

"Do you think this is a movie, Eve? You know you can never be with a Nightshade," her father shouts. "I have made up my mind, Dad," she said. Her father took a long look at her and sighed. "When you play with fire, expect to be burnt. What's forbidden is forbidden." Evelyn Gray is the last daughter of Ethan and Elena Gray, members of the Shadow Pack. Her life took a twist when she crossed paths with two men, Lucas and Albert, and eventually fell in love with Albert, a member of the Nightshade Pack, a rival pack. Evelyn must choose between the suitors her parents have arranged for her or her desire to be with Albert, who is already betrothed to Nora. When one of Evelyn’s suitors dies, it threatens to tear them apart. They have to look for a way to clear Albert’s name and uncover the secrets behind the rifts in their packs. Will their love be able to overcome the betrayals and deceits that abound or will this forbidden love lead to further feud?

Lydia_Phillips2002 · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs



I brought out my tarot cards. The reading the previous day for Evelyn has been favorable. The Lovers Card meant that she would find love and luck.

"I just don't know why she will never confide in me," I said out loud as I brought out the deck of cards.

I sat on my usual spot at the table and spread the deck. With confidence, I picked the one that looked odd. And there it was, the messenger of bad faith; the Ten of Swords. I hadn't told Evelyn of the reading yet because I knew she'd never believe me anyway.

This new card was strange. I had to tell someone, I thought to myself.

I packed the cards and placed a call.

"Are you home?" I asked after the click, "On my way."

With that, I put on a free gown, picked up my bag, and headed for the door.

"Evelyn!" I called from the living room, "I'm heading out to see someone. You'd see the list on the table."

"Okay mum," she responded, her voice muffled by the door.

I drove out of the house and within fifteen minutes, I was at the location.

"So happy to see you, Elena," a voice called from the doorway, "You live so close yet so far from me."

"Happy to see you too, Sandra," I said with a smile and gave her a big hug. I didn't have a defense for the other part of what she said.

Sandra and I were friends from way back. We were bonded together by our love for astrology and the ways of the stars. While I got married and just read cards for pleasure, Sandra remained dedicated and refused to get married. Now, she has mastered the mystical arts and although we took different paths, she remained a trusted confidante even though we weren't that close anymore.

"Come in," Sandra said as she ushered me into her abode. Soon, we walked into a room that had an aura of mysticism, "You did well to come, dear friend."

"How could there be two tarot card readings on the same issue?" I asked as Sandra handed me a glass of wine. I took a sip and dropped it on the stool, "I was so excited when I picked up the Lovers Card. I already wanted to confirm when she wasn't giving me any response."

"It is no sheer luck that you picked a different card for the second reading," Sandra said, "The second choice shows you that soon someone would have to make some serious decisions."

Sandra looked at me, noticing I was lost in thought.

"Let's go to the table, then you can show me the second card," Sandra said as she held my hands to lift me and guided me to a seat on the table.

"I thought I knew what I was up against," I confessed, my voice trembling as I handed her the Ten of Swords.

She studied the card carefully. "This card portrays pain and suffering from an external source. Evelyn's path will entwine with someone who loves her deeply and another who will bring her great anguish. The choices she will make now will have significant repercussions."

"For chrissakes!" I yelled, "How will she know which one to choose? She doesn't even talk to me so I can't guide her on what to do."

"You ask the wrong questions, Elena," Sandra said as she turned to the globe on the table, "The right question should be when will she need to choose? Both men will come from afar, but the one who stays is truly meant for her."

"I'm more confused now than when I first arrived," I admitted, feeling the weight of the matter press down on me.

Sandra chuckled softly. "The ways of the universe are beyond our understanding. Whoever fights to stay in her life is aligned with her destiny."

"I wished I knew how to reach her and ask the right questions," I said as I stood up.

Sandra looked at me with a mixture of pity and wisdom. "It's her destiny, not yours, Elena," Sandra said, "She must trust her instincts because it is the universe that gives us the power to shape our futures."

I embraced Sandra and it felt both comforting and apprehensive.

"I hope I get to see more of you these days," Sandra said.

"I will make time, my dear friend," I said, "What's ahead of us requires sticking together."

"That's comforting to hear," Sandra said.

As I turned to leave, something struck me. "One more thing, dear friend," I said, "I perceived a strange scent in front of Evelyn's door the day Ethan and I came back from the Chambers. It was so powerful and frightening, yet so calming. Whoever had it I'm sure was there to protect and didn't pose any danger."

"That's a very easy mystery to resolve," Sandra said, "Let me get you a revealing potion that you can sprinkle in front of her room."

"Uhm, that won't work," I said, as I grabbed her hands.

"Why not?" Sandra asked, "It always works."

"I know it works, but it won't work this time," I mumbled, "You see, I didn't want to frighten anyone especially Evelyn and I also knew Ethan was going to read a lot of meaning into it so I used a mixture of wolf's bane and chamomile to neutralize the scent. The funny thing is that at breakfast the next morning when Evelyn asked if someone else was in the house, I denied it and I never told Ethan."

"Aha!" Sandra said, "In solving a problem, you created another one."

"But there was no one else in the house that I know of!" I howled.

"You have to remain calm, Elena," Sandra said, "You came to me because you want solutions, right?"

I looked down at my feet. "Of course. What happens now that I'm the only one who knows the scent?" I said.

"Don't be too quick to conclude," Sandra said, resting her hands on my shoulders, "You'll find a way. No mystery is ever hidden under the sun. Give me until sundown let me consult some books because I may have an idea who or what it was that was there."

I wanted to ask what she thought but Sandra read my mind too quickly and gave me a dismissive wave. "Don't bother asking now," Sandra said, "Be at peace until the sun sets. Let me worry for now, alright?"

"How can I ever repay you, dear friend?" I asked as she walked me to my car.

"You can start by inviting me over to the house," Sandra said and waved me goodbye.

As I drove out from Sandra's house, I couldn't help but imagine that the universe was certainly having fun. It was not enough that it would introduce two men into Evelyn's life, but then Evelyn had no idea of what was coming.

How best do I reach out to Evelyn? I thought to myself. The charity event was next week and then the full moon. There was no time because Evelyn would be actively involved in both.

But again, she never believed in the stars.