never been so scared in his life. Being huge as an elephant was not the reason he felt his heart beating fast. It's the fact that it was on two legs and its sharp, long and glistening fangs that made him sweat. If it wasn't for the Petite who pulled him, he couldn't have been able to take another step.

She had led them to a big tree, triple the size of a sequoia. They hid inside, where he spread his wings allowing them to dwell over them. They used theirs as a covet.

Now that he had unwrapped them, he could admire their beauty. He had had time to stare at them but he had not noticed how complicated their hair colour was. For the big assed of all, he couldn't tell if her hair was blue or black. Something in between. The Petite's was brunette he could tell, but a bit more brown as if auburn. Finally, there was Miss Brown Crimson. Her hair was between those colours.

That smile of I'm lucky surfaced on his face again as he thought, 'If I knew things would be like this, I would have died years before. This breakfast is quite satisfying.'

He listened to their harmonious breathing realizing that his hearing was perfect double his human capabilities.

Now there's nothing he hated about death. Though they had told him he was the weakest of all succubi and incubi, he had a system. The only thing he hated about dying was the process. Of all the people, why would it be his friends?

He shook it aside and stared lustfully at their heavenly parts. He still had more to learn about this beauties.

"What are you staring at?"

'Your boobies! What don't you see?' He said at the back of his brain as he opened his mouth to ask, "Lilyon, are you rude even in the morning?"

"Shh!" Instead of answering, she put her finger on her lips and gestured for him to glance at a terrifying view.

Brunos blinked thinking that it was an illusion, but it was not. He could tell. Two yellow bulbs were staring at them.

'Gosh... have we slept in anaconda's den?'




I hope you guys have enjoyed. More content on the way:)