
Alex catches Melissa

"What did you want to say earlier?" Jayden asked Jennifer.

"Nothing, I will tell you all later," Jennifer said and walked towards Elina.

She knows this was not the right time to disclose the details that she had gathered. The main person she wanted to ask for help was missing right now. More than that her best friend's cries made her heartache. 

She lifted Elina and hugged her tightly. She then started to pat her back to soothe her. Melissa did not feel good either. She knows it was her fault for bringing up that matter now. She knew about Aiden, but she thought he would forgive Elina's father; at least if not for Elina but Irena. 

Who would have thought, he would still be a stone-hearted person and there was no sympathy left in his heart. 

"This time you did a very bad job, honeybee!" Jayden scoffed at Melissa.