
My Little Yellow Book

Other yellow books are hated and called vulgar, but my little yellow book is kind and unique in the whole wide world! [Yellow Book- Slang for a pornographic book]

LIght_Novel_San · Thanh xuân
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My Little Yellow Book

Little Yellow Book, it is early in the morning and I'm already greeting you! Aren't I good?

Actually, I don't want to meet you so early in the morning, little yellow book. But, I can't go outside just yet.

Mommy and Daddy are screaming outside, they beat my alarm clock in waking me up.

It seems like Mommy is not happy when me and Daddy went to the amusement park without her.

Their scream is getting louder and louder, and it means that they are about to finish their routine.

I think, that is their training for improving the loudness of their voice, my classmate said so. It seems like my classmate's mommy and daddy

also want a loud voice.

Oh, their voices stopped! It means that I can go outside now, but just to be sure, I waited for five minutes before going out.