

She went to the 'workplace' with her bag. She entered at the backdoor and walked straight to the corner room. She entered the room and she was shocked on what she saw. Many female entertainers there wear only a tiny piece of clothing. She need to wear that all night while pleases her client. She was afraid and she thought what will happen to her after.

Her train of thoughts disappeared when she heard a voice coming from the door. "You must be the one that Yang Xen mentioned." The manager circled her and examined. "You really are high value. Fresh and young. That's what most of my patron always looking for. Getting your first means a lot of cash. If you managed to impress them and leave a good remarks, who knows maybe they even give you more. Even if it is not full time, you mustn't slack off. He told me about your huge debt so work hard." The manager said and walks out of the room.

"You must be new here right? From your looks you must be forced to do this right?" One of the girl asked her.

"Yes I'm new yew here and that is true, I have no other choice but to work here to pay debts." she replied with her head lowered.

"Everyone has their own reasons why they are here. All of us need to earn money and this is the fastest way. Actually, what manager said was right. Use your freshness and your age as your advantage. Do well to quickly earn money and to leave here as soon as possible. I know you are scared, it is the same for us when we first arrived here. You will be okay in no time here."

She put her bag to an empty locker before changing her dress. She was stunningly beautiful. With her slender legs, pale white skin, thin waist, with a light touch of makeup reveals her elegant aura.

After dressing up, she waits at the corner waiting for her to be called. She can't hide her nervousness as she breath unsteadily. Shortly after, the manager came back to the room looking for her.

"Nina come out. It's your time to shine" the manager said with a smile as they walk at the hallway.

"This is the room, just focus on earning money. Don't let us down with your performance."

"Thank you manager"

"Okay, I'll be going now"

She was now alone at the hallway staring at the door. It was room 127. Everything will change once she enters the room. She breath an airful before exhaling it. She tried to remove all her fears but she can't calm down. When she felt she was ready, she opened the door. She saw a young man standing by the window staring at the sky. He looked at the girl who opened the door and he was shocked.

"Nina is that you?" the young man wants to identify the identity of the girl who entered the room.

Nina can't help but tremble when she heard him call her name. When she saw clearly the face of the young man, she froze at her spot and can't utter a single word.

The young man has a sword like eyebrows, his pupils were like a pair of blackhole ready to swallow everything, his perfect jawline and his sharp nose. She can't help but to gaze at him.

"AB" she called his name and her tears are welling up in her eyes. No wonder her parents wants her to go there because they already found a man who will able to protect and love their precious Nina.

"Why are you here?" she asked him. This was the first words that came out from her mouth.

"I lost in a game and this is my punishment. I need to stay in this place till early morning. Nina why are you here" AB asked him. He doesn't understand why a girl like her is working on this place.

"There are many things that happened and I end up here." Nina said and she can't stop her tears flowing. Looking at her, the things at her end are bit complicated. He can see the sadness in her eyes as well as hatred.

"The night is long, come here and tell me about it. I know you have problems and you can share it with me." he sat at the bed and signaled her to sit beside him. He quickly remoce his coat and it made her startled. Realizing what she was thinking he said to her in a straight face "Don't worry Nina, I just want to cover you. I know you are not comfortable with that dress. AB actually became hard when he saw her with only tiny piece of clothing. He need to distract his thoughts out first by covering her.

"Oh... Thank you" Nina blushed when she thought that will do it.

"Now Nina, do you want to share your story?"