

"But I need a contract and clarify things first."

Nina said in a serious voice. She don't trust the man sitting opposite of her. She knew that she can be harassed in the future so she need some protection even a little.

"Okay, I can agree to that. Now tell me your terms my dear."

"First, I don't want anyone to leak this information outside. I know that you will be the one arranging those people to me and I don't trust them that they will keep their mouth shut. Secondly, I must finish my studies first. You cannot disturb me when I am studying. Third, I don't want people come at my house looking for me. I will work only at a fixed time and I will not welcome anyone after that. You can pick the days when I will work. Can you agree with that?" She said to him without blinking an eye.

"Ohh... Your conditions are about your study and privacy. Well I can promise you that. If you cannot pay within two years, you will become a permanent employee there for the rest of your life. If there's nothing more then I'll take my leave." Yang Xen smiled with full of lust when she saw her tremble.

After they left, Nina felt that her tears started flowing. She didn't know how it end up like this. Everything that her parents worked hard vanished in an instant. She don't know where she will look for help. Her parent's relative weren't trustworthy enough for her. She knew that her parents have bad blood between them and they don't like to talk about that matters. She wished that her friends in that rural town were going to help her just like when they were young. She can't focus to study when everything happened earlier still troubling her. She tidied up her things and started to cook dinner. She tried to rest after dinner but she can't even stop thinking what happened this past few days.

She wake up early morning big eyebags under her eyes. Even though she didn't get enough sleep, she still need to go to school. She is already in her last year, she must graduate no matter what and find a decent job for her to earn money for their so called 'debt'.

After her classes ended, she went to the supermarket to buy vegetables and meat for her dinner. Suddenly her phone vibrated. She took out her phone to look and she can't stop trembling when she read the message.

'Don't forget that you have 'work' tonight. Best of luck on your first.


She panicked, she don't know what to do. Her mind is a mess and can't think properly. She never did it before. She was scared. There were no way out. She can't believe that just like a month ago they live a normal life, now she was at the bottom entertaining guest.

'Ah.... what a life. What did I do wrong to suffer this much? Father, mother, please help me. I don't know what to do' She cried and cried until she feel tired and fallen to sleep.

'My daughter, you must go. You will find your answer there. It is okay to let go that share if you are suffering because that is our last will to you. I don't want to ruin your future with that, you must look for a man that will protect and love you no matter how complicated things are. You must go there and you will find the answer.'

'Father wait! don't go! stay with me. I don't want to be alone. I don't know what will happen to me. Please stay by my side'

'Nina, that is our last advice to you as your parents. Remember this, We love you no matter what happens'

'Wait!' Nina woke up from her dream sweating profusely. She felt like it was real. She felt like that her parents were beside her earlier guiding her. But she don't understand why her parents wants for her to go there. She knew that her parents do not have any bad intentions to her so she followed their advice. She dressed up and went to her 'workplace'.