
Do you afraid now

The boss of the shipping company was informed by his assistant that Milan will arrive at the company that day

"Everything is fine?" asked Mr Joshua who is the boss of the shipping company as he got up from his chair ready to go to receive a very important guest

"Yes, boss, everything is fine, and Mr. Millan will arrive soon" replied the assistant as he opened the door for Mr. Joshua

While on the way to the company reception to receive a guest, suddenly appeared a girl who wore a very beautiful dress and made her look like an international model approach them

"Dad" called the girl as she approached Mr Joshua who was standing waiting for his daughter

"Angel, what are you doing here?"

"Dad, why didn't you tell me that Milan is coming today" asked Angel with disappointed tone

"Ahh, I am getting older, so you will forgive this father, right my daughter?" said Mr Joshua while smiling

They laughed and accompanied each other to receive the guest


"I heard the boss of the MC company will visit our company today"

"Wow, I head he is very handsome "

"Yes, he is handsome, and rich"

"Ooh hurry let's go and see him"

Julia heard her colleagues talking about the arrival of Milan, On her part it was not at all happy

'Aaaahh!! The fool is everywhere'

Julia said to herself as she wanted to stand with the others in line to receive Mr. Millan


"Welcome Mr Millan" said Mr Joshua as he shook Millan's hand

"Thank you" replied Milan

"Millan, welcome to our company" said Angel while smiling shyly

Millan looked at Angel and then smiled a little

When they entered the company, Millan looked at every corner as he find something and finally he smile after seeing the person he was looking for.

"Oh Mr. Millan, is there a problem? why are you stop walking?" asked Mr Joshua

Julia, who was in front of millan bow her head while cursing Millan

'go, go, why are you standing here, oh God, save me'

Julia pray silently but Millan still standing there and look at her amusing.

While all that happens, Angel witnessed the way Millan was looking at Julia, she clenched her fists angrily while looking at Julia

Millan didn't care about people's eyes, he slowly approached Julia, he approach her very close. Then he whispered to her

"What? Do you afraid now?" Millan asked while looking at Julia who still bowed her head

"Tch, tch, you were very brave when you hit me that day," Millan continued to say in a low voice that only Julia could hear.


The other workers remained open-mouthed for what juu happened. Then they began to whisper to each other

"Oh, how come Mr. Millan approached Julia like that"

"I can't even hear what they're talking about"

"I heard Mr Millan is dating Ms Angel"

"Or will it be just a rumor"

"Poor Ms Angel, see how angry she is"

Whispers continued among the employees until Millan decided to go on a tour within the company....

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