
My love is a WITCH

Things turned upside down when Akhilesh, a graduate student, find out the girl he love is a Witch from parallel world. But he doesn't want to give up on his love and that only lead him into a darker roads he can never comeback from. Can he face the consequences? What dangers are await him? Read to find out if he will have a 'they-lived-happily-ever-after' ending or not.

uncookedspaghetti · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

"Kill the witch, first"

The portals opened in middle of the forest and hundreds of dead men on dead horses jumped out of the portals. They all assembled on a higher cliff. Down below the cliff is a wooden cabin with a broken door. 'Mochi' stepped out of the portal and slowly walked towards the cliff. There's a rope in her half decayed hand, tied to the other end of the rope is the dead body of Diya. As she walked to the edge of the cliff, the bloodied body of Diya was dragged behind her.

Mochi stood on the cliff, staring at cabin, with her block robe flying behind her like a flag of death.

"If he transforms into David, like he did in our world, we cannot control him" said a dead man on the horse beside her. The dead man's forehead is half chopped off.

Mochi made a crooked smile with her cracked lip and said "I'm expecting it. That is why I have awakened the 'Akhara'"

"Akhara!" gasped the dead men around.

"But that one is the spirit animal of the first incarnation of the Vampire god, Arakhan" said the dead man with the chopped head, shiver in his voice and fear in his words are clearly visible on his dead face.

Mochi just smiled.

"It's the powerful being ever lived on this planet earth. It is one of the main reason why we couldn't triumph over Arakhan on the earth. We all are dead men now because we fought hard to kill all of its race. You put the last one of them alive, the Arakhan's spirit animal, Akhara, by putting a spell that made it to hibernate. If you wake it up now, I don't think we can control it anymore."

"It's just his pet," sighed Mochi, "like any other one, without its owner, the pet is lost and helpless. We couldn't defeat it not because of it's monstrous strength but due to Arakhan's enormous intellect. Without him, Akhara is just a wild animal and I know how to tame the shrew"

Mochi pulled out a yellow long crystal from her robe and broke it. The powdered pieces of it spread in the wind and carried towards the cabin. Minutes later the faint blue light glistening inside the cabin began to dull. The wolves that are waiting for the crystal to put off have started gathering around the cliff. The blue light disappeared, finally. All the wolves stood on the cliff along with the Mochi and her dead army. Mochi's spell broke the blood stone dead.

"If he transforms into David," said Mochi, "I'll unleash the Akhara on him. It will rip his flesh and drink his blood, making our job easier."

"but..." said the dead man with half head, "the awakened Akhara will destroy the earth, too"

"Of course, it does" said Mochi and laughed so loud that it echoed in the woods, frightening every soul in the forest. And after finishing the long laughter, she whispered, "March".

The next moment, entire forest echoed with the pounding foot steps of the wolves and the dead horses carrying the crippled dead men. The metal swords and spears clinked with one another as the whole crowd marched at once towards the cabin. The ground shook. The cabin shivered. Akhilesh is alone inside with unconcious Priya. His blood intoxicated from radiation of the blood stone and his senses baffled.

The whole army of Mochi and the wolves surrounded the cabin.

"Kill the witch, first" came the command from the Mochi and the place rumbled with the hungry wolves and blood thirsty knives rushing into the cabin.

(To be continued...)