
My love is a WITCH

Things turned upside down when Akhilesh, a graduate student, find out the girl he love is a Witch from parallel world. But he doesn't want to give up on his love and that only lead him into a darker roads he can never comeback from. Can he face the consequences? What dangers are await him? Read to find out if he will have a 'they-lived-happily-ever-after' ending or not.

uncookedspaghetti · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

(don't) Dare to Kiss A Witch?!

Ganesh's face baceme pale when I told him about how her eyes turned coal black. He is afraid. I can say it from his shivering legs. I thought he wouldn't believe. I mean if your friend suddenly rushes into your house, drinks the rotting juice from your fridge and tells you that his girlfriend is a black eyed witch would you believe him?

"Is she a ghost?" he asked me. I think he is pissing his pants. He is afraid of ghosts. At night, he sleeps with all lights on.

"No, even worse," I told him, finishing the juice with a last suck. "She is a Witch"

"What? Does she drink blood and pluck needles into dolls?" he asked me. Surprise blended with disgust in his voice. I couldn't stand someone talking about my girl with disgust in their tone. But she is a 'Witch', not Ms.Universe, people talk only bad things about witches. Is she really bad? Is she really a witch? I don't know. I hope she is not.

"So, if she is a witch. Why didn't she hurt you?" he asked me.

"I don't know, in fact, she saved me." I said.

"Yeah, she could have left you to the wolves and while wolves are busy devouring you she can easily walk away from there. But she didn't. Why? Does she loves you, too?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know" I was never this confused about anything. I want her to love me. But I don't want to be loved by a witch.

"What happened after freezing the wolves. Did she ate them all?" he asked me.

"No, why did you even think that? Her cabin was a couple of steps away from there. She took me into the cabin and waited there until the sunrise. She told that werewolves will lose their power if the moon is gone" I told him.

"Oh" he said. I can sense disappointment in his tone. I think he is expecting some nasty things like Priya eating all those wolves alive, their raw blood flowing out from her mouth as she gnawed on the wolf flesh. But hell no,her eyes turned to normal once we entered into her cabin and then she is still the most beautiful girl I ever saw.

"What happened to your dick. Did some wolf chewed it off or what? why are you wasting my ice cubes?" he asked, irritated. I unbuttoned my pant and was putting the ice bag inside while he said that. Yeah, his anger is reasonable.

"No, man. My dick is safe and intact. No one chew it yet" I said, grinning. Trying some dark humor.

"Did that vampire girl in your bathroom sucked the blood from it or what? Take that bag out of your pants first" he shouted.

"No, man. She was so nice. Of course she is a vampire, but she's nice. She just mistook me for his dead boyfriend 'Drake'. But the problem is she still believes that I'm Drake. No matter how much I tell her that I'm a human and no, I don't like being bitten and sucked the blood off me, she still wants to bite me. She thinks her boyfriend 'Drake' took rebirth as me. She tried telling me about her love with Drake, all night, just to recover my past life memories which I don't have. She was so pissed off" I was still talking when Ganesh interrupted.

"So then, she kicked your balls and left saying 'tiny dick', right?" he said. He is the most annoying friend I ever have.

"No, she left me in the morning when I begged her to leave before my parents come" I told him.

"So, you guys didn't fuck?" He asked.

"Noooo..." I said.

"Then what happened to your python? Did you struck it while zipping your pants?" he asked.

"No, man. Priya hit me" I told him, looking down, ashamed.

"there? how?" he asked, happiness and enthusiasm radiating form his face.

"with her knee. when I was kissing her" I said.

"You kissed a witch?" he asked me, laughing.

"Stop it, Ganesh, Don't call her a witch. I'm serious. I still love her. I'm just confused." I shouted, my anger is clearly resonating in my tone.

"Sorry, man. I don't mean to hurt you. What happened?" he asked. His voice pleasing, sympathizing. Maybe this is why I keep him even when he is annoying as hell at times. He understands me more than I understand myself.

"It was dawn and the wolves were gone. I didn't sleep all night. She stayed up most part of night but fell asleep about an hour before dawn. She was sitting on the chair with her one arm on the table beside and her chin in her palm. I was sitting on the chair far away from her. She told me to stay away from her. So, I just kept staring at her stunning face. She is really one of a kind. Not just the beauty but there's something about her that brings me to my knees and makes me beg for more of her. The first light entered the cabin. The cabin was engineered such a way that the light from the roof falls on the fist-sized crystal in the middle of the room and reflects over entire cabin with kaleidoscopic patterns all over. The whole cabin is magically lit with dim, soft, morning yellow light. Her lips shined to that light. Those rose pink lips. They were wet. Her nostrils flaring slightly as her warm breath touching her wet puffy lips. She looked so tender. So delicate, like a flower, like a baby, like a cherry atop the pastry. I couldn't help but touch her. So I walked to her, held her cheeks with my both hands. She didn't wake. I looked at her sleeping face. She is just mind blowing. Involuntarily, out of instinct, my lips moved towards hers." I was still saying when Ganesh started jumping and asked, "Did you kiss her? Did you just had your first kiss?"

I made a sad face saying, "No man, just a moment before my lips touches hers, she woke up, pushed me off and kicked me between my legs."

(To be continued....)