

" Everything inside the Tower is just a replica of the ***** Universes." Kaun responds. " Before I move from here I want to check something." Shiddharth says and then takes out the sword and slices the kaun face. [ You have attacked Tower's manager Kaun] [ You have gone against the Contract] [ You will recieve the Tower's punishment the thunderbolt of Zeus] [ Due to your Skill : Defy The Tower Law] [ You will not receive any punishment] [ The contract will is broken so the contract will end here.] " Hahaha even the Tower's Manager cannot mess with." " I and Only I am the Overpowered in this Tower." " And everything Else is just an ant in front of me."

DOLLAR_ · Võ hiệp
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34 Chs

location Introduction

The Lone Desert ::

The world of desert where there is only desert. Here a special type of monster is found, a centipede type body and face of an ant with strong teeth. They can crush anything with their teeth.

The Rise of East Continent ::

A city located in the Vithuen World. It is beautiful where many guilds reside and this place is also known as the market of LIUNETH. Many people reside here and this is a beautiful city with small houses where everyone lives happily. This City is surrounded by different kinds of monsters, and the Slayers (the one who hunts the monsters) hunt these monsters and earn money. The meat of monsters is tasty and thus has high demand.

The Burning Bone ::

A city that is always burning and it is located in Mueneth World. Here many high level Slayers reside. This place is good for leveling up and has many high level monsters.

It will be updated soon as I will update the chapter. Kindly read all chapters and please leave comments.