

Hello everyone...I am Shammiyah...I am a medical student and also a writer by passion...I love to read...I already attempted to write in webnovel a year ago,but i didn't continue it due to some reasons...And now i decided to continue my work...So i will be re-writing my old novel...with a little changes in the story line and plot...When I decided to write again...i didn't want to leave my previous work and start on something different...because i totally fell in love with my previous story...and i didn't want to leave it there...Some of the events were actually from my own experiences and mist of the characters are named after the people i value a lot in my life...like the female leads' parents are named after the initials of my parents...hence this piece of work is something that is very close to my heart...I really write every word from my heart...i also hope when you read it you call also feel the warmth...Do support and share...with all this veing said i will briefly explain about the story line...


Jonathan - male lead

Sandriya - female lead

Mr.Andrews & Mrs.Anna Andrews - Sandriya's parents

Merissa,Elina,Cathy - Sandriya's friends

Mr.Steve - Jonathan's butler

These are some of the important people in the story...and there are others too...some come in as twists in the story...so that i can't tell now😉.Each person in the story share a great value for the relationships they have with each other.Despite having their own life,each person supports eachother adding meaning to their friendship...

I hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoy writing it...I will be releasing a new chapter every sunday and some times more chapter at a time...Do share your thoughts with me in the comments...Your comments are the source of great inspiration...so let me know if you like the story or may be you expect something else...Enjoy reading everyone...