
My love is a WITCH

Things turned upside down when Akhilesh, a graduate student, find out the girl he love is a Witch from parallel world. But he doesn't want to give up on his love and that only lead him into a darker roads he can never comeback from. Can he face the consequences? What dangers are await him? Read to find out if he will have a 'they-lived-happily-ever-after' ending or not.

uncookedspaghetti · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Back to the Danger.

I'm supposed to be dead by now. We all are supposed to be dead with all these wolves eating our bodies: our blood in their mouths, our insides inside their stomach. But We aren't dead, yet. These wolves suddenly stopped charging at us and started running away. It took me a while to figure out but then I saw a purplish-blue light radiating from my pants, between my legs. What the hell?!

Remember the cooling blue crystal Priya gave to keep inside my pants. Yeah, as Diya told me after we reached our home that the stone is a 'Blood Stone'. The blood that oozed out from my neck trailed down my pants and to the stone and activated it. When these stones get activated they will start to emit some kind of radiation that messes up with blood cells of the beings around them. It is like a silent time bomb. You activate a crystal and hid it in the pack of wolves then see them die one by one. Wolves know this. That's why they ran off as soon as they saw the light. Thanks to Diya. She woke up few minutes later and told me about the stone and grabbed it out from my pants ( Remember? I was so weak, I couldn't even move. So, she put her hand inside my pants and grabbed the stone out. I was expecting a dirty comment like Anaconda or Big Python. But she didn't say anything). If she didn't threw off the stone at that time, we all would be dead by now not even knowing why we died.

My body came into my control by the time we reached my home. We sneaked into my room through the window. Diya laid me on my bed, gave me a hug and after my relentless insisting, she left. I told my parents that I got fever. Actually it was even worse. I felt the body pains, shivering hands and legs for next two days.

I stayed back at home for few days because I just couldn't ride the bike with my shivering hands. Diya came over with my friend Ganesh. Seeing Diya, my mom gave me the look, the look that shoots thousands of questions just in the snap of the time. I pretended I didn't see her. I took them into my room and closed the door behind.

"How did you know that I was in the cabin that night?" I asked her. This question kept eating my brain ever since she rescued me. As if my brain is a bucket of vanilla ice cream for it.

Diya rolled her eyes, "It's so complicated. Just let's say, I know things".

"No, Diya, If you don't give me a proper explanation, I will have to doubt you. You came after Priya was taken. Priya doesn't like you. Now you are not telling me how you found me. Did you help that old witch to do all this? If you do, mark my words, I will never forgive you for that. Ever" I said. My voice is genuinely serious.

"Look, Mr.Akhilesh", said Diya, "Yeah, we don't like each other. But I'm not a bitch to do such cheap tricks behind your back. There are seven strains in our vampires. I'm the 'Violet' strain.My strain has the ability to sense the 'Aura' of the surroundings. For example, I went to Ganesh's house before We came here. I sensed that he masturbated 13 and a half time since this morning."

"How do you know that?" shouted ganesh, clearly surprised and shocked.

said Diya, "Every object has an aura. Which is a multi layered, invisible, kind of radiation around it. When two objects come closer or move nearby they disrupt the auras of the place leaving a trail of their actions. Others can't sense these changes in the aura clearly. But I can. I know which way one moved in this place in the past and with what kind of intention they moved. Your moods change your aura. And, Ganesh, from the sense of the mood I got from you, I'm sure you were not watching 'Tom and Jerry' when I came."

"But what is a 'half' time?" I asked her, absently making a disgusting look on my face.

"He was in the middle of the process when I knocked on his door. He even stuck his thing while he was zipping his pants back. That's why he took so much time to open the door" said Diya.

"So tell me which T-rex had sex in Akhilesh's bed room 66 million years ago from now?" Ganesh asked mockingly.

"I can't", siad Diya, "See the changes in the aura are not permanent. It's like flattened cushion on the sofa just after you stand up. Eventually it gets back to its shape. Just like that the place's aura eventually resets itself. So I can't figure out what happened there after the aura got reset. The impact of your aura is directly proportional to the intensity of your intentions." said Diya.

It's really amazing, I thought. I mean, how cool it is to just rewind back and see what and how things happened at a place. Diya is special. I kind of like her. Her boldness, her hot figure, her super powers, who doesn't like a sexy girl like her. I still have lot more questions but mom shouted from the hall, telling us to join for the dinner. It wasn't a choice, it's an order. So we followed it. After dinner, it was too late to sit and talk. So, they left. Before they leave, Diya held my hand and took a promise from me: She told me to never ever go back to the cabin. She said she can't lose me again. All those dead guys from the Priya's college went to that place just before their deaths. I'm the only one who went there twice and didn't die yet. She said the place is not for humans, especially at nights. I can see tears in her eyes. She really loves me so much. I didn't promise her at first, but she insisted me to say that I promise her. So, I said I promise her.

It is middle of the night. Dark. I'm alone in the room. Lost. I can't sleep. I want to meet Priya. I wonder what's happening to her now. Above all, a question is killing me: Is she still alive? Diya told me Mochi created her to sacrifice her. What does that mean? I don't know. I can't stay calm. I can't just pretend everything's okay. I have to do something. So I did. I unscrewed the window, kick started the bike and headed to the woods.

I don't know if I will live or die after this night, But if there is no Priya in my life, I will be dying every minute of my life. I'm coming for you Priya, just hold on.

Just after I reached the woods I heard a long, deep wolf howl.

(To be continued...)