
My love is a WITCH

Things turned upside down when Akhilesh, a graduate student, find out the girl he love is a Witch from parallel world. But he doesn't want to give up on his love and that only lead him into a darker roads he can never comeback from. Can he face the consequences? What dangers are await him? Read to find out if he will have a 'they-lived-happily-ever-after' ending or not.

uncookedspaghetti · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

The Awakening.

Amazon forest, A newly discovered cave.

Time morning 3 O' clock.

"This place is a pure nature's hub. Not a single human's foot print anywhere nearby this place until yesterday night," a reporter said facing to the camera as she walked amid the thick forest of amazon, she continued, "Yesterday night, the satellite recorded drastic temperature raises in this area and some local tribes are said to witnessed some weird sounds coming from here. So the famous geologists came here this morning and their's is the first human step here."

The reporter went to a man in thick white beard and bald head, "Sir, what is happening here?" she asked.

"Last night we recorded an enormous change in temperature in this place. It seems to be confined to some radius around here. So, me and my fellow geologists came here this morning out of sheer curiosity. Look there," he said pointing his index finger into some deep forest. The woods covered the sight but the place seems to be slightly elevated and there are no trees at that spot. "That place there, is where the heat is originating. From now on you will start to sweat as we walk to that place" he said, wiping the sweat off his forehead, "we found a cave and sent an exploring team into the cave. It all happened so quick. The first batch of the team is supposed to comeback by now with their findings. Here they are" he said rushing at the people coming out from the oblivion of the big cave. They are covered with dirt and sweating all over. They carried a big piece of rock slab with them. The guy with white beard along with his personal assistant, a girl in tight white shirt and full framed spectacles. The girl took the slab and with her gloved hands she cleared the dust on the slab. Some little ancient drawings were seen on the slab.

"this is impossible" she said.

"what is that?" the reporter asked.

The man with beard snatched the slab. Camera focus on the drawings of the slab.

The voice of the white beard guy said, "I'm not sure but I think it means..."

"what?" the reporter asked.

"what!" his Personal assistant asked.

"what? for god sake tell us" the camera guy said.

The white beard geologist, flipped the stone and dusted if off. There is a giant bird like sketch etched over it. The wings so big that an elephant was drawn as if it is taking shade under them.

The beard guy said "I think it's a name of some god like being, Akhara..."

An ear bursting roar reverberated from the cave. A roar that shook the spines of everyone of them. They all stared the cave. A faint hum of breathing echoed from inside of the cave.

(To be continued...)