
let's go of my hand

Millan smiled Then he gave her a hand

"It is an honor for us to work with your company, Mr. Millan," said Julia as she tried to remove her hand, but surprisingly, Millan clung to her hand while still looking at her with a smile.

"Umm, I'm sorry Mr. Millan, I think you should let go of my hand" said Julia with a smile on her face

"I tried it too, but I can't" replied Millan while still holding Julia's hand, who was trying to remove her hand

"Mr Millan, please let go my hand so that we can finish the important thing that brought us here" Julia said while gritting her teeth in anger, she had nothing to do because she is just an employee of their company and if she fails to achieve the thing that brought her here, her job will be in danger

"I love you" said Millan while looking at Julia without shame

"Pardon me!!!?" Julia could not believe what she heard

"Okay, since I love you, I will sign the contract first, for you"

Millan let go of Julia's hand, who took a deep breath and thanked God for many times in her heart

.. after a while Everything was completed

"Thank you, Mr. Millan, for your cooperation, I think I have to leave now" said Julia as she got up and started to leave

"Ms Julia" called Millan and Julia found herself turning and looking at Millan

"John, you can go" only after being given the order, John left very quickly and left Millan and Julia who did not understand what Millan wanted

"Is there something I can do to help you, Mr Millan?" asked Julia

"Yes" replied Millan as he approached Julia

" You can tell if it is one of my roles as a representative of our company I can help you* said Julia quickly

Millan approached her, suddenly he pulled her and kissed her, it happened so quickly that even Julia couldn't prehend what just happened, when she comes to her sense, Millan already let her go

"Sweet" said Millan as he licked his lips and looked at Julia who was full of anger


Julia couldn't control her anger and she found herself slap Millan without fear. Then she turned and left the meeting room quickly with tears streaming down her face.

A few minutes passed while Millan was still standing like that, he couldn't believe that he had been hit, he slowly touched the cheek that was hit by Julia then he chuckled softly

"See you soon sweetheart"


"Oi Millan, why don't you call any beautiful girl, it's not your usual" asked Kaiser who is a friend of Millan

"I don't think there is a beautiful person here to satisfy me" replied Milan while looking thoughtful

"What's bothering you?" asked the kaiser after seeing that his friend was not well

"Do you think there is something to disturb me?" Millan said while drinking his wine. After a while a woman came and accompanied Millan to the hotel

"Would you like us to shower first?" She asked the woman as she tried to unbutton Milan's shirt

"How much do you want?" Millan asked as he push aside the woman's hands

"We'll talk about that when we're done"

"You can say it right now" Millan took out his wallet and started counting money, Then he threw them on the bed. "I think that's enough for you"

He said then he left the room, he didn't feel to have any woman that day


"I told you that the boss of that company is known to have many women"

"I hate him, I hate him!!!"

It was a conversation between Julia and her friend Nila

"But you weren't supposed to hit him, what if he goes to tell your boss?" Nila asked while looking at her friend Julia

* Ahhh!! Wherever, I don't understand why I'm so unlucky"

"That's not a bad luck, that Mr. is handsome, you have nothing to lose, hehe"

"NILA!! You idiot, you are joining the barbarian, what kind of friend are you?"


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