
My Love since Forever

They have known each other for so long, Lin did not know when her feelings for Chen has changed and why, but all of a sudden, she felt shy towards him but at the same time, she wanted to stay close. Chen was the school idol, not only was he handsome but was top of his class as well, but he only has his eyes set for one girl, Lin, who happens to be his sisters' best friend. "Lin, since you don't have a date for prom, why don't you just ask my brother?" Quin was her best friend ever since they were little, the two were inseparable. Little Sis:[Now is your time brother, be here tomorrow at seven in the evening, Lin has no date for prom] My Brother:[I will be there.] ------------------------------------- "Thank you for coming today Chen, if it were not for you, it would have been troublesome for me." Lin said while letting out a sigh, she never wanted this night to end. "If anyone tries to bother you, just tell them that you already have a boyfriend." Chen said, although his tone was rather calm, but his heart was about to jump out of his chest, it's now or never. "Hahahaha, yeah right, an imaginary boyfriend would be so convincing." Lin looked at the boy and saw how serious his face was. "It doesn't have to be invisible, just tell them it's me." Chen looked at the girls' reaction, "Well until such time you find someone you really like Lin" he immediately blurted out. Lin's heart was doing a summersault, it's now or never Lin, "O.....kay then" she whispered.

monamay · Tổng hợp
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23 Chs

Next step: Reject or Date?

Gao Chen seems to know his way around the kitchen, and it seemed that he did all the cooking all the time, so the moment he came over with a spoon for her to taste the sauteed vegetable, she just can't help but exclaimed, "It's good!". As she continued chewing, Gao Chen got a bowl for her and put in some of the vegetables in it because it looked like she wanted to eat more. Seeing the bowl of vegetables, her eyes twinkled and gave him her sweetest smile, then immediately indulge on the food.

He was shaking his head, whoever said that the best way to a man's heart was through his stomach got it all wrong because this phrase is not only for men, it was for women too! "Am I not the best boyfriend, sweetheart?" he teased while putting down the glass of milk in front of her which she absent-mindedly nodded, in her mind, he was asking her if the food was good, then she looked up when she thought she heard him say something else, "What did you just say?"

"It was nothing, you seemed to enjoy your food, do you want more?" he easily diverted Fua Lins' attention to food, but he secretly smiled, he can easily turn the tables around as long as he prepares good food for her.

After breakfast, the Gao siblings and Fua Lin arrived at school before the bell even rang, but before they went their separate ways Gao Chen said "I will go with you to the hospital after class, wait for me, okay?." then he patted the girls head and glanced at his sister before leaving both girls in front of their building. Gao Quin already noticed that her brother acted weird towards Fua Lin but now it was not only weird but it was sweet and caringly weird, was something going on between the two?

"Linlin, about what I said last time about Chen-ge liking someone, I think I misunderstood, so just don't mind it, okay?" Gao Quin started off their conversation and stopped her before they went inside their classroom. Fua Lin did not know whether to tell her or not about what happened between her and her brother, but she did not like keeping secrets with her best friend as well, so she decided to be honest with her.

"I know Qinqin. Don't worry about it." she simply said

"What?! So you know that he likes you too?!" Gao Quin can't help exclaimed, what else did she miss.

Fua Lin placed a hand over her mouth "Sshh, not too loud. Yes, he told me as well." this time her voice was more quiet than usual.

"Then?" Gao Quin interrogated, she did not know her brother has such smooth moves.

"What?" she did not understand what her best friend was asking her.

"What do you mean what? Is your EQ that low, a boy just confessed to you, so what are you planning to do?" she can't hide her excitement, she felt giddier than perhaps her brother and best friend.

"Oh,ahm...I don't know," she admitted, to be honest, she really has no idea what will happen next, but she felt rather comfortable knowing what Gao Chen felt about her than continuously guessing why his actions were extremely gentle towards her. And it also made her heart flutter at the same time that she was special to him because she feels the same way about the boy..

"What do you mean you don't know?" Gao Quin can't help but shake her head, she was definitely not pleased with her best friends' answer, she was expecting that with Fua Lin's intelligence she should know that next to confession is either dating or rejecting.

"Did you reject him?" Gao Quin continued, Fua Lin shook her head, "So are you two going to start dating now?" Fua Lin again shook her head. "So he confessed, and obviously you feel the same way. But why are you guys not going to date? Baby, this situation is more complex than our math homework." Gao Quin was about to have a migraine.

"I don't know what you're thinking Xiao Qin. Why, is there something wrong about two people liking each other and not date? I don't think there is anything wrong with that." Gao Quin was about to say something but Fua Lin continued, "After all, grandma is still in the hospital, and Gao Chen said that we will talk again once everything is settled." then Fua Lin turns around and settled on her seat and got their homework out.

"Wait, so Linlin, you mean that after grandma has recovered and everything is peaceful again, you two will start dating?" Gao Quin cannot hide the happiness blooming in her heart with the fact that her best friend will be her real sister, she can't help smiling to herself. But before she got an answer their homeroom teacher was already inside the room.